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Posts posted by doug_e

  1. If you go to Johnny's you'll need to order 2 pies for four people. If you do; order one and when that one comes order the second. Don't order both at the same time. They cool down so quickly you'll be eating chilled pizza.

  2. I rolled up on that fatal MVA on the Thruway on Saturday morning. I'm usually arriving at these types of scenes with the 1st due rig so I generally don't get to see what's transpired prior to my arrival. And thank God for that!!!

    For some reason the public has it in their heads that cars WILL explode shortly after accidents so it is imperative that they do whatever they can to yank, rip and drag any injured victims clear of the impending doom.

    There were maybe 8 people with no accident experience pulling people from these two cars. Even when I asked this one guy to "comfort" this 70 yo. woman whose legs were wrapped up under the dash and wait for the FD to arrive, as soon as I turned around there he was pulling her from the car by the shoulders with her head in his armpit. I left her to stop this other genius from breaking the window to get at the driver. I successfully disuaded him from smashing the window and promptly lowered it electrically and then opened the door with the handle.

    My advice to the general public is - Take a look at your wife, see... it's only on TV that ugly guys have knockout wives, and only on TV and in the movies does every car mishap result in a catastrophic explosion and fire ball killing everyone in a 500' radius.

    You're doing more harm than good...

    Leave the victims as you found them unless you see flame!


  3. I feel the same. Third watch has nothing to do with the FDNY job anymore. Not that they were really ever credible, with all the hollywood style exploding gas tanks and the like.

    My biggest knock on the show is that they made it too personal. Show me the job, not their love lives. I get enough of that stuff on the million other shows. It seems to me that every show that is about the characters profession becomes a show about the characters lives. We all get hooked watching a show about FF's and end up managing estrogen flow....

    Where does all this rage come from.... :-k

  4. Was cruisin' the streets of Briarcliff the other day when I saw a PD cruiser coming towards me. It wasn't a local, I could tell because it was a Malibu, not a CV. The driver flagged me down and at first glance I couldn't recognize what agency it was from. Then I saw the shield and realized it was an NYSP car with a new paint scheme!

    All I can say is UUUUUGLY!!

    This one was white with a blue stripe and POLICE on the doors.

  5. Have a look at these... - Forgotten NY a great site and a good description of pull boxes in NYC. - A good spec sheet on Gamewell pullboxes - An interesting description of Phillies box alarm system. Another description

    Also the "Box" that was transmitted for the WTC on 9/11/01 was 8087....

  6. In the FDNY and other departments with street pull boxes will dispatch them as "Box" alarms vs. "Phone" alarms for alarms called in by phone.

    In the 90's many departments began to eliminate their pull boxes. The numbers bare out that most fires are reported by phone and most false alarms were turned in by pullboxes.

  7. My teachers used to tell us - "O is a letter, zero is a number."

    Also to be gramatically correct there shouldn't be an "and" in a number. An "and" indicates addition, as in 1 and 1 = 2. So it should be nineteen hundred one. You could say, though, that nineteen hundred and one is correct in that you're adding one to 1900.

    Now that's thinking too much.

  8. Does this mean I can get free stuff, or get out of speeding tickets all week. Maybe just free rides on Bee Line busses.

    National Volunteer Week, 2005

    By the President of the United States of America

    A Proclamation

    The great strength of our Nation is found in the hearts and souls of the American people. During National Volunteer Week, we recognize the millions of individuals who touch our lives as soldiers in America's armies of compassion. Our Nation's volunteers inspire us with their dedication, commitment, and efforts to build a more hopeful country for our citizens.

    Americans take pride in the example of citizens who give their time and energy to care for the most vulnerable among us. In the past year, millions of volunteers have mentored children, provided shelter for the homeless, prepared for and responded to disasters, cared for the sick and elderly, fed the hungry, and performed other acts of kindness and community service. These selfless deeds have contributed to a culture of compassion and taught young people the importance of giving back to their communities.

    My Administration is encouraging volunteer service through the USA Freedom Corps, and we have seen tremendous growth in the number of volunteers. Last year, over 64 million Americans offered their time as volunteers, an increase of nearly 5 million people since 2002. In the aftermath of the Indian Ocean tsunami, the world witnessed the compassion of our Nation as millions of our citizens donated generously to help the many people affected by the disaster. By participating in public service programs such as the Peace Corps, Senior Corps, AmeriCorps, and grassroots efforts such as Citizen Corps, our citizens are helping others. My Administration also supports faith based and community groups whose volunteers bring hope and healing to those in need.

    During National Volunteer Week, we thank those who volunteer to serve a cause greater than self, and I commend the more than 200,000 Americans who have earned the Volunteer Service Award from my Council on Service and Civic Participation. I urge all those who wish to get involved to visit the USA Freedom Corps website at By giving back to our communities, we can change America for the better one heart and one soul at a time.

    NOW, THEREFORE, I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim April 17 through April 23, 2005, as National Volunteer Week. I call upon all Americans to recognize and celebrate the important work that volunteers do every day across our country. I also encourage citizens to explore ways to help their neighbors and become involved in their communities.

    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this fourteenth day of April, in the year of our Lord two thousand five, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and twenty ninth.


  9. For the apparatus there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason. FDNR has E23... Pelham has E1..., FDMV has E201... and YFD has E301... Pleasantville has an E90 and an E259. It looks as though the county has grown more than what was anticipated when the scheme was designed. That list here:

    The departments are loosely numbered alphabetically starting with 201 (Ardsley), 202 (Armonk), no 203, 204 (Bedford), 205 (Briarcliff), etc. Then the department cars are numbered, e.g. Briarcliff 2051 through 2059.

    There are a few numbering sequence problems as with Archville alphabetically coming before Ardsley but numbered 263. There seem to be more issues early on in the numbering and become fewer and logical as you move forward through the list. That list is available here:

  10. It could be read that volunteer firefighters can only use one light but PD's could use two or more, but not only one.

    I wouldn't be surprised if that is the case based on the fact that PD's aren't mentioned. In cases like this what isn't indentified is just as important as what is.

  11. This BioSolve??? -

    Or this one -

    BioSolve is a non-toxic biodegradable emulsifier that was specifically engineered as a clean-up and mitigation agent for use on a wide range of hydrocarbon products.

    BioSolve in and of itself does not cause or catalyze specific chemical reactions, nor does it contain any bacteria cultures or enzymes. The basic function of BioSolve is to create micro-emulsions of hydrocarbon and water. The encapsulation of the hydrocarbon molecules in a water/oxygen bearing solution effectively speeds up biodegradation.

    BioSolve is also good for vapor suppression.