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Posts posted by firegui

  1. [quote name='SRS131EMTFF' timestamp='1312065524' post='242828'Thanks for the info...will this a traditional wetdown ceremony or more of our new found "dry"down?

    More info on wet or dry down yet to come we are working on that.

  2. Somers F.D, is having a Wet Down & Dedication, on Saturday August 13, 2011 from 1200 - 1700 hours, at our Amawalk Fire House 2513 Rt. 35. Festivities as follows:

    From 1200 - 1300 hours Utility Five will be officially dedicated in the Honor and Memory of past Fire Police Lieutenant Charles " Chuck " Purdy, this ceremony will be in Uniform. We ask all who wish to attend the dedication to come in uniform, if possible, for this part of the event. Plan to bring a change of clothes for the rest of the day.

    From 1300 - 1700 Utility 5, Ladder 48, Tower Ladder 18, Engine 183 and Ambulance 80 B 3 will be on display for the wet down.

    We invite everyone to come and join us for food fun and fellowship and a very memorable day

  3. No offense Seth but when was the last time you responded to Lincoln Hall?? The demeaner of the residents has gone down hill drastically, so much in fact the residents are constantly eloping and getting into trouble that the town is talking if Lincoln Hall Staff cannot get this under control they might look for ways to close and remove it from our community!!! When you were here it was a different place. With the rules for placement of these youths having been changed the type of child they receive has worsened. Heck the staff doesn't feel safe with all the assualts on staff there. Half of these kids belong in "LOCK UP" but since so many secure facilities have been closed by the state they get the little delinquents they would have never gotten or taken in years gone by. As far as behavioral problem kids they are not seen there as they would not make it at Lincoln Hall. Again with all due respect this is NOT the Lincoln Hall you remember..

    I've responded on EMS calls to Lincoln Hall in Somers, and to Leake and Watts in Yonkers, which is just as bad, Four Winds in Katonah, Woodfield Cottage, Children's Village, and many group homes. I've also responded to adult maximum security correctional facilities.

    If you show empathy to these kids, even if agitated, I've found that the majority of the time, they can be really nice kids. If you talk to most of them, you can see what led them down the path. I strongly believe that these facilities are reactionary, and not proactive.

    A couple of years ago, I responded (here in Texas) to a small town (population about 200). It was a foster kid, about 16ish I think. I found out he was from Sanford, Florida which has extremly high crime rates. He was in a gang, and his grandmother sent him to live with what became foster parents in Texas a couple years back. He had no oppurtunites in Florida-no sports team to join, school district didn't care if he was truant, didn't own a TV, slept on a well worn matteress on the floor, didn't know his father and his mother was a junkie. His grandmother got out of jail and took custody of him.

    He was a football star for his hometown HS football team, a good kid from every one that knew him. He did have a couple of small minor run ins with the law, but the law consisted of the police chief and that's it. So instead of jail, he was punished by his parents. Anyways, HS Football coach was giving him "supplements", and that caused an acute medical problem. We had about an hour ride to the closest hospital, where I got his story, which was backed by his foster parents at the hospital. He LOVED football, knew everything about the game-but never had been to one. I got him and his foster dad tickets to a University Of Texas game vs. University Of Central Florida game, and he loved it. He worked hard, and he ended up getting a scholarship to a good college. I asked him about his life in Sanford, and he said he definetly would have been in a gang or dead had he stayed in Sanford, and if he ever becomes a football star, he wants to help as many of those kids as possible. And from what I've read on him, he's doing just that.....

    That simple act by his grandmother completly changed his life. Maybe more simple acts could change more lives. I understand why people think that LH residents are beyond help, but I don't believe that they should be given up on, especially at 12. They should be given every chance that every other kid in Westchester gets.

  4. Lincoln Hall Is a Non Secure Juvinile Detention Center theses kids broke laws and thats why they are there. So you cannot take them anywhere without staff of Lincoln Hall. These kids will and do try to get away every chance they get. Why expose them to the community???? There are more gangs in Lincoln Hall then any local communitys. You need to get over the fact that he is 12 and remember why he is there. Lest not forget though it may many many years ago Lincoln Hall residnets committed a murder and severe assault to two elderly town residents.

    The kids' 12. He'll loop through the system again, and what will be the benefit? He'll come out more of a criminal then before.

    The false alarm issues can get someone killed in a variety of ways, and needs to be stopped.

    However, why not try to point these kids in the right direction, if applicable? Have them pack hose, mow the lawns at the firehouse and do janitorial duties, get if they prove themselves, get them to join the explorer program.

    I think there needs to be more social responsibilty instead of ignoring these kids and the impact they can have if allowed to go untreated. (burden on law enforcement, courts, corrections over their lifespan). Most people on this forum are lucky to have been born into a good part of society and have, for the most part, had a upbringing where someone cared about them. These kid's don't have that. Nobody ever cared about them. They grew up in poverty and violence. They know that trouble brings them status, attention.

    Again, this kid is 12. It's not too late.

  5. Well this is not the first resident from this facility to be arrested for this. As earlier posted this has gotten out of hand there. The laws in NY do not allow for the facility to be notified prior to fd dispatch. The kids are court placed they are not angels by any means. There are no developmentally challanged people there. Since the residents have started to get arrested the malicious alarms are way down.

