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Posts posted by KC2OBW

  1. Boxes are better, no mater what style, box or van I always manage to hit my head on something. The bag is a good idea if you are limited for room.

    Mystery Man-

  2. Unscrew the lens, put lens on green or blue transparent paper and outline. Then cut out the shapes on the transparent paper and tape your two new paper lens onto the spots where the old lens were located? There you go :D

    Family dollar special = $5 for all the stuff you will need? :P

    Haha yeah I could do that, But I like OEM parts

  3. I didn't hear anything crack, but I didn't do compressions, there was a CNA from a nursing home that helped out I thought I would of hesitated at first, but as soon as the first aid kit with the pocket mask showed up, I went right at it, had a problem with her neck hyper extending so I had some one old her head up a little. She kept going in and out of it, then the AED arrived and the my co-worker delivered two shocks, for some reason it didn't feel like a eternity went by every thing seem to go quick, New Hamburgh and Mobile life had very quick response times...Oh and Chief Moore sorry if I blew your ear off over the radio, I must of yelled CPR in progress like three times over the radio when he called and asked for a update.

  4. Not that I have noticed, but I have heard and I dont know how true it is, but this year thier sappossta get rid of that channel and just stay with 453.900. I could be wrong, but that is what I have been hearing. Also, they have been doing some tower work lately. I hope that helps a little.


    Thanks for you reply Tom..Its just weird I remember the signal being stronger, and if they are getting rid of it doesn't make sense for them to waste money and fix it. I personally thing they should keep 46.36, but thats just me.

  5. I have a Motorola Minitor 3 low band 1ch pager, That I want to trade for either a UHF or VHF High minitor 3, If its a UHF I'm looking for one that will cover 453.900, and a VHF I'm looking to cover 155.220.

    THe low band pager covers 45-50mhz and is set up on 46.46mhz at this moment..can be programmed if needed.