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DC firefighter suspended for refusing crime patrol

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Every single fireman and officer should refuse this assignment or at the very least officially document every single time that they are doing it unwillingly and under duress. Not to mention that both the police and fire unions should be doing everything they can to fight it. This is a joke, a horrible stop gap measure to try and inadequately solve a problem without spending any more money where it's really needed. I wonder if they are giving nasal narcan to everyone with a pulse too like NY. Absolute waste of resources.

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The MOS who refused this detail is well known as an extremely dedicated firefighter and trusted source of training knowledge. Outgoing Chief Ellerbe only details E30/T17 and E10/T13 to these assignments. These are some of the busiest companies in the country let alone the District and it would appear that he has an axe to grind with them. I've heard these referenced as the "retaliation companies". This guy can't leave town fast enough.

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They suspended him, but what happened to the LT that didn't respond to the medical across the street from quarters?

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I agree that it is silly to use an unarmed fire truck as a crime deterent. Just curious but does the DC's IAFF have the capability to seek out either mediation or binding arbitration? There has to be some rememdy.

The LT in the medical situation retired something like a week later so she could avoid have her name dragged through the mud. I think there was a washington post article about her current situation

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Pretty terrible idea.....

The obvious and already stated aside; FD and EMS typically enjoy an amicable relationship with the community. For the most part, everyone know's we're there to help. We're unarmed, walking in and out of troubled buildings and developments. This goes double for EMS, who typically ride only double. I'm not a cop, I don't carry a firearm or hand-cuffs. I have no interest in performing the task they perform, they're already proficient. All things considered, I'm not looking to jeopardize my safety to act as a physical deterrent, and a poor one at best.

They wanna lower crime, they should hire more cops!

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Most of the responses posted above are sensible, mainly because most of you are looking at this issue in a logical context. Sadly, "Chief" Ellerbe's actions are driven not by logic or even by policy objectives. Unfortunately his agenda while at the helm of DCFD has concentrated on punishing and demotivating the core of the suppression side in favor of a bias towards the EMS side of the department and political alliances within the city's Democratic Party. The two stations mentioned above (E10/T13 "House of Pain" and E30/T17 "House of Blame") have for years been not only among the busiest but the most tightly knit. They also have produced some of DCFD's best firefighters and chiefs, as well as many of IAFF Local 36's leadership, the very people Ellerbe has hated for years. Ellerbe's enmity goes back to when he got on the job and proceeded to advance in the ranks on the back of aligning himself with the right groups on city hall, not by distinguishing himself on the line.

This is all about payback and intentional demotivation. Ellerbe wants these guys to refuse the crime patrol details so he can suspend or transfer them. This chief has already been chastised in the courts and arbitration for using transfers from elite units as punishments. He is trying to break the spirit of a very proud department by demotivating the most highly motivated elements and driving the more experienced officers and firefighters into retirement as quickly as possible. The good news is he is a lame duck and there is light at the end of the tunnel, when the current Mayor, Vincent Gray leaves at the end of this term, Ellerbe will be moving on with his sponsor. We can only hope and pray that DCFD gets a good chief who can help mend fences and undo the damage done by Ellerbe.

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