  6. Sutphen stepped up and did the right thing the entire bucket was replaced. Then the truck was third party tested again before redelivery. The company really stepped up to assure our confidence and did it in a very timely fashion.

    Nice shots.What did they end up replacing from the accident?

  7. Well from what I read, this is sort of a pointless law. It is saying that apparatus and chiefs can now you a blue light on the backs of there vehicles. Not sure how this is a good thing since really any flashing light will do the job. I think that if you don't see that rig with the current red and white pattern then adding a blue is not gonna change anything. Proper rig placement on the road is what saves lives, not a blue light. Plus who wants a blue light anyway?

    Have you ever seen a trooper with someone pulled over at night from a distance the blue lights over power the reds by far

  8. Thanks for putting together the video I for one will NEVER FORGET all those who died trying to courageously save all the trapped people. I also will remember the people who like the firefighters just went to work on a normal day never to return home. MAY GOD BLESS THEM THEIR FAMILIES AND ALL OF US AS WE REMEMBER THIS HORRIFIC EVENT. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!

  9. I see what appears to be a road/pump shift on the pump panel as well as the dash, great idea but don't you still have to get inn the cab to put the tranny in gear? Also is there a manual override? Nice looking rig, best of luck with it.

    That is the front suction open / close control

  10. Great photos - thanks for sharing!

    A couple of questions:

    1. What are the pump / tank specs?

    2. What's going in the front bumper?

    3. Is the electric siren only controllable by the Officer?

    4. What radio designation will this rig have?

    5. Why the change to a top-mount pump? Aren't the other Engines side mount?

    Good luck with it, looks nice (even though she's still "naked!" LOL)

    HI I can answer the questions you have:

    1) It is a waterous dual stage 1500 gpm and 1000 gal poly tank

    2) The front bumper will house a trash line and soft suction.

    3) The electronic siren is the Federal pa300R it is a remote siren the push button controls are mounted above the driver and passenger. What you see on the passengers side of the instrument panel is the pa microphopne.

    4) The designation of the engine will be 183

    5) The comittee struggled with the decision of top mount versus side mount pump we felt the safety of being off the road and also better vision at the fire scene were pluses. In the end an e mail was sent to the membership by the chief asking for their input. Out of about 30 responses 25 were for top mount and 5 against the top mount won.

  11. So you were a member back when IBM & Pepsi offered Free ALS to Somers FD and it was turned down because: "We don't want paramedics telling our firefighters and EMT's what to do" and "patients in Somers don't want paramedic service from strangers, they want their trusted nieghbors to help them in their time of need".

    I was at that public meeting and that was what was stated by chiefs and commissioners when they turned down free ALS.

    Yes Sommers has come a long way. Keep up the good work. Nice to see patients coming 1st.

    Not only was i a member i was EMS Captain and fought with the chiefs and commissioners for it unfortunately you cannot win all the battles although i did agree with Dr. Haydock. I was also some years later the then reelected EMS Lieutenant who with my Fellow Captain who just started calling als to calls when A 1 ambulance was in Mount Kisco. Thus beginning the first ALS responses to Somers. Oh and by the way it was not Pepsi and IBM it was Empress promoted by Dr. Haydock from Northern Westchester Hospital. When Somers (with one M) said no the offer was made to YVAC who took the offer. By the way it was free for one year and then would cost the taxpayers of Somers.

  12. ON 8/15/10 at 0700 hours the first ambulance out the door is now staffed with paid personell. It is staffed with two EMT'S provided by Westchester EMS. This is a 24 hour 365 day a year program. The Somers Fire District realized the need for better response times for our ambulance and this is best way to accomplish the goal. I would like to say the volunteers have done an excellent job for many many years keeping ems going but due to more and more calls longer turn around times and just the economy the task just got too much to handle. The volunteers will still man the second and third ambulances which see more and more calls everyday.

  13. Yeah, and the agencies down here, some of them have demo'd them and they don't work properly and have heavy interference in some conditions, amongst other things. Just because something's on the market doesn't mean it works perfectly. They keep improving the product, and until it's perfect, some departments down here won't buy it until it proves itself. But I agree a wireless headset is much safer. And most departments use David Clark.

    Let's not forget, headsets are used whenver in the apparatus cab as well. This drowns out the siren and other sounds and allows the crew to communicate better and hear radio traffic better, as well as gives them hearing protection.

    Until they had an LODD where they backed over a frefighter, LAFD used to stand on the back step and use a buzzer. That firefighter fell of the back and she was subsequently killed when the truck ran her over.

    It's also not just for backing up, or even primarily for backing up, but also used to communicate when operating from the rear of the apparatus (outriggers)

    Actually the fire com wireless headsets are excellent. They are on their own frequency ( not bluetooth ) this insures no interference. They can incorporate 2 radios both in the cab as well as at the pump panel. The wireless is good up to 1100 feet line of sight. I have personally been given the demonstration which was totally given over the head sets and it was awesome. I can tell you Somers's new engine will have the Fire Com headsets for the driver and officer.