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Posts posted by abaduck

  1. Let's pick a nice easy non-controversial topic for my first post :rolleyes:

    I think Seth and ALSFirefighter (ALS... is that you Tom?) have it about right. Driving licenses are not the issue. You want to drive? Get a license! Legal, illegal, or citizen, it doesn't matter.

    What I object to in the present debate is the notion of some kind of amnesty, or mechanism for illegals to become legal easily. I'm a legal immigrant, Scottish-born - I got my US citizenship a couple of months ago. Without going into the gory details, it took the best part of ten years; I don't know if you guys have any conception of just how hard and long a process it is.

    The notion of giving citizenship to people who said 'f**k you' to that process and just got themselves across the border is repugnant, and a slap in the face - no, a kick in the balls - to guys like me who did it the hard way.
