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Posts posted by FDVA356

  1. Vests.....Croton EMS members, CFD, tow company, and photographers were wearing vests. CFD members who were operating on a line or extricating wore their PPE. We attempted to position apparatus also to protect rescuers, thanks to orders of 2083 and common sense. You will notice other agencie's operating didn't wear their vests or any reflective clothing.

    Croton EMS is equipped with the proper vests, and it's habit for all CFD personnel to wear their issued PPE at calls (due to extensive training in house and taking advantage of NYS classes). Other agencies need to follow suit to protect themselves.

  2. 5512 Croton EMS LT. put the bird on standby, after listening to reports from CPD on scene of heavy entrapment and to expedite EMS, after hearing that I placed the helicopter on standby. Can't hurt to have them ready just in case. Rather get the ball rolling rather then delaying repsonses later on. In this incident injuries were minor, but in other cases could have been severe. I'm one that is confident in my skills and my members, but after hearing the original reports, I decided to Cover my a--. When in doubt call them out.

    All agencies did a job well done.

  3. Safety officers, when trained correctly are a great asset. ISO's should have a good fireground background, along with training in the following:

    building construction

    Fire Behavior



    Fire Officer I/II

    just to name a few. They should know how to read smoke/fire, and have a great deal of experience.

  4. Very sharp looking vehicle, and well set up. In reference to the blue lights facing rear it definite improves visibility and therefore safety. Yes it's a V&T law but come one, we need to protect our brothers/sisters out there. Since PD switched to it because of "safety" through proven studies, all emergency vehicles should do the same.

    Safety first remember!! I have blue facing rear on my vehicle, for that point "safety" and not because it looks cool. I want to go home after calls, remember "EVERYONE GOES HOME" and if this simple safety measure helps, so be it. Maybe it's time for Unions and Volunteer organizations to take this to the courts and get it across the board for all EMERGENCY SERVICES.

  5. Mike I def. believe a BIGGEST LOSER would be something to explore. One it helps the member out with their health and two it could bring morale up. Now that you have brought this subject I would like to sit down and explore some idea's and roll with them.

    Any idea's or thoughts please let us know.

  6. Date: 12/27/08

    Time: 0837

    Location: Building #28 Montrose VA Campus

    Frequency: 46.26, Fireground #3, Fire #10

    Units Operating: 2571, E225, Montrose 2271, 2273, E121, Buchanan 2553, E161

    Description Of Incident: working fire in basement


    0837: FDVA E225 responding Building #28 automatic fire alarm

    0840: E225 on scene investigating (crews told by residents/staff of odor of something burning 1st floor and 3rd floor)

    0842: E225 Officer reports "HEAVY SMOKE CONDITION" upon entering basement in the rear of the structure. Requests Montrose FD on standby.

    0848: E225 Officer requests Montrose FD with 1-Engine or 1-Ladder with manpower for working fire in basement. 1- L/S from the 1st floor standpipe to the basement via the rear outside door/stairwell and standpipe in operation. Power being shut to basement area, fire in elevator room. All hands working.

    0852: E225 request Buchanan FD relocate 1-engine to FDVA HQ. 2571 on scene.

    0855: Montrose E-121, Bat 10, 2273 2271, County Car 2 on scene.

    0910: E225 officer reports fire knocked down, checking for extension. Fire held to basement (elevator room- held to the equipment on fire) crews ventilating and conducting searches on the floors above fire floor. 1- L/S/O holding all units. reports from crew smoke in elevator shaft extending to all floors, ventilation underway.

    0931: FDVA Command releasing Montrose FD with their thanks. FDVA crew utilizing multi gas meter to check for elevated CO levels prior to letting residents return.

    0950: FDVA units in service, Buchanan FD released from standby, all units clear. Thanks to all agencies and units who responded.

    *Building #28 is a 150X50 4 story structure that houses approx. 60 residents and staff. Upon completion of incident crews found that 7 smoke heads were activated on all floors. Original activation came from basement area, smoke made it's way thorughout the structure via the elevator shaft and stretched throughout the structure.

