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Posts posted by Cgrave616

  1. MICCOM is a regional center that dispatches multiple agencies, both ALS and BLS... They are also the PSAP for any medical call in Hackensack, the initial 911 is received by HPDand if it is a medical call, it is then transferred to MICCOM to be screened and dispatched. HFD has a MICCOM computer terminal that alerts them to a medical call requiring a first responder and HFD dispatchers then send the nearest fire company. HUMC does not mention this in there website because I do not believe that they want to recognize the service the HFD provides to the city.

    As for the civilian EMTs that lost their jobs, they could not be brought in as firefighters because of civil service regulations and some of their ages. Also they were not offered jobs with HUMC EMS (vanguard managment co), however none would have taken it because it was more than a 50% pay cut and other reasons that I wont get into... Def a sad story because HFD EMS did provide a great service for many years and most of what happened was done for political reasons in many peoples opinion, including mine...