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Posts posted by FFFORD

  1. Read a news blurb today. Good timing for the Boss to check out. He's a winner, even dying. There's a lapse in the Fed estate tax. By him dying now, his family will save approximately 500 million in taxes to the Feds. That means they will continue to own the Yankees without hardship.

    In six months the tax goes back into effect, and it had only lapsed since the begining of this year.

    Yup. Estate tax. will go back into effect as you stated. Most BS and absolutely sickening tax of them all ! good for GS's family.

  2. Exactly what it is, a massive heart attack, a major myocardial infarction, total stoppage of the heart. The Boss has been ill for quite some time and his old-ticker couldn't hack it anymore unfortunately.

    lol thanks Izzy - I was only being a smart a$$. I have never heard of a quote "massive heart attack" per say. There are many types, as far as thickness of myocardium involved, location, type of occlusion, which CA involved and size of bed it perfuses, but I always wonder what is considered a "massive heart attack." every time i hear it i just think of the whole heart loosing all blood supply and as a result, a 100% transmural infarct of all heart muscle resulting in sudden cardiac death. which I guess can be possible now that I think about it. :huh:

  3. I believe that one of the studies to which you refer was completed right here in NY by and for the State Police. At that time they found that an amber rear facing light reduced the instances of rear end collisions with SP patrol cars. It had nothing to do with front facing lights so the issue of yielding to amber isn't an issue at all.

    If you're running with any kind of warning lights / devices on a privately owned vehicle I hope all you i's are dotted and T's crossed. If you get into an accident (as was just the case in a nearby department) you'll be finding out the hard way what the law is and insurance covers. Be smart, be safe, drive carefully!

    Yeah I thought it was a NY study. Thanks.

    And I hear ya, I used to use my lights a lot more than I do now. In fact the only times I really use them are for confirmed structure fires, roll-overs, vehicle fires with entrapment. Most of the time I am normal flow. I actually did get in trouble, more or less disciplined, once. I was responding to the firehouse for reported car fire in the garage, running all lights. I came up to a red light, traffic yielded to me, I sloooooowly went through the intersection and got caught! never got in trouble again though. never did anything to warrant it again anyways. lesson learned the first time!

    to all - In my post I was saying that I run amber REAR facing just for the fact of safety, not for yielding. I run blue front facing. :D

  4. not that I would have a problem with them running lights other than amber, but wasn't amber found to be the most effective color as far as getting motorists away from the scene??? I cant remember the name of the study, or find it right now, but I know it exists. that was one of the reasons why I run amber rear facing as well as red.

  5. I regret to inform you, the police department of Shelton CT has suffered a loss. Sgt Orville Smith, a 39 year veteran of the Shelton Police Department Passed away this morning due to a heart attack as a result of injuries sustained while on duty. Sgt. Smith was struck by a drunk driver while on duty on a side job conducting traffic for the holiday weekend.

    Sgt Smith was also a former volunteer firefighter and past captain of Shelton FD White Hills Co. #5.

    as taken from Shelton FD's Co. #1...

    The Officers and Members of Echo Hose Hook & Ladder Co. #1 offer their sincere condolences to Sgt. Orville Smith's family and to Shelton Police Department. Sgt. Smith passed away at 0445 hrs this morning due to a massive heart attack. He was struck by a drunk driver over the July 4th weekend while on duty at a side job directing traffic at Indian Wells & Rt 110. Sgt. Smith was also a Past Captain of the While Hills Fire Company #5 and served as a volunteer firefighter in town for many years. He dedicated 39 years as a police officer to the City of Shelton and he will be missed. RIP Sgt. Orville Smith.
    Echo Hose FD

    Shelton PD Sgt Orville Smith

    Those of you who knew "smitty" know of his dedication to the city of Shelton. I cannot even express in words the kind of man he was. This comes as a great shock to the entire city of Shelton. My sincere condolences to Sgt Smith's family and the Shelton Police Department.

    about 7 years ago When I was a brand spanking new EMT one day, I was washing my truck at EMS HQ. Our only on duty crew went out on a run when a second call in town came in. 2nd call in town was for a drowning victim at Indian Wells State park. At the time I was too young to take an ambulance, but I jumped in my truck and took off advising dispatch I was en route. I arrived at the state park and was immediately met by frantic family members. I gathered as much info as I could about the situation/location of lost swimmer and relayed it to dispatch so they could tell the Derby dive team who was already in the water. I then went to waters edge and first thing I saw was Sgt Smith in the water, thrashing his arms around looking for the victim. Needless to say, he was off duty that day, heard the call and offered his hand. When all was said and done, the swimmer had expired despite our efforts, Sgt Smith shared comforting words with me. Strange that this was the exact place he received mortal injuries.

    Just a couple weeks ago Sgt Smith stopped at our fire house to install a custom sticker he personally made for our fire truck. I am glad I was able to assist him.

    RIP "Smitty"

  6. about a year ago there was an officer running radar across the street from our firehouse. A junior member was watching TV and we made a plan. Our officer from downstairs called upstairs and asked for the probie. He pretended that he was the officer across the street and that he needed to speak with him right away. the kid got red in the face and was almost shaking, the kid was like 16 at the time. he slowly walked outside, and across the street to the police cruiser. He knocked on the car window as we watched from upstairs. the officer started laughing hysterically when he saw/heard what we did to him. it was a long walk back to the FD for the kid. lol

  7. it would be a Cummings

    what is a Cummings? lol.

    all the medium duty trucks are cummings (i believe).

    what is a Cummings? lol. medium duty are the powerstroke motors. As of now the new ones are the 6.7L maxxforce motors.

    well cummins or CAT, still a sick a$$ truck.

