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Posts posted by Medic442

  1. I am a ham, kc2crv. I would check the scanner 1st. If you could catch a call sign it could also help find the problem. It could also be the buses have a talk freq from other areas that are in the 155s, unlike us hams who are alot lower. If you hear code it could also help id a repeater that might be having a issue. Just a idea. For the most part IzzyEng4, you got it. 73

  2. Rich,

    I will miss you so much Brother. It was a honor to work with you all these year,and to call you a friend. I will never forget Thursday overnights & Sat Mornings in Rockland at HVA. We had alot of fun back then. You are going to be missed so much. I pray that your Children will take comfort in that you made so many friends and did so much here. Till the day we meet again, Rest In Peace. You have done your job here on Earth. God has one heck of a EMS System in Heaven with Tommy S, John M, Matt. L & You.

    Rich was the 1st AEMTI I had known when working at Hudson Valley Amb. Some of the stories a bunch of us could talk about then. As all of you know, if you need help he was right there. A partner of mine had calapsed a few years ago here in Dutchess. As I called for help on 911 & before 911 could dispatch. I heard over the radio, " Ill be right there Tommy!" There was Quig, pulling in his bus next to mine......... There was so many other stories that we all have. We have all lost a Great Friend, Paramedic, DSCO, & Fireman. I pray We all look out for his Children & each other.

    I also want to talk this moment to Thank the Crews that work Our Good Friend. We All thank you for the task that You did last night for One Of Our Own.

    I am Glad You where their for Rich. God Bless You All!

    Tom Orpikowski

  3. X648eng119,

    1st for the record I am a ham and hold a separt FCC Radio Telephone Restricted Operators. My Call is KC2CRV. It is actually easy to get a ham lic at the amtur level. Alot of clubs like the QSY Soc or the Mt Beacon as well Pearl have meetings and teach. You should be able to pu a Gorden West book to help study for the multiple guess test. They have held test at the tops center in Carmel.

    2nd As for the radio or transceiver does not have to be direct connected to a scanner. Most hams use it to make sure the equip is working right or not to miss other conversations

    I operate a quad band (4 differ bands) plus a scanner. The radio is registered for both EMS & Ham & that in its self was hard to get approved.

    The norm for a ham is to have only the freqs that you a registered to operate. Programmed. The only way you would get permission is if you where a member of React or a skywarn crew.

    In short. You run a scanner in your car with PD freqs (You in trouble). If for FD or EMS talk with your chief 1st. You might be able to get a blockable scanner that will only scan the freqs you actually need.

    If I can help with anything let me know. 73

  4. Rob,

    Just jump on 84 at 9 and avoid the village all together, Newburgh I don't think so.


    Did you make the meeting?

    Anything is for sale if you have the $$$$$$$.

    Oh my the rumors are going heehee

    Good night to all, be safe, dry, warm, & have a borring night and day with this storm comming in. Like thats going to happen ( the borring part I ment).

  5. Opi Dopey how are you making out?

    Beacon and The Town of Fishkill should be very interesting.

    Hey SPFC56,

    I am doing better everday. With a plan to return work both jobs on the 29th of Dec. Yes this month. I will be doing a 24hr Fiskill and Beacon on New Years eve to day. (Oh Lord Help Me) I just really need to get my leg stronger. Dr doesnt think I am ready, but I think I can and Alamo was letting me go if I didnt come back by the 30th (Found that goodie out when I was talking with HR at NDP). Funny what you find out. I not sure what is going to happen with TC.

    Anyways I will have work.

    How are you doing?

  6. RNMedic08,

    Yes & thanks. I twisted the Drs arm for a possible return to work on the 29th of Dec. Still alot of rebab to go but its going.

    Yes there is a lot of talk out there and everyone is and has there sides as well as there fav teams. Alamo & HVP has done for me as well as others Ihave vollied & worked for. Alot of people love to bash the underdog. It is very few that want to make a positive change work. At least thats what I have read

  7. alsfirefighter,

    So if I am understanding this right, you have direct knowledge of what a NH or other facility told a dispatcher at a private company. You also know that bls transports never goes bad. You also know or knew that for this bad call the bls was the closest unit available and no other private agency would have a unit available for hours. I dont, but I have been at both ends to see that things do happen. I have responded to calls from other companies that I have and do work for. Where I have been told by the staff we asked for als and then contacted the sup to find out why and listen to the call recording that was not the case. Also the call for a person sleeping to find in arrest. Some facilities should have a better grip when to call 911 or the private. I can say this for sure after being in a local Westchester NH for rehab a short period ago. I can also say this from first had knowledge from the past 20 plus years. Also I just want to understand, that a bls crew that found themselfs over there heads and need help for there Pt not themselfs but there Pt took up your time. I am very sorry for the Pt that they only asked for your help in the first place. At least they knew to ask for help. For the record I dont know and was not where you where at the time. Yes the are also som winners out there that think this is a game.

