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Posts posted by FFLieu

  1. If someone has a problem with this site , then it is THEIR problem. It is a good source for information and discussion.

    That is true, and I agree with everyone who has posted a response. But for instance, when a Chief is raked over the coals so-to-speak, simply because he's over 70 years old, that's crossing a line and could lend some credence to why Chiefs and Commissioners might not like the site.

    Just my 2 cents.

  2. It doesn't change the fact that a Chief is a Chief, Captain is a Captain, etc. In the paid service, there are unions that will hear any grievance. In the vollie service, there is an executive board that oversees the department as a whole and will hear any grievance. Those are your two avenues to vent. Department issues shouldn't be vented in public, either because at the end of the day, the person you're venting about has rank and therefore, should be given a certain amount of respect.

  3. Some of the posts on here absolutely offend me. I know what I am doing with this website, I knonw what I want to do with this website. Most people making "suggestions" are completly ignorant as to the way I do things. I have enough stress to deal with, and am not going to either bother responding except to say-what is that saying? "You think you know, but you have NO idea".

    To those who contributed, thank you very much for your trust and generosity. I really appreciate it, and it will help this site keep going AND FREE. It was one of the most embarrasing things I have ever had to do. I promise to continue to provide the best website I can for you once the IT issues are straightened out.

    I'm new here, but I don't like that. People made constructive suggestions that were grounded in either personal experience or the fact that they had an idea to share. A truely ignorant person would have made no suggestions, and would have just sat back and watched your website go down the tubes. People made suggestions because they obviously enjoy the website, as they joined for a specific reason and don't want to see anything happen to the site. Other people, being financially conscious, want to make sure that what they donate toward is really where their money goes. No one who made a suggestion, donation, or questioned how their money will be spent is ignorant. The fact of the matter is, no one in this situation is ignorant.

    You're absolutely right in your assumption; I have no idea what goes into this website. But, I know how to talk to people, regardless of whether or not they agree with my position. Prior to your post, I was on the fence about donating. But after that post, now I'm not donating. Don't talk to me as if I'm stupid, and don't start a thread where you obviously want people to post either in support of you or give you constructive out-of-the-box ideas, then shoot them down simply because you don't like them. If you ask for an opinion - which is in context what you did - and you get one that you don't like, don't complain about it. Because the simple fact of the situation is that you made a mountain out of a molehill; no one said anything offensive, and if that's the way you're going to be with respect to the 14,000 people on this site, then you obviously have a lot to learn. You can't come out and ask for money, then tell people that they're wrong and that they're offensive simply because they do not share the same viewpoints as you; a group of 14,000 people is going to have 14,000 different viewpoints, and if you want money out of a tenth of them, then you need to change your attitude.

  4. My theory is this. If you want us to pay, then the forums should be like cable TV. Did you ever notice why there are no "adult-oriented" programs on broadcast (network) TV? It's because it's free. They allow cursing and other types of "adult" programming on cable because you pay for it and when you turn it on, you're making a conscious decision to watch that type of programming.

    That being said, the forums should be like this: If we must be paying members in order to post, then we should be able to completely voice our opinions without any censorship whatsoever. The forum can be like FX or HBO, for example, and not like CBS or NBC.

  5. While discussing this with a friend today, I though this might make for interesting discussion here.

    Let's take TWO situations:

    Situation #1: Let's say your a career Firefighter, with extensive roots in EMS. You are trained to Paramedic level.

    Your Engine company does EMS first response. You have a Lt. on the Engine. Except for you (you're a medic), everyone else is a CFR.

    Who is in charge of the patient, AND the scene......the officer with only CFR training, or the FF, with Paramedic training?

    I would say the Paramedic would be in charge in that situation.

    Situation #2: NOW, let's say a BLS transporting agency shows up, they are only BLS. The patient needs ALS care, but none is available. Who is in charge of the patient then, and what do you do?

    Situation 1: The Lieutenant. Even though you're a medic, you're only as good as the supplies you have on your rig. Let's just say you go to an asthmatic call and the patient needs a breathing treatment. I'm willing to bet that you don't have a nebulizer and the associated drugs that go with it. Medic or no, you're with the FD, so you're nothing more than a CFR. That also goes for paid medics who also volunteer for VACs in their spare time. It's nice to have ALS skills, but if you're with a VAC, then you're strictly BLS.

    Situation 2: BLS is in charge. BLS is the higher medical authority and you must relinquish care to them. It doesn't matter if the patient needs ALS care; BLS is there, they assume care, and then transport to the hospital. It's easier for everyone involved if the patient gets to the ER quickly; if you wait for an ALS unit to arrive, you're wasting time since you could be at the ER faster.