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Posts posted by Alpinerunner

  1. I think the issue is employers aren't allowed to factor race in in anyway when hiring; therefore, applications say listing your race is optional. However, NYC is saying we need your race for our own (and the courts) statistics, but we PROMISE it won't be used as a factor in the hiring process.

  2. Wow. Can't believe it actually came out! I also see that they changed the residency requirements for the 5 points to 1 year retroactive from the filing date. In the 2006 filing period, you had to maintain residency for 1 year AFTER taking the test... so you could see how well you did and see if it was worth moving to the city for the credit. On this test, you would have needed to be in the city by July 1 2010. I guess that will stop the scammers!

  3. First 1,000? How many do you project will take the exam? What is considered a desireable grade?

    You will probably need a 100 with all the vets getting 5 points and NYC residents getting 5 points.

  4. Court documents released last week stated that the FDNY would open their firefighter test for filing on July 5th 2011. The vulcans insisted that a test fee of $54 was way too much so the filing date is postponed a week. Look for the filing period to open next week for FDNY firefighter unless there is another court delay. Exam 6019 from 2007 is still alive and waiting for the appeals process but it is highly unlikely they will ever use it. If you took exam 6019 from 2007 and are now too old to take this exam (max 29 years old) you can still take it up to age 35. Goodluck, 20 houses are staying open, they keep losing guys to retirement every day, and haven't hired since 2008.

    Any update on this?

  5. I think the study is accurate, but the title misleading and sensationalistic. High flow oxygen does not increase risk of death. It increases risk of death in patients with confirmed COPD as is mentioned in the body of the article. This is because people with COPD reguate breathing via O2 intake, not CO2 discharge, so giving them high flow O2 will trick their bodies into thinking they are perfusing better than they really are. I'm sure someone with better medical knowledge than I can elaborate or explain it better.

  6. What do you think it means to be prepared? I mean, for a small plane crash, it can be treated as an MVA. The hydraulic tools will work the same (probably better due to lightweight aluminum body), you contain and manage fuel and fires the same way. An air chisel is a good tool and will work well. Maybe I'm playing Devil's Advocate, but I think you should keep it simple and remember the basics.

    A large airliner crash is a different story and for any town, the only answer is a lot of M/A.

  7. No, I would never do that. I was just wondering if you had seen a mythical ct mountain lion as well.

    haha, well no I haven't seen the mountain lion. But I'll report it here first if I do!

    Seriously though I don't know why it's so hard to believe. I mean SFRD's higher ups have been the ones that were first saying it existed, as a reason for disallowing the volunteer departments' paid staff to continue helping their old departments. Ask Keatly, as it's addressed to him!

    sqd47bfd likes this

  8. So a question to my fellow union brothers and those familar with the ongoings in Stamford. There has been a lot of talk how L-786 declared the VFD's rival organizations. My question is this, does the union body have to vote on something like that? Does the E-Board have the authority to just declare something like that? If so, does something have to be put into writing? I have spoken to several past E-Board members that state that nothing of the kind was ever done. So, where is it coming from? Proof?

    I have seen the document first hand. It exists, and it's addressed to the Union President and says something along the lines of TRFD, LRFC, Springdale, Belltown have been approved as rival organizations.

  9. Seth,

    As Calhobs said, people did the same in 94. You are wrong in painting Boston fans that way. They did not riot last time Bruins lost in the cup finals, nor did Boston fans in 86 when they had good reason to after losing to the Mets. And if you read into it, it is not even hockey fans but nut jobs looking to rebel. Great hockey finals by the way.

    But they did riot when they won the World Series in '04

  10. I've seen mention about the tax abatement laws but am not familair with them.

    I seem to recall the stamford volunteers stonewalling the past administration when

    information was requested from them. I guess this is like the age old question which came first, the chicken or the egg. We all know it was the chicken.

    Wouldn't it be better to build a gym at the firehouse? One time cost, serves multiple people and might draw firefighters to the firehouse?

    Incentives are a tough thing to make work IMO. The problem with property tax abatement is that many volunteers (esp the very active ones) are younger and aren't home owners (esp with Stamford RE prices). A retirement (LOSAP?) fund like they have in NY is nice... but not many people will be swayed to volunteer when the benefits are 20+ years down the road. Points on the exam is nice, and will attract people serious about firefighting, but you will lose them as soon as the test is actually offered and they get hired downtown. A pay-per-call like they do upstate CT ($5 a call?) is fair and makes sense, but is that really going to persuade anyone making a time-money valuation decision?

  11. I was wondering, other than the many, many, many postings by FFPCogs in support of this questionable new Volunteer Fire Department, How many other postings are there that actually support this thing?

    I live in Stamford, pay taxes in Stamford, Vote in Stamford and live in a combination response district. I am also a Past Chief of one of the Volunteer Departments. For the record, I have concerns over this SVFD proposal.

    Many chose to be quiet for many reasons. 1) there is little to be gained by arguing in this thread. 2) we work together routinely on the street and this may hurt relations. 3) no one will back down from their position because no position is truly wrong. Both methods of providing protection to stamford include a paid force staffing houses, they just go about it very differently.

    For instance, a certain member earlier in this thread critized the volunteers for responding in a fly car to provide manpower when an apparatus driver was not available. More recently in this thread, the same member criticized the volunteers for NOT responding in a fly car and waiting for an apparatus driver.... You see what's going on? Arguments will change to suit the issue currently being debated and NO ONE WINS ON THE INTERNET!!!

    That's not to say that it's a bad thing that Cogs and others are stating their point of view and engaging in intelligent debate... just know that he isn't the only supporter.

  12. Every department is different and my answer will be totally different then the next guys, which is why NIMS recommends plain English for radio transmissions. But generally Code 1 is no lights no sirens, Code 2 is normally for police use of Lights through intersections for a silent approach, and Code 3 is full lights and sirens.

    You'll hear departments request 'Respond with Caution," "Slow it down," but when you break the wordage down, the appropriate way to have units go non-emergency is to request "Units respond in Non-Emergency"

    This is what I've always heard. The important thing to note is that Code 2 is for police only, and is commonly referred to as "expedited response". This is what pisses the public off when they see police turn on their lights only to get through intersections then turn them off. The public assumes they are doing that just because they can, but they are really responding Code 2 for an expedited silent approach.

    There is no use for this in the fire service.

  13. That is indeed a great idea and a thoughtful thing to do. First off, it's FDNY, not NYFD. No biggie but people will notice. Secondly, I doubt you will get any recognition from any higher-ups in the FDNY for the sole reason that they are just too big of an organization. My advice would be to contact individual companies (firehouses) and ask to speak with the house officer. You might get an individual firehouse to accept and display your flag. Start with companies in lower Manhattan like 10-10 House.