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  1. JohnnyOV liked a post in a topic by ffmc36 in Priorities in Emergency Services - What is Actually Important?   
    This makes me think of 2 sayings:
    1. “I’m trying to be more a part of the community, than part of the scene”. Coined by someone within the industry I work. I think this is exactly what JohnnyOV was saying; put more effort into adding value to the fire service community (sharing info in-order to teach and learn from), and a little less effort talking about the not so important buff-stuff.
    2. “Function before fashion”. Told to me as a kid in regards to sports, but can definitely relate here. Don’t concern yourself with what kind of blue light you have on your car, and that you have the “coolest” gear; looking like a salty-experienced firefighter doesn’t make you one.
    I’ve been coming here for over a year, and only as of late really trying to make an effort to contribute. Since I haven’t been in the fire service as long as most, I have hesitated to respond to posts even if I think I know the answer. I never hesitate like this at meetings or drills at my dept because I want to learn as much as I can (would much rather say or do something wrong at a drill then on the fireground ), and should be doing the same here.