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Posts posted by OnTheWheel

  1. Not talking to anyone in particular: you can read as many books as you want, go to a ton of training classes (a "junior" member doesnt usually have a family, full time job, as much responsibility etc so they have the luxury of attending a lot of classes, as I did) but you will never, I repeat never, get the "knowledge" you get from doing your time "on the streets" or however you want to put it. A book/class paints a pretty picture and yes you are prepared for a situation, but when things go wrong, the only thing that will help you is experience. With time, you get to see how to react to, and overcome, these imperfections that they cant write in a book. I agree that the "youth" of the forums should give their imput, but know where the line is and stay well behind it. Again, Im not directing this at one person.

  2. You do not need to be a volunteer in order to be patriot nor is it the "purist form of patriotism":

    -Voting in all elections, state, federal, local, school board whatever is being a patriot, using a freedom that our forefathers fought so long and hard for is more patriot than volunteering a few hours a week.

    -Upholding and swearing by the constitution in-spit of all the people that seek to destroy it is more patriot.

    -Dying in the name of this country and our freedom is a much higher degree of patriot than volunteering.

    -Working for a change that not only positively effects you but those around you.

    -And finally dissent against the government and standing up for what you believe in is more patriot than volunteering.

    I know people who were born in other countries and have be come legal citizens who are more patriotic than some of the volunteer fire fighter or citizens who were born here I know because they uphold the constitution, worked for a change, voted in every election they could and fought and died for my freedom.

    Good points!

    Im not clear on the last, are you encouraging people to disagree with the government? or just to speak up if they do? I may be misreading it.

  3. Although some volunteer agencies may play up the social club aspect, it's also a great support system for members during times of hardship. Volunteer FF's are usually there for one another regardless, sometimes even more so then the career side. A "boot drive" once a year or a softball tournament is not community service or volunteering. Sure, you're raising funds for a needy orginization, but how are you directly giving back to YOUR community?

    Im not sure where you're going Seth. Are you talking about the people who only show up to the boot drive and softball tournament?

    I think that being a volunteer FF or EMS is giving back to your community, saving life and property is a nice gift if you ask me. But like I said, I don't see what youre getting at.

    As far as a community as a whole I agree, if everyone chipped in someway this world would be a better place. How about those people that EMS transports for a sniffle, let them give an hour for the ride, providing they dont pay for it.

  4. Not sure how it works. Some departments do a seperate trophy, out of state and out of county. Id imagine there will be a lot of trophies today seeing its a convention. Convention parades have different trophy rules (ie. Best regulation 1-5 in line, 6-9 etc) its not quite that restrictive but it is an obnoxious amount of trophies.

  5. My point is she sat at the interview and hiring process and said NOTHING about this "special need", she waited until she was on the road and they had no choice. Sure, if she mentioned it and they didnt hire her it would be bad. This should be an interesting landmark case. Although the Ramapo chief should refer to the NYSP case above which clearly makes a judgment on behalf of the employer.

  6. Outlaw those carts all together, they are a menace and get in the way. And I agree, dont blame the 5 year old, blame their so called "parents", they think its cute. Theyre the same ones who let their kids run around restaurants and ruin everyone elses dinner. I love the "if you dont sit down theres no desert", then after they run around for the next half hour, here comes the ice cream!!!

  7. There is no Constitutional issue here, Working for the TSA we can and have removed wigs and other headware, we offer privatre screening or its done right there on the floor. Of course the passenger can refuse but guess what they aint gettin on the flight. So there is no problem I am sure with police having a wig removed, picture taken I am sure is done in private or can be arranged to be done one on one with a witness as we do it. This sounds like as mentioned in a few post the bad guy trying to turn this around.

    AMEN! We worry about "offending" too many people these days. Unfortunatly, as I've previously stated, this country HAS FORGOT 9/11 and what happened. Not that everyone thats Muslim is a criminal etc etc, but if it is for the safety of a lock up or a plane, take the religious items off, uncover the face etc. BUT!!!!.. you better be taking the wig off the 90 year old guy you lock up for dwi. This country needs to wake up, I thought it got the ultimate wake up call 7 years ago but I guess not!

    ps-does anyone know how to shrink those pennies? :-)

  8. He will now go down in history at BHS, thanks to the rag, the Journal News. As far as his punishment, he should definitly be charged. The principal grabbing his diploma appears to be a knee jerk reaction and I guess "showed the kid who's really boss". There's no way they can deny him his diploma, the piece of paper on the stage, yes, but not the actual achievment. The days of "they're only kids" are long gone, thats why they do the stuff they do, because everyone makes excuses for them. Hold them accountable and lock em up, you'll see how all this nonsense diminishes.

  9. This video is stomach turning, how everyone walks and drives by with this guy laying in the street. Finally the guy in the white shirt comes over and appears to be comforting him. Hard to believe out of all the people who saw this no one had first aid training of some sort! We are turning into a third world country.

    Bystanders Ignore Hit-and-Run Victim


    Posted: 2008-06-05 19:58:12

    Filed Under: Nation News

    HARTFORD, Conn. (June 5) - A 78-year-old man is tossed like a rag doll by a hit-and-run driver and lies motionless on a busy city street as car after car goes by. Pedestrians gawk but do nothing. One driver stops briefly but then pulls back into traffic. A man on a scooter slowly circles the victim before zipping away.


  10. The boycott should be for Fox news, they're the ones who allowed this garbage to air.

    Same as the propoganda ridden NY Post, I haven't bought one of their papers since the begining of the war. There was an incident where a car rushed an army checkpoint and they were forced to blow it up, it was full of women and kids if I remember, the front page of the Post said "Slaughtered" the next day with a picture of the car. Sure it was a tragedy but do they have to berate our troops when their job is hard enough!!! Sorry to get off topic.