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Posts posted by xchief2x

  1. THe trunked radio system works great! There are of course some areas where the portable won't work that's why the IC should establish a command post and remain there, like someone said ICS isn't followed in all of westchester. Departments should get off of 46.46 as soon as possible once on location using eitherthe trunk radio or their assigned ground ops channel, this way should a member issue a mayday it willnot be stepped on by another agency getting dispatched to your call or another somewhere else in the county.

    Battalion #'s - All deputy coordinators were for many years called county car # until under commisiner Kelly, when he changed it to Battalion #'s, why,, I couldn't tell you, IN MHO Battalion is a designation for a Chief officer which we are not, we are there to work with the IC and get them whe resources they need. Just my personal thoughts on this post.

  2. Well since I have been there and done that not wearing a seatbelt for my accident and falling onto the passenger I believe we should all wear our seat belts all the time, I learned several lessons that day and mention them anytime to anyone that asks about my accident. You can ask tanker10eng what it felt like having a 200+lbs guys fall on him. Many great comments have been made her that I completly agree with regarding seatbelt use. Why do we have to have a blackbox now? Because we all believe it will never happen to us but it will. We have OSHA and NFPA putting out standards and rules because we are to macho or dumb to take care of ourselves. I now wear my seatbelt all the time. When this law was created the genius lawmakers exempted emergency vehicles probably beacuse theyw ere afraid of the backlash from associations and unions. So for my 2 censt where your seatbelts all the time, they will save your life and those people riding with you. For those of you trying to find ways around the system, it would take you less time to buckle up. Accidents happen it is not a matter of if it is a matter of WHEN! Thos eof you that know me personally know I will talk to you one on one regarding my accident and my beliefs of the reasons it happend.

  3. I read that legal notice yesterday and unless I am missing something they are only going out for bid for 14 days. When we went to bid on 119 the usual village bid period was 30 days but the village treasurer insisted on 45 days which ended up costing us about another $40,000 since the price of all components went up during the extra 15 days. Good luck North White.

  4. My role model of course was my dad, the day I was born he was fire Chief and according to stories relayed by my mom when I was delivered the Dr said well you have another fire Chief. Then when I was 5 dad Was Chief again and then at age 17 he was an asst chief filling in a year for My Uncle Jake who had to resign. I can remember many times Dad would take us for a ride and show us where they had a fire the day before. I grew up around the firehouse and was blessed to meet many many wonderful people growing up. I remember many stories about my dad's courage and remember him burning both hands twice. Dad taught me the things you need to know in life and the fire service doing the right thing, respectiing others and giving something back to your community. I also had my brother to learn from, 3 uncles and several cousins teaching me and most importantly encouraging me. I remember running to the corner when there was a call on the south side of town to watch 119 go by just to see my dad standing in the jumpseat with his hat on backwards so it wouldn't blow off. I could go on & on about my role model and hero forever, but I will relay one more short quip about being Captain. We had a structure fire on North Riverside Ave and I went over to our rig for something and got yelled at by my sister for letting Dad on the roof of exposure D, I went over and asked him to come down, took him back to the rig and asked him to stay there, as soon as I turned my back he was at it agin, after the call I said "dad, I am the Captain and if you won't listen to me no one else will, he said ok but only if someone else is around will I make believe I am listening." As my son (remember 585) said in his post dad was active until he got cancer and could no longer come to meeting & calls. My Dad and uncles have all moved on the Heavens FD so It is now my job to stay around as long as I can to relay what I have learned over the years, they are all still my role models/heroes and now I have a new one rightnow we call him Car 2083.

  5. regarding your post fireman 3484, my great niece will be an engine company FF if she becomes insane enough to do this when she is old enough! I am already looking forward to being her mentor if I can remember anything by then.

  6. Personally I don't see how it matters where this decision came from, it's time for everyone to wake up and be compliant with NIMS and more importantly for Chief officers to establish the command post and accountability. All of those tags aren't worth a dam if they are hanging off of your coat while you are operating at a scene. As for another post regarding this about the major buffing going on you are 150% correct, if you aren't called you should stay back in your community in the event you are called or you get an incident at home. As for a CFC giving orders I for one (I am A deputy Coordinator) do not believe that is my job, I am out there to run the call, my job (when allowed to do it) is to get the IC the resources they need, personally I may suggest soemthing to the IC that they may need or want as their attention is focused on the incident. I will only request resources the IC asks me to get for them.

  7. Congrats to Jimbo & Becky on the birth of their daughter, you should reconsider her name and maybe change it to stubborn, but at least she will be able to tell everyone when she is older she shares her b-day with the first african-american president in history. Now I just have to increase the xmas gift budget!

    Give my love to Becky & maddy

  8. As the Deputy Coordinator for Battalion 10 I want to thank all of those that particpated in Saturday's exercise, especially Chief Byrnes and the FDVA and VA OEM for setting up the drill. I think all involved learned that what appears to be a regular run of the mill MVA can turn into a much larger and somewhat difficult situation. Again my sincere appreciation to everyone that came out on Saturday morning.

  9. I was at Phelps Memorial Hospital feeding my 1 day old daughter when the story came on the news, I had to hand my daughter to my wife I was so upset. Definetly a Yankee great despite his grumpy exterior, a good old style hard nosed player who just played the game, no glitz no glamour. We even named our dog Thurman Lee!

  10. I am posting not because this article is about my former co-workers but in general these articles (which the public has the right to know) are pointing out the big money makers in every city/town/village in the county. If you look at these articles almost all of these people are in the public service sectors of their respective communities, fire, police, ems and dpw's. These services are vital to each of these communities and I personally don't begrudge any of these people (except for one in Croton) for the money they make, they aren't sitting at home or having a family outing they are at work away from their families providing all of us with the services we expect from our local governments. I only wish I hadn't retired almost 9 years ago I could have been #2.

  11. My heartfelt condolences to the families involved in this tragedy. And to all the emergency services personnle that responded congrats on a job well done under extremely grave & horrific situation. Stay strong and get some help, talk to someone, don't keep it bottled up inside thinking you can handle it because the truth is no matter how strong you think you are you relly aren't.

  12. Westchester County DES is hosting the first ever weekend at the State Fire Academy. The courses being offered are courses that are not offered through the outreach programs. The cost for the weekend is $105.00 which includes the registration fee and your meals and lodging. There is a bus leaving the FTC on Friday October 16th for the first 60 people that register, this bus is being provided though the generosity of the Westchester County Fire Chiefs Association. The weekend is October 17 & 18. This is a good chance to get some training and to network with your fellow firefighters from throughout the county. Let's have a great turnout and make this the First Annual weekend at the academy. For more info contact your Chiefs, the DES website or you can PM me or email me at xchief2x@optonline.net.