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Posts posted by DonMee

  1. Why must people always have to bash other agencies? Putnam County is taking steps to change the fact that there was a poor turnout for ambulances. So what if a new paid company is taking over the ALS service? So what if the new company ordered new fly cars? But i find it deploring that the employees of Empire are being made out to be subpar medics with no proof to back it up. The whole point of this post was about the proactive approach Putnam County took to try to solve an EMS problem countywide. Change for the better is good. I know some PC dispatchers personally and how they take multiple calls from a person requesting an ambulance 20+ min after the requested one. To me, that is unacceptable to have to wait that long for medical aid. Can't we all just get along?  :(


  2. I sure hope they do the best. They don't have the greatest reputation. However, I know they trying to turn themselves around. But until you have a management that is willing to take charge and control, all these mistakes that some employees continue to do just reflect on the company. The problem I see is not in the equipment or vehicles, it's the field personnel and the apparent lack of management.

    Personally, I am against ESA in Putnam County, not only as a private citizen but as someone in the business.

    So, I ask all you ESA current employees a question. Could the company pull this off without getting all the current PC medics to comeover? I know many who won't even consider it.

    The funny part of all your comments is that you have a problem with the management and for one in particular. so the question is that are you someone who was discharged by the management person that you keep refering too. Everyone should be aware that when someone complains or bashes a company or a management member it is ususally because they failed at doing their job and was reprimanded. Beleive me you may not like BT, but no one can say the company has not changed. The sad part of all this is that the many listen to the few without knowing the complete truth. Again we offer to sit with all the Putnam Medics to show them that the few don't know what they are talking about. By the way everyone should be aware that if you look at this person profile he works with Trans Care, just another competitors team member trying to make conflict because they thrive on it. Grow up.........................................

    Also just for your information, at least half of the PC Medics have already applied, scheduled interviews and have been hired with a substantial raise. So check your facts....

  3. Absolutely! AsI sat here thinking about this you sasid exactly what I felt!!!!

    Good Post!

    I believe the professional thing to do is everyone should stop bashing all companies. We should work as a team to improve the current system. Whether Alamo, Empire or any other company were to do Putnam County everyone should work together to give the RESIDENTS and PEOPLE of Putnam County the best service. Whatever the name of the company is or your personal feelings towards their management doesn't matter, it is the front line medics / emts that provide the service and really make the difference.

  4. The concern for the putnam medics is the benifits as a whole. The medical benefits as well as time off,paid cme training, 401k, ect. When Alamo took over Sloper as a good will jesture they accepted your years with Sloper towards your vacation time with Alamo. So even though many of the medics have only been with Alamo for a couple of years some have over ten years of Vacation and PTO time. The other big one is the health benefits. Alamo has Health Quest medical insurance. Zero employee contribution for Single or family plan as well as Zero co pay if you use a Health Quest facility (Vassar, Putnam, NDH). You really can't beat the benefits. When you have a wife and three kids that is a BIG plus.That is the reason Why many of the medics would rather stay with Alamo then go with Empire and lose all their beniefits. No one said That Alamo ( The company)did a great job in Putnam, the question is did the Alamo medics do a good enough job to make up for the company. Because I am afraid the county as well as all the FDs and VACs have lost both. I know I as well as many of the other putnam medics will dearly miss all the friends we have made in Putnam over the years.

    Fair enough I am sure if the medics are willing to meet with the Chief Operating Officer and The Director of Operations at Empire they will be more then willing to work out what is nec. to make it an easier for the medics to come on board. The current Putnam medics will be staying right where they are in Putnam County. We would be willing to accept the years of service towards vac time. The rest of your concerns should be addressed in person not on the internet. Unfornatley you will never know what we would be willing to do for you if you don't come meet us. I reccommend that all of you get together and call us with a couple of dates that we all could meet to work it out.

  5. Wasn't Empire in danger of folding a few years ago or something like that?

    You difinetly must be confusing Empire with another agency. Please before you make statements like this know the facts. Empire has been in business for over 12 years. Not only do they operate a 6 county lic., we have another company we own in long island. Which gives us another 3 counties. And beleive me when I tell you that the ownership of Empire has more then enough funds to operate for many more years even without making a profit. And just wait and see in the next few months when there are additional announcements that we have aquired another one or two companies. Once again if any of you are confused or unsure of Empire just come visit us and see the operation.

  6. You still may see the medics, some may go with Empire.  Meeting at one of the FD's last night said that with Alamo losing a lot of there contracts in Dutchess, they felt they would probably fold by the end of the year and that is why they went with EMpire.  The only concern with EMpire I have in my opinion is they don't have too many medics, they are mostly transport medics, however i do know a few who have done 911 work.  Hopefully most of the Alamo medics will work for Empire, their concern is the health benes, hear they are not so good.

    The benefits are Oxford and the company pays full benefits for single and some of family. But is willing to help and work out what ever nec. for the current Putnam Alamo Medics to come on board. Just come in and talk.