    As for running code 3 to a transport. You knew that for sure too. Then report it so the it can be stopped. I agree that it is so much better for everyone on a job to run code 1 when it can be done.

    Just for to clarify. The comment I made about "There is enough work for all of us" was ment for the transport side of the comments. I am sorry nor do I or did I mean that I wish anyone harm. I am happy with a no call day on the 911 side, but I am happy to help anyone when they call.

    Tom O

  8. RNMedic08,

    You are funny & your few words at the end do say exactly that.

    You should know the samething has happened with the other companies. Hmm I not sure I can count how many times it has happened at the other company I also work for. No company is perfect & Empire has had a bad start, but they have stuck it out. Now there are people that really know how the system works and they are doing what needs to be done. It will not be done overnight. After all look at Alamo.

    The company has not just changed its name. It has gone to a complete overhaul and is continuing. The several people at the top know more about EMS than you or I ever will. I hope that they continue to improve the company. I will be glad to be a part of it.

    Tom O

  9. NWFDMedic,

    Please, tell me when this has happened. I really need to hear this one. Come on. I can tell you as well as you know yourself. MLSS has called in service and responding to calls in Dutches from Newburgh. I have been next to a MLSS bus at St Lukes when they did just that.

    With that being said. Everyone of these companies have been short staff (Right Seth). And why isnt Beekman not covering the calls in there area? Hmmm a heart attack or cardiac. Hmm can we all say closest unit. We all have seen it every place we have worked. The company or better yet ALL THE COMPANIES & I am not just taking HVP & Regional. I am saying everyone Alamo, Transcare, NDP, MLSS & any other companies out there that I have missed or is in hidding (lol), has gone threw hard times with staff. I can say that with 1st hand knowledge. The companies meet the demand or challenge. I can also say that the company in this bashing is changing and getting better. I will also be glad to get back to work by the end of this month (I hope). Okay I m done, just my 2 cents.

    "WHY CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG, & SUPPORT EACH OTHER TO DO OUR JOBS" There is enough work out there for all of us.

  10. EMTPRINCESS, Relax we are talking about HVA Hudson Valley Ambulance. That was along time ago. Which a few of us worked for including Mike. I think some one thought it was the same, but that was corrected.

    NWFDMEDIC, Thanks I need it. It has been along road but every day is a little better. My problem is the other company I work for that I got hurt at has not taken care of me. That is a real shame. But I am getting better. Maybe three more weeks I can return to work. Alamo has only given me 12 week to return or I am terminated. This is for a on the job injury that needed a total knee replacement. Hmmmm

  11. Also for some old info. Laidlaw / Med Tran walked away from a possible buy up of Hudson Valley Ambulance. That is when CMTI actualy picked up the company. Laidlaw never owed the company. I as well as many others here where working for the company at the time. Also just for info and I maybe wrong, but as I am reading the West and Hudson Val Prots. Both state that they will not be responsible for providing MC for inter-facilty transfers. This would only be regarding transports, I think.

    Folks give Mike W and Rizzo a chance, they are really working on the company.

    I am looking foward to be back to work soon. My rehab for my TKR is going well and I am off the cane.

  12. Hey the new truck looks great from what I could see of it. Lisa, wants to know why are you selling her truck, ha ha. Any ways waiting on the big workers comp check. I m in for surg ( a total knee replacement ) on Thursday at Vassar. I will be there till Mon or tuesday. Then to rehab. Come visit

  13. EFFP411, You are wrong again. They got alot more than you think. Yes the New Windsor deal is on going, but as most of us know 911 is not where you make the money. If Matt is right, and I think he is. Ray & Mike have always ran a class act & know where and how to make the money. There is alot more to this than we know. Look this has been one of the best kept secrets in EMS. Also it is True and it is a acquisition. Mike W posted it on When To Work.