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Posts posted by vwwh1

  1. remember...thank you so much for that reply...I only hope more of us would stand up and tell the truth...and you are VERY correct that there are some major problems with manpower in career depts. too. but like you said DOES THE PUBLIC KNOW?....we have to start telling the truth and letting the public in on the secrets we all here know about. And hiding or throwing money at these band aid, special projects is not helping to save the lives or put out the fire. You only have to look to maryland to look at places where a firefighter is a firefighter...just some are paid and some are not and there really should be a TRUE study of the fire service in westchester and its needs...fire station wise, apparatus wise, manpower and cost wise and if that means closing some companies and hiring some people and getting rid of some firehouses and building some new...that is what needs to be done....with TRUE numbers and FACTS...not on the books...and because it looks nice or say's "our name" on it. cop cars don't have gold leaf, nor cd players..etc. why are we any different...if it puts out the fire and conforms to NFPA then thats what we need. Glad to hear from you "remember". Thanks for a good dialog

  2. Don't open that door....EVERY career FF MUST have 225 hrs. of training to start. Not so for a Vol. so right off the bat there is no comparison...even NYS says there is a difference. Why do they distinguish between the requirements of a career ff and only 15 hrs for a vol. and 8 hrs. a year there after. while a career ff must have 100. There is no distinguishment between a career EMT and a Vol EMT. ..same training and requirements....if all are equal then MAKE all EQUAL. and there are MANY people who are classified as Vol. FF's who actually have SEVERE learning disabilities. Is there no min. requirement to join. That is the reason that depts. claim they have 300 members. There are many depts out there that have the LOSAP and they still can't get a rig out. So the only one making money is the ins. company and a few individuals and the looser is the tax payer again. Tell the public the TRUTH. If the avg. taxpayer knew ther REAL numbers...like it might cost you another $200 a year for career ff's who would also respond to EMS calls and you wouldn't have to worry about these hidden charges...like fund drives, LOSAP, Tax breaks which now the tax payer must make up the difference, a proposal now for HEALTH CARE for Vols., Property tax breaks which again the tax payer must make up the difference, free use of the town pool which the taxpayer pays more...stipends, 3 chief cars, fuel, insurance. Trucks with gold leaf instead of stickers (just so it looks nice!). More trucks then are ever needed at what cost....and then the 1 million dollar LADDER TRUCK IN BLUE for a firehouse that doesn't fit it so now we need a new one at at cost of ?...the inspection dinner that cost 30 g's, can go on and on and on....should start another web site called the REAL TRUTH.com

    If you want to do the job and are going to do the SAME job with the SAME training (because fires don't care that you are only a volunteer and don't require the same training)and do it for free with out wanting all that "special" stuff and yelling that you better give it to us because we are vol. or we will threaten you with propaganda of the HUGE cost of a hiring then more power to you. If you want to do the SAME job but for free (just like EMT's) then step right up. But stop the Lie's stop hiding the fact that the trucks don't get out, Vol's don't cost money, they are trained the same...if you feel that way then you should be offended that NYS differenciates...right? there is no difference...right?....there are vols that do take many class's...and many career who never go past the academy....so make the MIN. the SAME!!! THAT is the reason for all the vol./paid problems....they are NOT EQUAL and that is not true for the country...in many states they must ALL meet the same standards. Is the $1000 tax break a lot of money...no...but the cummulative of all the hidden costs are...don't circumvent the civil service req. which many many vol. ff's are on by hiring a person and calling them a Janitor because you need FF"s but don't want to pay them.

  3. My thoughts exactly Pbpvm. When exactly do we cross the line to paid...is there a dollar amount? and the 7 year rule, what are the requirements for the 7 years... can you coast for 7 and then be exempt?....tell me honestly...if you want to vol. then you are going to volunteer and if you don't want to you won't. This is only going to cost taxpayers more....pension plans, million dollar ladder trucks that are in no way needed, gold leaf, new buildings, tax breaks, stipends and "you better give it to us because we do it for free"...well ok so it isn't free....just hidden costs and in the end the trucks don't get out anyway...shouldn't we stop pretending... and fix the real problem...and spend money on that