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Everything posted by LTNRFD

  1. I think that was the Nod Squad zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  2. Chief, Happy Birthday. I hope your "still holding your own". (1st Westchester Career Academy-Class of 1986)
  3. Years ago, all you needed to run an ambulance service, be it a Volunteer or Commercial was ARC advanced first aid. Some of the "older" VACs had their start way back when. There are still members that have the mind set that 'we did the job back then with little or no training, we should still be able to do it now'. These are the people that make theses type of statements, as highlighted above. For the most part they are right. They can provide 'a level' of care. The problem is they either don't know that the standards have been raised or they don't think it is needed (a higher level of care). A lot of people that post in EMTBravo are too young to know how is was back when. Compare today with 30 years ago and your would get a headache from shaking your head in disbelief. We used to use sandbags and soft neck collars to immobilize neck injuries and NO tape. It was not uncommon to place 4, yes 4 critical trauma patients, all on stretchers, in 1 ambulance. Has anyone ever seen a hearse with a red light on top of it. If you saw it going to the hospital with the red light on and all of sudden the light was turned off, well you can figure out what happened to the patient. It is a real shame that a lot of the older ambulance corps are closing up. Just remember if it wasn't for the vollies, many people would not have gotten their start in EMS. Remember where you came from. Also, many of the changes in EMS evolved from these "old timers". I am in no way saying that we should step backwards. I strongly believe that EMS MUST continue to raise the standard. The first EMT classes where 40 hours and had no standard curriculum. The first Medic classes where AEMT-3 consisting of 300 hours of class room and clinical. The old timers started things off and as new people came into the field they brought with them questions and got answers, the evolution began. I am also a strong believer that Volunteers can provide a high level of service in both EMS and Fire. I am also a strong believer that when the Volunteers can't provide the level of service that is the standard, then it is time to replace them. These positions, fire or EMS should be full time municipal career.
  4. LTNRFD Lieutenant New Rochelle Fire Department. Simple and straight forward. I guess I should add Ret. to my screen name now that I'm retired.
  5. In 1974 E.M.T.s at Abbey Richmond got paid $2.82/Hr with O.T. after 40 Hrs. Minimum wage was $2.75/Hr. In 1975 we were looking for a sizable increase and the union was pushing for over $3.00/Hr. The E.M.T.s were hoping for $3.50/HR. Abbey offered $3.01/Hr and the union reps thought it was a victory we should be proud of. I guess getting almost a 7% raise would be considered a victory to be proud of. Who today wouldn't love to get a 7% contracted raise. YES WE WORKED FOR PENNIES.
  6. You guys have a dishwasher!!!
  7. 4 Hours with the D.A.'s office. He pleaded guilty and was sentenced without a jury trial.
  8. You never know what your find at an accident. About 12 years ago I responded to a 1 car P.I.A.A. on I-95 at 2 AM. There was 1 adult male driver with 3 male youths, ages 8-14. 2 of the boys and the driver were placed in my bus and the 3rd boy was placed in a 2nd bus. I was doing my secondary survey on the male adult and asked him how many people were in the car, I wanted to account for all of the occupants. This was because there was no female and it looked like it was a family traveling together. I was thinking that the female might have gone for help. The kids could not account for their mother. The adult male then advised me that he KILLED his wife. The next question was where is she. I asked the driver to repeat what he said, and he again said that he KILLED his wife. That he stabbed her at their house. At this point I got the Troopers in the bus and a further investigation found the wife dead in New Jersey. The driver was arrested and convicted and the 3 boys are without parents. You never know what you will find or not find at the accident scene.
  9. "When taxpayers say no, sometimes we need to do what they ask, provide the level they asked for and make it clear what we CAN do with what they provide us with-and what we CANNOT do. Firefighter Marc Nicastro went above and beyond attempting to save that man...he went above and beyond even though the majority of taxpayers told him not to. The voters and elected officials decided a level of staffing and that's the level of service they should get. No emotions. It's simple math. " This says it in a nut shell. MOST of the taxpayers are only looking at dollars and cents. Why, because the fire services has not educated the general public to the level that they can make an educated decision. A level that they can truly understand what is needed to actually have the fire service that they think they have. This goes for both career and volunteer fire service. How many times the budget gets defeated for new rigs or firehouses. Yes there are the departments that go overboard with the bells and whistles, but there are many depts. that do a good job with controlling costs and John Q. Public thinks they are paying too much because HE has never needed the service. If after the fire service has done its job educating the public, and they still don't want to pay for the service that they need, then the fire service can only do what they can with what they have to work with. Nothing more, nothing less. Then you have to do what you have to do to stay safe and to go home at the end of your tour.