    (sorry, had to be spelling police. its Cummins!!:P)

  8. Yeah this is pretty cool. my VAC has about 10 Trek mountain bikes equipped with medical gear/lights and sirens. mobile radio's are carried on our persons. We use them for parades, large town gatherings, etc. I even use one to "patrol," if you will, the trail system in my town. Mostly i use my own mountain bike for my personal use, but i also always bring my radio in case I find someone down on the trails, or if a situation should arise where I am in need of help! not to mention, it is great PR. but overall yes, i believe they are great addition to any squad/company/organization/corps.

  9. Date: 4/30/2010

    Time: 02:20

    Location: Intersection of Nichols Ave and Isinglass Rd

    Frequency: 33.86

    Units Operating: SPD, Shelton Fire Company 3, Echo Hose Ambulance, VEMS

    Weather Conditions: nice

    Description Of Incident:

    early hours of 4/30, shelton pd, fire, and ems responded to a report of a serious MVA at the location above. Upon FD arrival, Firefighters reported 2 car MVA, one male victim DOA. second victim alive but injured. Victims were removed from vehicles. Second victim taken to trauma center by Echo Hose Ambulance and is expected to live. SPD and Trumbull PD detectives with the accident reconstruction team are investigating the accident.

    Shelton Fatality



  10. Date: 4/22/10

    Time: 08:53

    Location: 27 Daybreak Lane

    Frequency: 33.86

    Units Operating: Shelton fire companies 1,3,4, and 5, Nichols FD, Derby FD, Monroe FD, Shelton PD, SEMS

    Weather Conditions: beautiful

    Description Of Incident:

    Shelton Fire companies 3,4, and company 5 with tanker 59 dispatched to 27 Daybreak Lane for the reported car fire in the Garage. After dispatch Car 1 requested company 1 added to the assignment, and also requested a Monroe Tanker, and an Engine from Nichols because this area is Non-Hydrant. FM1 was on scene first and reported working car fire with extension to the house. heavy fire and smoke visible. E35 (co. #3 tanker) was first engine to arrive and began to prepare for tanker shuttle operations. A "pool" was in place if drafting was going to be needed. at the time of the attack all family and pets were evacuated from the home. 2 Initial attack lines from engine 35 were put into opperation. One line at the garage level, the other from the upstairs leading down to the garage. 2000 feet of LDH were stretched as the nearest hydrant was 1800 ft away. Tanker 59 was at the pool incase of hydrant failure/E35 failure. Fire was contained to the garage area and minor charring to the exterior of the home. In the garage was two working car fires with room and garage content as well. the remainder of the home received only smoke damage due to an early attack from the upstairs/homeowner knew to shut the door to the garage. fire took approximately 15-20 minutes to KD. very good stop by SFD and NFD. Nichols FD had one engine to the scene, Derby FD provided town coverage, and Monroe's tanker was standing by in town available if we needed it.

    Shelton Structure Fire


    Writer: ;)

  11. Date: 3/17/2010

    Time: 13:00

    Location: 84 Factory Street

    Frequency: DPD, DFD, SFD

    Units Operating: Derby Fire department city wide, Shelton companies 1 and 5

    Weather Conditions: clear

    Description Of Incident:

    Derby Fire department dispatched to box alarm 14, possible structure fire. first arriving units reported smoke showing from a 2 story OMD. first due engines going to work. Derby command requesting 2nd alarm for confirmed structure fire. at the time of the 2nd alarm i believe FD9, engine 16 and rescue 18 were operating. Shelton Ambulance requested to standby as FD9 went to work. 3rd alarm transmitted (citywide alarm) for a ladder truck. No derby ladder signed on so command requested Mutual aid from Shelton with Tower 7. Shelton Companies 1 and 5 were dispatched, tower 7 from company 1 was on the road immediately engine 53 from company 5 responded shortly after. interior ops were conducted by Derby FD, Shelton went to investigate Roof and conduct roof ops. main body of fire was KD within 10 minutes. mostly room and contents on fire. Shelton Cleared the roof and went back to service. all derby units were clear in about an hour.



  12. Date: 3/10/2010

    Time: approx 02:00

    Location: 196 derby ave

    Frequency: multiple

    Units Operating: Derby FD, kilo 9, Derby PD, Ansonia FD/EMS, Shelton EMS, VEMS.

    Weather Conditions: clear

    Description Of Incident:

    Derby FD dispatched to box alarm ??? around 01:30-02:00. first arriving units found heavy smoke showing and confirmed working structure fire. mutual aid from Ansonia with an engine. I was working Shelton EMS and didn't hear all the initial transmissions, but I believe initial interior communications reported people trapped upstairs. Derby FD requested one additional ambulance from Ansonia to cover. 4Kilo9 transported first victim in cardiac arrest right away. additional ambulance from shelton to the scene. Ansonia ambulance transported one victim with smoke inhalation. lines were stretched and crews operated on the second floor. roof operations vented and additional search teams located pets who had expired. Shelton EMS 2Victor15 requested their Rehab vehicle 1Victor21 to the scene for supplies. Crews knocked fire down and worked extensive overhaul. 4Kilo9's patient succumb to injuries and was pronounced despite their best efforts. second patient transported by Ansonia survived. 2 pets were also lost in the fire. No Firefighter injuries.

    feel free to PM me with more details.

    Derby Fatal Fire

