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Posts posted by tbendick

  1. NYC put some drive cams in the rigs as a test. These were small devices that saved the videos to a memory stick and would only keep x amount of video pre and post event. The events were triggerd by G force or a button on the cam and it also taped inside and out.

    On the ambulances it would save the videos every time someone shut the back door, mainly caught people sleeping.

    After they installed them response times went threw the roof for the affected units due to the big brother watching and fear of charges for any little infraction.

    So they removed them pretty quickly.

  2. Smoke wasn't too bad, it was the embers and the wind.. They were blowing across the yards with some force and hitting you in the face.. Then got hit with the line a few times and froze the camera up good, had to use the exhuast from a rig to free the dials to change settings.

  3. EMS ran a SOD Division prior to the Merger. After the Merger it changed to ERS and ran as one boss and one EMT. Most of the speical stuff SOD had went away with the merger and was left with ERS, MERV's and LSU's.

    ERS then was disbaned and when it came back it was done has Haztac Battalion. There are two haztac lt's on duty covering the city, however they no longer run with an EMT.

    Also now have more MERV's, and the new MRTU.

    So EMS's special stuff is making somewhat of a come back.

  4. Ok everyone..

    These are not for Fires they are for power outages. FDNY/NYC has been aware for sometime that in the event of a power outage the current battery back up lights only last a short time. Many don't even work because of age and lack of maintenance. So this was something that could be done to address a problem.

    As far as Fire. In a Hi-Rise Office Building we designate a "Evacuation Stairs" and "Attack Stairs". We will have the FSD direct everyone to use the "Evacuation Stairs" and we make sure the doors to the fire area are close preventing smoke from entering the stairs. Talk to anyone in the WTC 93' who had to walk down smoke filled stairs, you don't want to do it. The biggest thing we can't stress enough is not to enter a stair unless you have to. Many will have the doors LOCKED and you can get trapped in the stairwell.

  5. As far as the AAA letter.

    Saw the letter, TechTrade also has a response to the letter on the site.

    The letter was created by MP when they caught wind that the FDNY FF's and many other people were pushing for the gloves.

    Been to their offices spoke with the reps. The Gloves talked about in the letter were the originals made prior to some improvements to make them NFPA compliant. Techtrade knew the originals were not compliant because while they were making them the NFPA Codes changed some.

    As of today the ProTech Gloves are 100% compliant. It's up to you and or your Department to choose to use them or not. Don't go by the letter of some company trying to hold ground on their sales.

  6. If anyone is interested.

    I have the software and cables to program the following radios, there are some others I can do as well.

    Radio Shack









    If you have the software and cable I can send the files to you.

    If you would like me to do everything give me a PM.

    Also anyone north of I-287 contact SteveOFD he can also do most of the radios.

    It's only $10 for EMTbravo members.

  7. As far as the amount of calls that would require ALS treatment of a patient in a Confined Space or other rescue situation, I would say that it is a low number.

    However saying that there are a lot of calls that would require someone with the proper training to go in and evaluate the patient but no preform and special ALS care.

    There are enough calls and potential to have a demand for the rescue medics. From the trench collapses to all the tunnels under manhattan and more are being built ever day.