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  1. INIT915 liked a post in a topic by jay24 in Stamford, Ct 2010 Firefighter Exam   
    From the City Of Stamford personnel minutes posted to the city's website:
    4. P28.061
    REVIEW; matter of reimbursement for applicants of the fire service exam (held approximately two years ago).
    The Committee held a lengthy discussion regarding the fire exam that was held about two years ago. Mr. Hibson explained that the list was never certified. Certification involves final scoring and ranking of candidates. Once the list is certified, it expires after two years. He is not going to certify it until issues surrounding the budget, the Fire Plan and the Fire Union Contract are settled.
    The Committee members stated that it was unfair that those that took the test were charged $35 and then no hiring took place. Chair Fedeli explained that if the test-takers are refunded the $35, then their name will come off the list. If the list is certified, they are not entitled to the $35. Mr. Layton suggested that perhaps they could be given the option, and Mr. Hibson felt this would be extremely burdensome on his department.
    Many representatives felt strongly that a decision should be made in the near future regarding either scoring the test or refunding the money. Therefore, Chair Fedeli agreed to keep this item on the Pending Agenda for further review.
    Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Committee voted 6-0-0 to reconvene on Tuesday, April 3, 2012 at 6:45 to vote on Item No. 2 above.
    Hope this answers your question