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Posts posted by Skooter92

  1. Let the malcontents go out and start their own sites.

    Which will probably suck a$$.

    And if any of those LOSERS want to talk to me personally, to express their LOSER opinions, PM me.

    Be happy to pound some sense into you.

    Seth, Bravo ROCKS.......always has, back in the day and even now.

    If these jerks had a clue as to what makes up a good site....where are their 5000 member sites?

    Those who can, do. Those who can't, whine about EMTBravo.

  2. God bless the guys who gave all, those who continue to serve, and God help those who fail to appreciate what they do, cause I'll kick their a$$es should they express their worthless opinions in my presence.

    Sorry, little hostile there, but if you don't support vets and active duty folks, stay the hell away from me if you start spouting off yer particular brand of BS.

  3. Just so we all know-

    Rob was around the corner from the scene, and arrived before 60 advised all to stage away. Undoubtedly, he wouldn't have gone straight in had he heard that the dog was still in the process of attacking the two women. Being the second medic on scene, I saw the carnage left behind (News 12 showed the porch AFTER the pressure washer was used) which was quite extensive and dramatic. Rob also rendered care with minimal equipment-that the woman survived extensive blood loss until the first medic and STAT got her to Valhalla is an indication of a job well done.

    In short-he done good.

  4. IMHO:

    If your organization is going to allow first response, then create some rules like:

    1) EMT 1st responders should have AEDs, O2 and enough stuff to make it a good idea to have them go in the first place. Only letting those folks with a clue do this sort of thing....that too. Test and educate them on a regular basis. Less embarassment that way.

    2) Law enforcement gets there first, hopefully. If not, then stage away. depending on the call nature....because I have seen too many morons charge into calls for EDP's, injuries due to assaults or domestics, or overdoses. Run towards the cliff, ya lemmings....I'll be posted over here, with my Caffeine Free Diet Pepsi.

    3) Limit how many show up on a scene. 66Alpha hit the proverbial nail on the head. 14 first responders is a bit much. OK, too fluckin' much.

  5. This is from MSNBC concerning "fugazy" test strips. Keep an eye out for any in your patient population.

    From MSNBC

    Updated: 6:49 p.m. ET Oct 13, 2006

    WASHINGTON - The government warned diabetics Friday to watch for counterfeit versions of test strips commonly used to monitor blood sugar levels.

    The test strips, for use in glucose monitors made by a Johnson & Johnson company, were distributed nationwide, the Food and Drug Administration said in a public alert.

    The phony test strips are for use with various models of LifeScan Inc.’s OneTouch brand of blood glucose monitors. LifeScan is part of New Brunswick, N.J.-based Johnson & Johnson.

    The counterfeit test strips could give incorrect blood glucose values, leading patients to take too little or too much insulin and suffer injury or death, the FDA said. The agency said it hasn’t received any such reports.

    Diabetics who purchased the counterfeit test strips should stop using them, replace them immediately and call a doctor, the FDA said.

    The counterfeits are:

    OneTouch Basic/Profile, lot numbers 272894A, 2619932 and 2606340.

    OneTouch Ultra, lot number 2691191.

    The FDA is investigating but did not know how many of the counterfeits were sold, an agency spokeswoman said. They were distributed nationwide but primarily in Ohio, New York, Florida, Maryland and Missouri by Medical Plastic Devices Inc., of Quebec, Canada, and Champion Sales Inc., of Brooklyn, N.Y., the FDA said.

    The alert came a day after LifeScan said it was voluntarily recalling one lot of its SureStep Pro test strips (lot number 2634187008) and a single lot of its OneTouch SureStep test strips (lot number 2627353). The lots contain some test strips that don’t give proper confirmation readings, the company said.

  6. Fun in Syracuse?

    1) Watch the polar bears wander through the courtyard of your motel.

    2) Go to some of the skankiest strip clubs this side of West Kentucky.

    3) At the conference, compete to find the most Long Island whackers wearing squad jumpsuits, three pagers, two portables and various scissors/clamps/dohickeys.

    4) Stop in at the Ferno booth, stare at the stretchers, and ask the rep "What are these for?"

    5) Go to Dinosaur BBQ and order a grilled cheese sandwich.

  7. I've known Paul for some years now, and I know if he had screwed the pooch like some alleged he had concerning the explosion, he would have come clean. He did the right thing after he got into trouble over the DWI. He has now been aquitted by a jury of his peers. Case closed, done and buried. I would stand with him at an incident at any time with full confidence (as I have in the past!!).

    Paul, God bless and good luck, and if you need a reference-PM me. I have a feeling you might read this board. Welcome back, brudda.

  8. Do yourself a favor, though...use splitters specifically designed for the ranges you are looking to receive. Don't use the Radio Shack UHF TV junk...invest the $ and order from somebody who has the good stuff. Using a pre-amp with splitters isn't a terrible idea, depending on how close you are and your LOS in relation to what you want to listen to.

    Two words....low loss cable and connectors

  9. I don't hate people-I really enjoy the vast majority of my patients, most other providers, and even the occasional family member.

    I have zero love for stupid people. I've developed an intolerance for a$$holes that unfortunately I can display at inopportune moments.

    Positive aspects? Patience for those with diminished capacity (through no fault of their own..intoxes/stoners/dopers do NOT get warm fuzzies from me).

  10. OSHA is a paper tiger. Try getting them to actually come out and cite anything. Sure, they'll send out a letter suggesting in the least offensive of terms that you might have something less than wonderful on your worksite. Unless someone dies/gets mangled/shows up on News 12.........don't count on them for much.