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  1. mvfire8989 liked a post in a topic by ckroll in What is this   
    Here's a thought. Cut a wire and see who shows up to fix it.
  2. mvfire8989 liked a post in a topic by INIT915 in 4th Amendment Decision   
    What everyone misses here, despite all the collective "legal knowledge" that is frequently brought to bear on this forum (heavy sarcastic emphasis), this decision was an 8-1 decision. Does anyone realize how rare that is, especially over the last decade? This means this wasn't a liberal/conservative ideological split. Rather, the Court nearly unanimously agreed on the facts of this case and the nexus to the Fourth Amendment.
  3. mvfire8989 liked a post in a topic by SRS131EMTFF in America is not broke   
    One thing I would like to add is part of our foreign aid budget is used to try to win the "hearts and minds" of those people who would originally see us as a threat/challenge. American government investments in infrastructure, education, health care and the environment in foreign countries has been used to portray America in a good light as opposed to a bad light. That way maybe we can avoid radicalism/extremism from abroad directed at the US. Indoneisa is a good example of foreign aid being used to moderate the temperament of a potentially radical country in favor of US interests and security.
  4. mvfire8989 liked a post in a topic by ckroll in America is not broke   
    1 percent of the federal budget goes to foreign aid, compared with 20% for social security and 20% for defense. Large parts of that go to 'developing nations' like Iraq, Afghanistan and Israel. Compared to other world powers, only Japan spends less as a percent of GDP.
    Right now, our commitment to 'developing nations' is nothing short of embarrassing and in fact, a majority of AMERICANS
    think foreign aid should be 'cut back' to 10% of our budget, which is about 10 times as much as we currently spend.
    Out of pocket it's something like $50 per household. Am I willing to give up one dinner out a year so some third worlders can have clean water and a school for their kids? I wish I were giving up one dinner a month.
  5. JFLYNN liked a post in a topic by mvfire8989 in America is not broke   
    Might want to check your facts before saying that it is an appalling amount. Foreign aid is actually a very small portion of the budget. We could eliminate it entirely and it wouldn't make a dent in the deficit. However, it could cause more expensive foreign policy issues down the road.
    Check these out:
    Surprise! Americans want to 'slash' foreign aid – to 10 times its ...
    Obama’s 2011 Budget Proposal: How It’s Spent