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Posts posted by minivac

  1. Please add if you were there/saw something there that was not on my list!

    Specific questions: Which Mahopac engine relocated to Somers? Which Somers Utility was used? Did Yorktown send an engine and tanker? And did North White Plains get cancelled? Also, was Millwood called?

    All of this is appreciated; I will be posting an article on later. Thanks!

    Well on my way out of school the Millwood Tanker Was At The Pond Taking water out. Armonks engine was also heading toward the Foxlane Campus.

    From what i could see, Yorktown sent an enigine to BHFD

  2. i Was only in the 3rd grade at the time. I remember hearing teachers say that 2 planes had crashed into the world trade center. I didnt think anything of it because i automaticly assumed they were only a 2 seater plane. THen at recess, all of the teachers that were not teaching that period came out to the playground and kept a very close eye on us. I also remember my teacher sayinbg that if our parents worked in the city, they might come home late because there was a bad crash in the city. THe last thing i remember from that day was at 9:30 am, i saw Mrs. Morrelle run out of the school in tears and she did not return for about 3 weeks. Her husband was killed in the attack and his body was never found. I would later win the George Morrelle Memorial Award when I graduated 5th grade. My mother would not let me watch tv because i used to like to watch the news but she knew that if i saw wat really happened, i would be broken. She was right. the first time a i saw it i couldnt move, i didnt know what to do. So i made a promise to myself that i would never forget the day of September 11th 2001 because of the amount of human sacrifice and helping hands that left their jobs, families, and friends to go help with the recovery efforts. The Day of the attack made America Weak, But in the weeks that followed, All american's bonded together to make the strongest country ever.

    But let us not forget those he gave their lives.

  3. OK, I've been in EMS for over 10 years now and this is a first for me, first time I've even heard about something like this much less witnessed it.

    Has anyone gone inside a patients residence on an EMS call, and returned outside to find that someone has spray painted a large happy face and their intials on the side of your agencies brand new, 2 week old ambulance???

    That is crazy! those people are so stupid! Don't They Know How much they cost?