  10. Your FATHER must be so proud!!!!!!(got to get dad in there). Keep it up 60...........
  11. Correction, thats pronounced New RO chelle!!!!
  12. What Tech's???? Bomb Tech's or Evidence Tech's. And I sure hope it wasn't an Emergency Medical TECH!!!!!
  13. Here is the old (1989) NRFD Ladder 13 and White Plains T-1
  14. SEJ28 You are correct. I guess you missed the LOL at the end. I do know that most G-men do work their butts off to get done by 2:00. The cities and towns that allow this as a little perk to the men so as not to have the route go over into a O.T. day, under normal situation. With that being said they (cities & towns) also look the other way as to how it is accomplished. I have seen trucks driven down the wrong way of oneway streets. Going left of yellow and back to the other side all the way down the street. Blocking the middle of the street or the entire street when they could pull to the side. Backing up at high speeds down a dead end street. The list goes on and on. In simple terms, breaking the DMV Laws to get done early and to prevent O.T. I know it is a tough job and I'm greatful that there are people out there that will take my trash away. I wouldn't do it for what you get paid, and even alot more. That is why I also take care of the guys on my route at this time of the year and during the year. Something that alot of people don't do because they believe that the G-men get paid enough. I have been told that about being a firefighter. Someone has to do it.
  15. And once the manufacture puts that little sign on the back of the rig that says 'that this area is not to be used for the transport of personnel' and you get hurt. You were fore warned. Also goes for the riding compartment in reguards to being seated and belted.
  16. It kind of funny that when you can't have something you want it more. In the old days when you were told the back step was where you rode, you prayed that you could get in the front seat to be shielded from the rain, snow, wind and the cold. That was when there was open cabs (remember those rigs that had wipers on the inside and outside of the windshield). Now that the cabs are totally enclosed, cilmate controlled and comfortable, and we want to go back to the cruel world of the back step. Every day isn't sunny and warm. Stay safe.
  17. So that means the G-men would have to work till 5 PM. LOL
  18. I know a guy 22 years old, that worked for a commercial hauler and fell off the step as the truck rounded a corner. It wasn't going fast at all and only going about 50 yards to the next stop when he fell. He was on the corner side of the truck and he went under the rear wheels. Wasn't much left for organ donation. The report stated that 'he slipped off the step'. I can remember the days that we would ride the back step and don our turn out gear at the same time. One hand on the bar and the other slipping on the 3/4 hip boots then the turn out coat, hit a bump that would send you to Mars and not fall off. Go figure.
  19. I guess "THE RINK" will have to put a Firefighter or two on the payroll.
  20. The light tower sits flush to the cab in the down position. When fully extenden it rises to 20 feet in height. It is operated by air pressure and can rotate to any position. E-51 will be first due on structure, invetigation, CO calls etc. At this time it is third due to Thruway/I-95 calls. E-36/Res-6 0r E-36/E-37 is the first due responce to the Thruway/I-95.
  21. This is getting real deep. Does anyone know Gabrielle Costello?? It appears that he doesn't even exist in the Stamford area. Hope this is all a misunderstanding and he is alive and well.
  22. Did you notice the light tower behind the cab????
  23. If I lived in that type of area, I'd have a gasolien/diesel pump hooked to my swimming pool ( a very large swimming pool with lots and lots of water ) and a pre-piped system around my house and on the house that would deluge my property with water. As was stated above, in a perfect world there would be more then enough manpower and equpment. With that said and living in the REAL world when "THE BIG ONE " hits joe citizen might have to step up and assist. It seams that "THE ONES " are getting bigger and bigger every year. There might not be as many as in the past, but there sure seems to be more complexed and involved incidents.
  24. Maybe no shots were fired in or from the trailers, now the South Fourth fire house is another situation all together. And lets not forget the transport rig making the murder burgers pick up from White Castle on Bruckner Blvd @ 3 AM. On their way back from NYC via Hunts Point.
  25. If history repeats itself, then the F.D. will get a new building and the ambulance will be moved into the condemed building. Does anyone remember South Fourth????