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Posts posted by HFD23

  1. Yonkers, Greenville and New Rochelle responded to Hawthorne for a building collapse after a tornado strike (about 2 years ago). 18 minutes after dispatch we had approximatly 56 technical rescue techs onscene which included 3 collapse units and 2 heavy rescue units. This was on a weekday afternoon.

    Great Post Capt, Just a note Hartsdale and Fairview FD's Also deployed several Collapse Rescue Technicians to the Hawthorne Incident

  2. Chris

    A lot of the problem is the fact that all replies on a computer are left opened to interpretation by the reader. It is hard to tell the tone on ones question and often things are taken as criticism or Monday morning QBing, not saying that was yours or any ones intent but it happens.

    2. a lot of people need to realize in Westchester career depts and even volunteer depts. truck vs. engine means very little at times, fires like this require man power and roof work, engines and ladders and rescues are just transportation. The bottom line is get people there. fdny trucks basically do truck work here E-170 E-174 E-66 all were involved with roof work. The trucks carry extra ladders providing additional ground ladders aerial devices and saws. But in Westchester most engines I know of carry saws especially in Hartsdale and Greenville. Riding assignments in HFD and GFD and FFD are not task specific like the FDNY we rotate between a engine and truck positions requiring members to be proficient at both skill sets, this adds versatility on the fire ground allowing a IC to use members as necessary at the time of arrival with all members able to perform truck work, engine work or FAST duties.

    3. All that you said above Lots of roof work.. Excellent water supply obviating the need for additional engines. Size of the commercial structure

    4. An experienced chief's discretion with many years in the roll of a fire ground IC

  3. Nice shots....

    These businesses were heavily damaged in flooding in 2007.

    Which resturant was this in?

    Thanks again for posting the photos....makes me happy in a nostalgic way to see them, and I was hoping someone would post them.

    Hunan Village 222 East Hartsdale. this was the 2nd fire in the Restaurant.

  4. 3 engines, 2 trucks,a utility, and the car

    They have 4 Eng. 2 Trucks, 2432 and a few support cars etc.

    Only 3 Engines are in service and staffed. E- 54, 55, 56 are in service, 57 is a spare.

    Only 1 truck L-28 the new straight stick is in service. Tl-29 is a spare.

    And 2432 is the captains car its like a mini rescue which is staffed and inservice.

  5. Date:4/16/09


    Location: Briary RD. / cross of Brookside lane

    Frequency: 46.26

    Units Operating: 2091, 2092, E-47, E-48, E-49, TL-23, Ardsley F.A.S.T., Hastings L-22, E 44

    Weather Conditions: Clear

    Description Of Incident: Working Fire


    Writer: HFD23

  6. I'm just curious- I know the new Fairview (Greenburgh) Engine 176 is the first due Engine for Wood Ave. Were they for the multiple alarm there a few weeks back?

    Also, Fairview has a history of succesfully using CAFS/Class A Foam to quickly knock down fires, and was one of the first departments in the area to do so (Engine 174). Was CAFS used on this fire, and if so, was the new system on 176 used? I know Hartsdale was also on the scene with Engine 170, which is also equipped with CAFS- was this deployed?

    E-174 is 1st due they run out of FFD station 2

    176 is the HQ engine.

    Neither rig has CAFS. Both Have class A Foam. no Air. No compressor on 176 and i believe 174 is disconnected.

  7. I'm not a firefighter so please don't think that I'm playing monday morning quarterback but Does each of the 3 departments have a chief and deputy chiefs? Why not create 1 department and save on the amount of brass. Greenburgh Police has 1 chief and 3 Captains. Do the 3 fire departments in Greenburgh need 3 chiefs? 3 sets of deputy chiefs? Why not incorporate all of the volunteer Greenburgh departments into one for uniform training and evaluate if all of the current apparatus is really needed? Thanx.....just my2 cents.....from a non-firefighter.

