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Posts posted by GOYANKEES

  1. Do any departments have a specific SOP for dealing with automatic gates at the entrance to a driveway or commercial propert or occupancy that are closed upon FD arrival?

    If they are closed there are a lot of things you could possibly do depending on the urgency of the job/ situation. You could walk around and try and find the homeowner/ security/ property manager or super. Have a contact phone number to call during off hours, Request that the gate be tied into the fire alarm system so that if it is activated the gate automatically opens and stays that way, pre paln you're response area so you are aware that they are there in the first place and tie that into you're box so it is transmitted on initial dispatch, force them open manually, drive a rig through, tie a chain to them and rip them open, use a saw to cut the arms that open the gates, request a manual overide with a code/ key or lok box be installed. If you frequent the property often enough, like a large commercial or even residential property, perhaps the owners could give you a "clicker" for the trucks or for PD.

    Just wondering what other ideas are out there, do not recall if this has been posted before.



  2. Thank you everyone, I celebrated the big 2-7 in LBI, NJ- that's where I was this past week. I had a great time and a great birthday. I am going to miss 26 though, it was a great age and year.

    GOYANKEES, I was wondering where the yearly call was, lol. But I didnt have my cell with me in the ocean....

    Thanks again for the birthday wishes....

    It was there at 09:15. You have to remember the recent call list on the phone. Glad you were out of here.

  3. Before I say anything . I personally want my EMS department to go to 60. Now my Dilemma is that I need some interesting facts  Why it is good to go to 60. Now I know that we would automatically get mutual aid. Plus automatic dispatch to I95 incidents. Now I also said that 60 is a lot more organize (i.e. dispatch times when ever you request it.) What I want to know is what else is there that  I can use to persuade my higher her ups to go to 60?

    Have you talked to your "higher ups" about the future ? It is possible that you are not aware of what the future holds for your agency. It is also possible that your "higher ups" already have a plan in the works, just not sharing it at this time with the "lower downs"

  4. Is it true when you worked at there, it was 60% slower than they are now, with no additional manpower since the increase? Some people should be more concerned about that and how many times a unit has to call 60 Control on the radio before getting an answer, rather than "Badge numbers"

    Quality is far from giving out a badge number or throwing out a "very good"

  5. If we're talking about the same rig...(The old airport foam unit) It is still sitting up at the training center, green and un-lettered.

    You are incorrect, wrong, misinformed.

    The correct answer or post is "It was picked up by Mt.Vernon on Sunday. " This is why it was spoted in Mt.Vernon on Sunday. Probably a good idea to read the posts before you post one. Hey, don't you work up there ? ](*,) Take a look out back.

  6. I drove the new flycar yesterday from Yonkers EMS HQ to Pelham town hall for display & was flagged down by 3 cops and they were totally shocked when they found out about the loss of "their" bus!

    On a side note, it's a sick flycar! Photos are in the process of being uploaded to X635 as we speak......


    The state or fact of knowing.

    Familiarity, awareness, or understanding gained through experience or study.

    The sum or range of what has been perceived, discovered, or learned.

    Specific information about something.


    With that said, this vehicle is an ADDITION to the fine service that Empress has provided the Town of Pelham for the past 6 years. There are NO change as to how an Ambulance responds to the Town of Pelham once this vehicle goes into service. This vehicle will be staffed by Medics from Empress, leased to the Town on an anual contracted price.

    There are 12 strobes, not 10

    And if you are curious as to what vehicle has the most lights, the current Mechanixtown (Orange County), Chiefs Car, holds the record to my knowledge.

  7. This incident was in Valhalla and 2481 was on the scene


    Look at the "photos" The front of the truck in question was on the "Greenburgh" side of the yellow line, in the Fairview Fire District.

    Middle to the back of the truck in question was on the "Mt.Pleasant" side of the yellow line, in the Valhalla district.

    So this "incident" landed in both Fairview and Valhalla Fire districts.

    The nerve of some people for having an accident in two different fire and EMS districts at the same time ](*,)