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Everything posted by ff026

  1. what probally happended is some member of the BUFF group was cross banding on his or hers own personal radio and forgot to turn it ofF.
  2. not in the WARIS series of radios. correct motorola SP model spectra's were multiband in UHF/VHF you could only transmit on one band at once but you could listen to both bands at once.
  3. medics and ambulances are dispatched by the local pd's, dont know why always been that way. when our new system is built all ambulances and medics will be dispatched by 44 control, well that is the plan anyway.
  4. 1st post here dont slay me! man you guys have it bad over there. at leat we here in rockland have it easy.. a numbering system that you know what type of truck is coming. unified incident command system. everyones channels are the same Low band or UHF when you have announement or drill to put over the air you have to either Landline 44 control or call them on the radio. and if the frequency is not part of the county system 44 control doesnt listen. and we are going to the same system that you guys are going to 13 channel apco 25 trunked digital simulcast system.
  5. does anyone know if there is a search page that will help me locate a former piece of apparatus that was sold?