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Posts posted by bob803

  1. So I've never really thought about this until now, but what is the meaning behind it being called 60-control, and Putnam used to being called 40-control, especially over the radio.

    Why not dispatch or something else? Is it because of history, or tradition or laws or something?

    This is just a guess but Westchester County Code is 60. You see it come up in SS# 000-60-000. You also see it on standardized test. for the county code.

  2. Let me see if I got this right, they didn't know 18 eligible employees were planning to retire?

    How much notice do people normally give, 5 days? 1 week? 2 weeks?

    At my former place of employment, we were asked to provide 4 MONTHS notice, if possible.

    In any event, by those numbers, Yonkers is still shy seven officers.


    Really anyone over the 20 year mark is eligible.


    Third Mount Vernon firefighter kicked out of academy

    By Hannan Adely • The Journal News • January 6, 2009

    MOUNT VERNON - A third city firefighter has been kicked out of the Westchester County fire training academy for receiving too many demerits for disciplinary violations.

    Francis Stone, 39, was dismissed from the academy Friday, four weeks short of graduation. Mount Vernon Fire Commissioner Noah Lighty said Stone had 12 demerits for infractions that included lagging behind in physical training and being untruthful to instructors.

    Is it 2 or 3????