    This thread is about the volunteer departments. So I assume you mean volunteers, as I said in my post that volunteers and how they work so any consolidation doesn’t really apply there is no cost. They already train together and they don't operate any fire apparatus, they respond to each others fires once protection is ensured for their own 1st due areas. Only the GFD vol chief has a take home car so there are not multiple take home vehicles or fuel bills.

    second their are more then 3 departments in greenburgh, Greenvile Hartsdale and Fairview are combination they have carreer staff that operate the apparatus.

    the volunteer departments of elmsford, ardsley, hastings, dobbs, and i believe tarrytown all are part of greenburgh and all have full volunteer departments that i believe all have 3 chiefs with cars per dept and the volunteers operate their apparatus so any questions on that topic can be better answered by some one from those depts.

    so i guess the answer to your question is really based upon what 3 departments in greenburgh you ment?

  8. I agree, too much equipment and not enough PROPERLY TRAINED people. Maybe consolidate by combining township departments like Greenburgh. Combine all Greenburgh volunteer departments into one to supplement the 3 paid Greenburgh departments.

    Interesting idea..

    But what would the purpose of that be? I don’t know how familiar you are with the 3 Greenburgh departments, but they already train 3 out of 4 Tuesdays of the month together. They have 1 company only drill to work with specifics for their own department. They have no in-service fire apparatus, thus no cost of district vehicles aside from Greenville’s volunteer chief has a car.

    Now let’s say Fairview has a fire, HFD and GFD career staff go, a signal 9 will be put out over the radio which means report to your quarters. So the volunteers will report and depending on how many members show up determines how many will go to the fire scene. As it is always your task to protect your own 1st due area 1st.

    So my main question is what does the combination of all 3 seek to attain.

  9. Date:12/12/08


    Location: 20 N. Broadway X Lake St.

    Frequency: WPFD, Fire 19

    Units Operating: ALL WPFD, 2511, 2512, E 65, 66, 67, 70,71, Ladder 32, 34, TL6 Res 88; WC Batt 18, White Plains PD, TransCare EMS, ConEd

    Description Of Incident: Fire in 6 story OMD, fire on roof and in cockloft.

    Writer: hfd23, FIREFIGHTER59, Truck4 (O/S), tbendick(O/S)

    http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&...ay+white+plains ://http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&...y+white+plains ://http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&...y+white+plains ://http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&amp...y+white+plains

    1239hrs- Heavy fire from the roof at the rear of the building. Setting up Tower Ladder off Lake St.

    1250hrs- TL-6 set up at rear, L-32 in the alley on Exposure #2 side.

    1300hrs- Co's making trench cuts. Fire has dropped down into top floor apartment.

    1305hrs- Heavy fire top floor apartment and through the roof. (2) L/S/O on roof.

    1310hrs- M/A (2) Engines and (1) Truck to cover. (Greenville E-151, Fairview E-174, Scarsdale L-29).

    1314hrs- TL-6 in operation. E-70 to the scene. M/A additional Engine and Truck for cover (New Rochelle E-25, TL-11).

    1330hrs- Heavy fire is K/D. Co's hitting hot spots.

  10. Granted.. But the way this convo runs off as with many on this site take on negative tones, let’s give the compliments when do..

    also the “what if to train” great, so if you are a member of Millwood talk to your chief or officers or commissioners and try to make something happen approach your neighboring department and their command staff. The idea with the fire service is to learn from each other and its good to talk about things as is being done here but become a leader, try to make change; topics on here get beat to death.

    I know that area very well, and the reason I bring it up is rather then all of us go on and on... on this website, go try to start the change don’t just be on here with people from all over who don’t know what went on or what goes on and give the impression stuff when wrong.

    All you guys need here is homeowners to read this site and get the idea there was wrong doing or more could have been done to save his house and we are all going to have bigger problems.

    The biggest problem is every one wants to speak up and a lot of times you get the opinion that it appears like Monday morning QBing (not saying you are or are not).. but why cant any one bring up these issues before a fire happens learn from before if happens not after. also were all good at venting here like I said go back and attempt to effect change.

  11. This is all great a written automatic aid plan is a good idea and works in certain areas, but lets look at the facts and give the compliments where they are deserved.

    this fire here was dispatched at 1752hrs reports stated the fire was burning at 1715. the building was gone.

    Engine 273 was out the door in 30 sec of dispatch, not bad for a volunteer department, they arrived as the 1st due apparatus, Car 2532 requested millwood 1 eng n tanker about 1 min after dispatch. and then a full 10-75 prior to his arrival so why don't we look at the facts rather then the what ifs...