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Posts posted by tommyguy

  1. I hate potheads.

    Yesterday I wrote I was surprised a deputy was shown handling a plant with no protective gear and John followed it by posting the above. But if he was implying I'm a pothead he was dead wrong. I wouldn't go near the stuff. :unsure:

    Let me relate something. When a good buddy of mine began his firefighting career over 25 years ago he used to take a lot of hazing from the guys because he liked to put the Scott Airpak on. Especially when they weren't sure what was burning. By the time he retired -- and in great health -- it was sop.

    I work in a factory where we use a lot of chemicals. They're mostly benign but we're dealing with big quantities. Part of my job is insisting the guys wear protective gear -- gloves, safety glasses, long sleeves, etc.

    It only takes few minutes to protect yourself and it can save you a lot of grief later on.

  2. I was somewhat surprised to see the photo on the JN front page yesterday. A deputy sheriff standing by a huge pile of plants with no surgical face mask on, short sleeve shirt and holding a plant without gloves.

    If those plants have matured you can ingest THC -- the active ingredient -- through your skin I believe. Definitely inhale it. Maybe not enough for a "contact high" but enough to make you feel pretty woozy later on.

  3. I understand the difficulty of finding the vehicle, I'm not criticizing law enforcement in any manner, shape or form.

    But all the 911 reports I read about were from the Taconic, not earlier on Rt. 17 and I-87.

    Remember the State Police were informed of a problem by the husband after she was east of the Tappan Zee. Were they aware at that time there'd been problems earlier on Rt. 17 or the Thruway? It doesn't sound like they were.

    It sounds like the drivers reporting that they 'd seen her driving erratically on Rt. 17 (passing on shoulder), driving on the grass at a rest stop on the Thruway, tailgating. driving in between lanes, speeding, excessive horn blowing, it sounds like they only came forward after the fact. If some of the drivers on 17 or 87 did report her I feel a little better.

    By the time the car was on the Taconic (or on the exit ramp) yes I agree it was way too late.

  4. I'm not trying to spread the blame around, but the drivers who told State Police investigators they remembered the "red SUV with kids inside" being driven very erractically on Rt. 17 and the Thruway, that bothers me a lot.

    If kids are involved adults have an obligation in a situation like that to call 911.

    I not only would've, I have!

    I don't like to make trouble for people, but if you don't act and then something happens you're kicking yourself in the butt for the rest of your life.

  5. There is no problem, I don't mean to suggest that in anyway. The WPFD does a super job.

    As a former resident of White Plains, this issue was also brought up by the White Plains firefighters union some years back. As the city has gotten bigger the Fire Department has gotten smaller.

    My thought is, with the disbanding of Engine 68 -- which was originally quartered at Station 4 on South Lexington Avenue near Maple -- there are only three engine companies north of Bryant Avenue. That takes in all of downtown, the north end plus the Lake Street and Westminister Ridge areas.

    Going way back, there was once an Engine 69 located at Station 5 on Robertson Avenue (near Chatterton Avenue). Residents considered it the 'Battle Hill neighborhood engine' and complained when the city shut it down. Back then the city explained that with the main streets being widened and improved because of the downtown Urban Renewal project, Station 2 could provide an adequate first response engine (Engine 66) to the neighborhood (which I lived in back then). People accepted it.

    But friends I've had, guys I went to school with, who later became White Plains firefighters, mentioned there's times they'd like to see more firefighters assigned.

  6. Having grown up in White Plains they always were well-respected and considered an excellent department by residents.

    There was a time when for many years hardly any structures were destroyed by fire. They had some workers with heavy fire but the buildings were always saved and eventually rebuilt. To me that was an amazing accomplishment.

    I think White Plains has always been very active in doing inspections and enforcing code. That definitely helps.

    I have a couple buddies who were career firefighters in the WPFD. They were proud but they always mentioned manning levels being a problem. I was very surprised to learn that Engine 68 (Station 2) has been taken out of service.

  7. Given the volume of fire reported, the type construction etc, it looks like YFD did a great job. The building definitely looks rebuildable and none of the residents were hurt. I thank oilflame for posting his pix.

    I live with my girlfriend a couple blocks from YFD Station 9 and I always get a kick out of seeing what they're up to. Both companies went on the second alarm. Nice pic of Eng 309.

    I join with everyone else in wishing FF Ronan a speedy and full recovery.
