milan fire dept probie

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Posts posted by milan fire dept probie

  1. i was on the first interior attack into the fire room and as we went in the fire was knocked down significantly from what it had looked like b4 the fit-5 was thrown. the walls in the fire room were burned completely through and most of the studs were gone but there was the powder from the fit-5 that covered the walls in the rooms next to the fire room and most of those struts were never even touched by heat or flame. it was fascinating how much this device stoped the fire spread and gave us time to search the building there was little to no damage on the upper floor of the building because of this device. while doing overhaul i found the device in the middle of the hall between the fire room and the dinning room where we stoped the fire spread and the position was perfect and the outcome could not have been better. the only real fire load after the device was thrown in was around the windows and the couches burning in the rooms but i believe that the fit-5 def saved that building and i would recomend them to any dept and as far as certain conditions to operate with the amount of fire showing i never would have thought it would have done the job it did but it really put a knock down on the fire itself and gave us time to get established and get an aggresive interior attack established

  2. Date: 12/24/08


    Location: Tsp and Willowbrook road


    Units Operating: 48 52, 61, 71, 12 alamo medic

    Description Of Incident: rollover mva w/ head injury


    unknown time : milan and ndp respond priority 1 for a rollover auto accident , one person with a head injury.

    48-52 responded little after dispatch ..

    dispatch for mobile life out of ulster , NDP out of units in the area

    48-1 and 52 on scene 1 car rollover down the embankment.

    alamo responding to stanford for a possible accident ended up being same one and responded instead of mobile life to scene

    alamo transported 1 als to st francis

    milan 48-71 transports 2 to st francis

    command reports car removed all equipment back in service with the exception of 71.

  3. I was wondering peoples opinion on what they prefer and why?

    In Australia alot of our pumps are going to rear mount due to Noise levels and ease of use.

    in my fire dept we have top mounted pumps and it seems to work really well when you can have all your gauges in front of you and be able to see off both sides of the truck there fore ( since we are a rural volunteer dept) the pump operator can see the draft on one side and his discharges off the other .. personaly i like the top mounts b/c it works best for our department. and the noise level isnt to bad with the top mounts and we are equiping our trucks with head sets so the operators can hear a little better but i figure whatever your department is like and what it does its whatever best fits their needs

  4. Date: 08/31/08

    Time: 11:23

    Location: 1186 jackson corners

    Frequency: many

    Units Operating: milan pine plains, red hook, rhinebeck, columbia county units

    Description Of Incident: propane leak with and explosion and structure fire


    11:23- milan stations 1,2,3 and pine plains with and engine under mutual aid for a gas tank (propane tank) explosion with a structure fire 1186 jackson corners road (per 911 livingston was dispatched or already on scene )

    11:24 48-13 responding

    11:26 48-11 responding

    11 and 13 on scene unknown time 11 to lay line up the drive way 13 to hit the line and set up their portable pond for tanker operation

    pine plains on scene and is laying a line from milan 13 to the draft site

    11:-- call for additional als units and requests for 2 helos for patients\

    red hook requested for an lz

    rhinebeck relocate to milan station 2 for stand by

    *MOD NOTE*

    Merged with existing IA and deleted this one