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Everything posted by ny10570

  1. A couple pre-date FDNY's expansion into their neck of the woods and others like Edgewater were a private fire company for a private community.
  2. Interfering with governmental administration or interfering with firefighting duties are both class A misdemeanors. I believe any injuries that occur as a result of the interference bump it up to a felony. Hopefully an officer here can confirm. Of course the DA will plead it out to a violation, but at least they have to go through the system every time they want to get in the way at a call.
  3. Sorry about the delay in the info you asked for. My comp went down. I'll get the lists up tomorrow when I have a few minutes
  4. This is not about FDNY and volunteers. This is about Aviation and only Aviation. After 9/11 the shut down. They stopped responding and dissolved their membership. A few members got together and created some "emergency response" group that other than buffing fires and posting on FB have no official recognition or affiliation. This group then suddenly and on their own have reestablished Aviation. Would any dept allow a group of residents to purchase a vehicle and start responding within their district? This isn't the FDNY stepping on volleys, this is a bunch of people deciding one day they want to start buffing jobs and operating.
  5. I'll have a list for you in the afternoon of everything stocked on the LSU, MERV, and MRTU but the reason I'm asking about your intended purpose wasn't because of my opinion of their functionality. It is more along the lines of just because FDNY is doing it, that has zero bearing on what you should be doing. Personally I'd be more concerned with why after so many years FDNY appears to be getting away from their norm and what the future holds. Anytime a dept FDNY or any other breaks from an established tradition, that too me is far more valuable for learning then a repeat of the tried and true.
  6. CO exposure last year in queens generated 20 something patients. Look for a new MRTU and redesigned MERV more suited to establishing a sheltered treatment/rehab area rather than a transport unit in the near future.
  7. If you're going to ascribe these deaths to some greater purpose, then why not a discussion about ventilation? It does nothing to belittle their lives and will maybe, just maybe save a life down the road. Sadly we learn from tragedy. Changes in building codes come from massive and tragic civilian loss. Changes within the fire service are similarly motivated by death, and occasionally just serious debilitating injury. Without investigation and the resulting evolution and education many thousands of people would have died without meaning and for no purpose.
  8. I can help you out with the EMS side of your equipment lists. Just out of curiosity, what exactly are you trying to accomplish with a MERV, LSU, and MRTU? I only ask because over the years we've learned a lot about our equipment and allegedly the next MERV will be substantially different from its most recent iteration, the LSU needs an overhaul, and the MRTU was supposed to be obsolete but may be the only one that will be closely replicated in its next form.
  9. Who's fault is that? We continue to place people on pedestals in the media for doing what they did. Off duty firefighters, cops, anyone willing to charge into a burning structure gets the hero treatment.
  10. How many fds are still operating with dangerous equipment, outdated gear, and shoe string budgets?? Looks cool, but Im not holding my breath. How's that revolutionary air cylinder replacement coming?
  11. No legislation will pass barring all FDs froom billing EMS. In todays tax obsessed political environment no way would forcing FDs to rely on tax receipts for EMS get any traction.
  12. Exactly, stuck isn't necessarily a bad thing. But if you're an engine don't go off road and block access to one of the exposures. Once a rig is stuck it will likely be there for the duration. Was that the crew that was enjoying the view? Its happened more than once.
  13. Driver's discretion. Don't park somewhere you can't afford to be stuck.
  14. Gary isn't about to start from scratch any time either. They shuttered half their FD not too long ago and then the city was pushing for staffing reductions on top of the closings. More and more I think Detroit has the right idea. Unincorporate wasted parts of these communities, clear the land and let nature reclaim it. If the town can't survive so be it save what you can and get these people into functional communities so we can stop throwing good money after bad.
  15. Since when is entering a window a good idea for a basement fire?
  16. They have fire vehicles stationed at Rikers but only as as brigade. Firefighting duties are handled by FDNY.
  17. The van chassis is one of the biggest mistakes to take hold in EMS. They are horrible for crew comfort and safety. Every time someone has tried to defend them their argument rests on a perceived cost savings that I have yet to see proven. Good riddance.
  18. Absolutely, everyone going home is paramount. However, I don't think that was his point.
  19. Thats a whole separate issue affecting all of us. My 48% pay cut every check is a real kick in butt.
  20. We're irrational. You can't combine radiation with hysteria. Even after you explain that irradiated food is not in itself radioactive, people start getting uptight about free radicals and other molecular damage to food. They ignore the studys showing similar molecular changes in the control groups that were exposed to a common oxidizer. I have found a solution. This will also sharply curb the spread of infectious disease. Eliminate the oxidizer!! It causes all these changes and free radicals; we can save humanity. How important is oxygen anyways?
  21. Nothing like finding the ONLY shell casing in your boot tread at the hospital. That detective is probably the one with the copyright.
  22. The MDT system is really valuable, as is the secondary interview. There is often other stuff we can glean from the text that gets over looked by CROs and dispatchers who have a fraction of the time to process the info. Simple things like comparing a call location to the Ani Ali or cell tower location make a big difference. I've come across two big problems with most EMD systems. The first is they're put in place and then never updated. Calls that are upgraded should be flagged for review and if the algorithm was followed correctly maybe there are changes that can improve the system's accuracy. My second problem is really just specific to NYC. We never address the specificity of our system. They update the procedures periodically to ensure calls are not being under triaged, yet they do nothing to address the over triage of calls. Thats not entirely accurate, as they have recently stopped documenting the over triage of calls. So they solved that problem.
  23. Ive been impressed with this thread. Obviously these discussions come with a lot if emotion and passion but it has stayed remarkably on track.
  24. Is there a simple and unbiased list of positives and negatives for both plans?
  25. They system is ridiculous. Bloomy was right, there is no reason to have 3 different call takers depending on your complaint. To give that job to the people with the least training and lowest compensation is his mistake. The FDNY ARD probably has the hardest job of the three agencies. EMD is simple enough and I'm pretty sure anything would be an upgrade from the PD CRO's. Hire more FAD's and have them handle the calls. Between efficiency and accuracy improvements I bet its a substantial cost savings over the system in place now. As an added bonus more accurate dispatching might actually save a life or two.