  7. I'm a Lt. in my volunteer EMS agency and we have tried to go with the Duty hour thing without success. The agency was previously through the FD but since June 2008 it is it's own separate Department. With the switch the membership agreed during the planning phase to go with the duty hrs. over the pager calls. Due to tradition and daily life obligations, it hasn't gone the way we want it, as members haven't made the commitment to do the assigned duty hrs. Change is difficult after we have doing pager calls for years and years, it's really hard to get members to commit. Hopefully in the upcoming year we can get the commitments or it we will have to look into other means of getting the rigs out the door. It's def. hard to change the mind set of members who were content to the Old way and obviously don't like change. It's very unfortunate, but I understand with the way of life we all have now ( multiple jobs, sports events, family obligations etc.)

  8. It was a good job by all who were there. Was a stubborn job due to the fire being in the ceiling. As we entered we had a heavy smoke condition from the basement, and once we started opening the ceiling and walls we got it. At first I was worried that the fire had taken off, but with some hard work we got a great knock/save!! Thanks to all the M/A companies.

  9. With Croton EMS almost closing out it's first 6 months of existence, we are looking into how to get communications off of 46.26. Can anyone assist me in taking the next steps to get Croton EMS Operations/Communications off of 46.26? We would like to keep dispatch on 46.26 but get the rest of our communications on a separate channel.

    Due to tie line costs etc. is there other means, so we can switch and still allow communications with County Control


    Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

  10. My thoughts and condolences go out to the Landsman family and their extended family Mohegan Fire/VAC. It's a horrible time but keep your heads up and think about all the good times you had and be there for your loved ones.

    Mr. Landsman RIP!!!

    Condolences also come from Croton EMS and Montrose VAFD!!!

  11. Date: 11/26/08

    Time: 1908hrs

    Location: 16 Thomas PL

    Frequency: 46.26, FIRE 11

    Units Operating: VALHALLA FD, Elmsford Fast, Bat 11, Thornwood Engine 89, TL12 Hawthorne

    Description Of Incident:working fire in a single family house


    Reported attached garage fire.

    1911hrs 2481, 2482 confirmed structure transmit my 10-75 assignment.

    1913hrs- E89 Thornwood, TL12 Hawthorne, and cascade requested. C&O as well.

    1915hrs- Briarcliff R37 requested on the cascade assignment. 2481

    1917hrs- R9 on scene, 2482-TL12 and Ladder 49 to go to work performing truck work.

    1918hrs- 2471 on scene, R37 responding

    1919hrs- E89 on scene

    1920hrs- Mt.Pleasant PD notifed 60 control Con Ed on location

    1922hrs- Briarcliff FD request personel to standby in quarters

    1922hrs- 2321 on location

    1923hrs- Bat 11 to control, Con Ed Supervisor on scene,

    1924hrs- 2111 approaching the scene requesting instructions, per command bring your manpower to the front of the fire building

    1925hrs- 2052 requesting instructions for R37, find a spot on Thomas Pl. and set up.

    1926hrs- Bat 11- Sleepy Hollow on standby in Valhalla, R37 on location

    1927hrs- 2111 Ladder 55 on location as the FAST

    1928hrs- 2481 requesting 3rd due ladder to the scene. Sleepy Hollow TL38

    1930hrs- Ossining Ladder requested to Valhalla for standby as Valhalla on the 10-75

    1934hrs- OFD 2334 responding

    1936hrs- Sleepy Hollow TL38 on Fire 11.

    1938hrs- Bat 11 to control C&O on scene. OFD 2334/Ladder 42 relocating

    1942hrs- 2311/TL38 on scene

    1946hrs- 2312 onscene in Valhalla

    1951hrs- Thornwood 2473 responding to Valhalla

    1956hrs- 2334/Ladder 42 in Valhalla firehouse standing by.

    2008hrs- Bat 11- fire knocked down, checking for extension holding all units.