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Posts posted by NHFD21255

  1. Date:4/2/2011


    Location:26 Willow Rd Beacon Hills

    Frequency: 453.800

    Units Operating: Glenham, Hughsonville, Castle Point VA, Chelesa, Village of Fishkill, Rombout, North Highlands

    Weather Conditions: Cool Clear

    Description Of Incident:working House fire



  2. Date:3-31-2011


    Location:14 Brook ave

    Frequency: 453.800

    Units Operating: Beekman Fire, East Fishkill FD, Unionvalle

    Weather Conditions: Cool, overcast

    Description Of Incident:Reported working house fire



  3. This is what’s wrong with the criminal justice system today, there is no justice. You want to plea bargain this guy, who seriously injured someone, who for the rest of his life will NEVER be the same and give him 7 years?? But they want to give someone like Roger Clemens who hurt NO ONE but himself 25 plus years in federal prison. People who commit crimes should be held accountable for what they do and maybe they might think before the do the crime

    Now bvfdjc316 you say it seems like a fair trade? I would like you to go visit Louie and his wife (or any victim for that matter) and tell them it seems like a fair trade. Louie will be going thru years of hell while this guy gets 3 hot’s and a cot on us. And yes I may seem a little angry about your comment but that’s because Louie’s not only a great guy who give you the shirt off his back but he’s also a personal friend of mine

  4. Date: 9/1/2010

    Time: 20:50

    Location: Rt 9D @ Peekskill Rd Plumbush Inn

    Frequency: 46.380

    Units Operating: Cold Spring FD, North Highlands FD, Garrison FD, Putnam Valley FAST, Contential Village FD, Philipstown VAC,Village of Fishkill FD, Glenham FD

    Weather Conditions: 80's and clear

    Description Of Incident: Working fire started in basement

    Reporters: NHFD21255


  5. Date:8/20/2010

    Time:Apx 17:05

    Location: Unico Products East Main st City of Beacon

    Frequency: 453.800

    Units Operating:City of Beacon, Village of Fishkill Fast, Rombout Relocate 62-45 to Beacon Station, Glenham relocate To ?

    Weather Conditions:90 and sunny

    Description Of Incident:Working fire



  6. The two Ward's will be going when the new truck gets here. The current rescue will be staying in service as its only 16 years old. That truck will be a backup rescue as the tools are pre-piped on the truck. Its main function when the new truck gets here will be mountain, water rescue and brush fires. The reason for the doing a combo truck was easy. The current rescue is packed to the point it's ready to bust and being as we needed another pumper (they are 41 and 31 years old) we decided it was more cost effective to combine a truck. Why spend hundreds of thousands for a "source truck" when it sits the majority of the time.

  7. Date: 7/19/2010

    Time: Apx 16:20

    Location: Cold Spring Cleaners Rt 9 X-street Fishkill Rd

    Frequency: 46.380

    Units Operating: Philipstown VAC, PCSO

    Weather Conditions: Cloudly and humid

    Description Of Incident: Philipstown VAC dispatched for an assult victim secondary to a robbery



  8. We also do not know if the member calling for mutual aid was a 6 month member of the fire service or a 20 year member. I think that makes a big difference. A 6 month member may have "gone overboard" with mutual aid where a 20 year guy I'm sure has been on enough calls where he knows what resources were needed. What is overboard anyway ? I would rather have more tankers than I need sitting there than not have enough and run out of water.

    The issue I have with this call is this The member ON SCENE requested another FD (Department C) also to this location, which was later canceled by a responding member of Department A stating they should wait until they are on scene to size up the problem. Why is a member who is not on the scene canceling anybody before he even gets there ? Didnt the same sort of thing happen in Conn a few months back ?

  9. Date: 6-25-2010

    Time: 0456

    Location: 106 South Highlands

    Frequency: 46.360

    Units Operating: Putnam Valley, Garrison, North Highlands, Cold Spring, Putnam County Fire Investigation

    Weather Conditions: Clear

    Description Of Incident: Reported working fire. PCSO on scene reports fully involved


    Writer: nhfd21255

  10. Date: 6-24-2010

    Time: 15:05

    Location: 10 Windy Ridge

    Frequency: 46.380

    Units Operating: Cold Spring, North Highlands, Garrison, Contential Village, Putnam Valley FAST, Rombout, Village Of Fishkill, Glenham, Hughsonville, Dutchess Junction (stand by)

    Weather Conditions: Hot and Humid

    Description Of Incident: Working fire


    Writer: NHFD21255

  11. Date: 6/23/2010

    Time: 19:25

    Location: Dispatched as 303 Church st


    Units Operating: City of Poughkeepsie (E1, -2, -3, L1, TL2, R1), Fairview (41-11), Arlington (32-11, -46), Pleasant Valley (56-55)

    Weather Conditions: Clear and hot

    Description Of Incident: All hands on working fire; Upgraded to 2nd Alarm

    Reporters: xfirefighter484x

    Writer: nhfd21255