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Posts posted by Mikefrmny

  1. Progress = Bunch of under achievers pretending to be doing something important by creating mass of paperwork that means nothing and does nothing in the firefight

    Tradition = Well meaning FFs who fight these idiots everyday to preserve what has worked for 200 hundred years. Put the Wet Stuff on the Red stuff, Stupid!!

    My proof...I live it everyday!!

  2. Thanks for the opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Mike and I have been a ff for 20 years. Got my start as a vollie in Chappaqua way back in 1989 and was a member until 2002. I spent my last 7 plus year working in Fairfax County, VA however, just recently transferred to Longmeadow, MA to be closer to my family. I have been enjoying all the inputs here and look forward to having fun sharing and enjoying other posts through this great forum. Take care and be safe!!

  3. Good Job RSM.... I trained on "Old" 144 1976 ALF engine...brings back some really good memories..remember being taught by Scott Nicolaysen when we got a "run"..can't believe that was almost 20 years ago. Any chance I can come down and drive it around the block.. I am lot closer to NY now...hehe
