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Everything posted by EMTbravo

  1. Members, We will no longer allow discussion, questioning, or debate here on what color light lenses belong where, what is compliant, etc. Most members don't like seeing these discussions over and over again. It's come to the point where these threads are counterproductive, and don't add anything to this forum. Quite often, they hijack the thread and lead it off course. If you want to read up on these topics, there are numerous to choose from. Just do a search. Please note, this DOES NOT include discussion of warning devices, technical issues, etc. Thanks for your cooperation Seth G. on behalf of the EMTBravo team
  2. All, The EMTBravo staff tries to be objective and fair and the site administrators have counseled the staff to moderate fairly and impartially. The staff enjoys the way this site enables a variety of people to engage in thought provoking discussions, share ideas or experiences, and promote doing our jobs the right way. We believe in equal application of the rules to all members and enforce them only as necessary. We have reviewed the situation involving an active member of this site and based upon our findings, the member did violate forum rules and after what became a heated exchange with members of the staff, he was banned. This member has since acknowledged that he did in fact violate forum rules and has apologized. It is not in dispute that these issues existed and that this member is responsible for them. 1. The member had and used multiple screen names. 2. The member was approached by a staff member regarding this and denied it. 3. Later confronted with e-mail and IP addresses and other evidence that this was in fact all the same person, the member conceded that it was him. 4. While using these alternate screen names other forum rules concerning agency bashing were violated. 5. After all this came to light, the member posted personal attacks and extremely derogatory comments directed at the staff of this site, another violation of EMTBravo policy. As a result of the foregoing, this member was banned. Several other members carried the proverbial torch and violated forum rules and were also banned. It is this member’s right to complain about EMTBravo to friends and peers and to vent his frustration with the staff however it serves no purpose when these friends or colleagues log in and under the guise of supporting him, violate forum rules themselves. Some of these “brothers” are now engaging in what can only be described as harassment via e-mail and other means. This is unwarranted and inappropriate and should cease immediately. There is no reason to respond with open hostility and/or veiled threats to any member or staff. If anyone has a question or concern about this situation, please address it via PM or e-mail. We will respond to any reasonable inquiry but will not engage in a debate about the merits of this case or the actions that have already been taken. It must be noted that the member in question has himself requested that this behavior be discontinued. As a matter of policy, we do not discuss member issues publicly or engage in debates about moderation actions. However, the staff is also sensitive to the fact that this is a personal and emotionally charged issue and that is why a public response is being posted. This is a membership based forum and it is impossible to please everyone or prevent people's feelings from being hurt when opposing points of view or opinions are exchanged. We must not take it personally or respond defensively when someone posts a differing point of view. Be open-minded, listen to your fellow members' opinions, and respond calmly and defend your position with facts and not rhetoric. This will eliminate the need for the staff to intervene and allow the debate to evolve productively. Thank you for your support of and involvement with EMTBravo. Respectfully, The EMTBravo Staff
  3. Members, In case you're looking for it, I moved the "Training And Educational Opportunities" forum to the top of the main index page. I did this because education saves lives. Due to such, I would like EMTBravo to be more of a "clearinghouse" for training and educational oppurtunities for all aspects of emergency services. That's where I need your help. If you know of a training or educational oppurtunity, please help us with this endeavor by posting the details in the "Training And Education Oppurtunities forum. Thanks! -Seth Granville on behalf of the EMTBravo.net team
  4. The Montrose thread has been removed for multiple reasons. Any issue with this should be emailed to seth@emtbravo.com
  5. Admin note to members posting in this thread: "191SH" has requested termination of his account. Therefore, he is unable to particpate any further in this thread.
  6. Thank You Atv300 for your donation of 45.00 USD. It is much appreciated. We look forward to maintaining and improving the forums with your donation. Seth G., Founder & CEO EMTBravo On behalf of the entire EMTBravo community. Why Donate? One of the biggest problems facing new and established communities is a source of funding, to provide domain registration, hosting costs, IP.Board license subscription, etc... If you enjoy visiting EMTBravo.net Forums, all donations made are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use maintaining and building a better community for you! Remember any donation made is always appreciated, any amount will help EMTBravo.net Forums continue to provide the best possible experience for you.
  7. Thank You 38ff for your donation of 50.00 USD. It is much appreciated. We look forward to maintaining and improving the forums with your donation. Seth G., Founder & CEO EMTBravo On behalf of the entire EMTBravo community. Why Donate? One of the biggest problems facing new and established communities is a source of funding, to provide domain registration, hosting costs, IP.Board license subscription, etc... If you enjoy visiting EMTBravo.net Forums, all donations made are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use maintaining and building a better community for you! Remember any donation made is always appreciated, any amount will help EMTBravo.net Forums continue to provide the best possible experience for you.
  8. To update our investors and potential investors, we are currently at 11% of our goal with one month left to go in this quarter. We aim to capture 25% of our goal per quarter in order to reach our 2011 goal by the end of December. Thanks to all those who have already donated! And for all those who contribute content to make this a site to donate to!
  9. Members, In regards to NYC incidents, please post substantial incidents Only (ex: 2nd Alarm/10-77 or greater). Thanks! EMTBravo.net Team
  10. When you registered as a member on this forum, you agreed to follow the rules and conditions. By posting, you are agreeing to comply with the rules. Therefore, I would just like to reinforce some rules I've noticed that some members have been disregarding. #1. Do NOT attack another member for his/her opinion. If you're going to reply, make it constructive and responsive to the issue being discussed, not the person. #2. "One Liners". One line posts made to incite trouble, be a comic, throw a thread off course, etc are not permitted and will be deleted. This includes anyone who posts things like "beating a dead horse". #3. All posts must be constructive and respectful. Take some time to read over your post and think "would I like to be addressed in this matter?". Pause before you hit that submit button. And don't automatically feel it's your duty to defend yourself or be a hero defending others....everybody is entitled to an opinion. #4. If you have an issue or question about this forum, or a complaint about a thread or another member, PLEASE contact that member or a staff member first, before hijacking a thread with it. Feel free to hit the report button to bring an issue to our attention. #5 Irrelevant discussion. Don't "hijack" threads with off topic replies. Especially in the photo threads. #6 Don't blame the staff because you don't know the rules or are knowingly breaking them or trying to get around them. #7. The staff's PERSONAL opinion during discussions is to be taken the same as a member's. They are not acting in moderator capacity when they post. An EMTBravo staff rule is once a moderator participates in a thread, they cannot moderate that thread. #8. We reserve the right to change topic titles to more accurately describe the topic, and/or to make indexing easier for the future. #9. We reserve the right to split threads if there are two seperate discussions going on in one thread. #10. Read the rules of this site. You are bound to follow them. If you feel something should be changed or updated, contact a staff member. #11. Respond to criticism with facts or an appropriate rebuttal, not a "Mommy, he hit me" knee jerk response.
  11. On x152's post, I am closing the topic.
  12. Thank You E106MKFD for your donation of 50.00 USD. It is much appreciated. We look forward to maintaining and improving the forums with your donation. Seth G., Founder & CEO EMTBravo On behalf of the entire EMTBravo community. Why Donate? One of the biggest problems facing new and established communities is a source of funding, to provide domain registration, hosting costs, IP.Board license subscription, etc... If you enjoy visiting EMTBravo.net Forums, all donations made are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use maintaining and building a better community for you! Remember any donation made is always appreciated, any amount will help EMTBravo.net Forums continue to provide the best possible experience for you.
  13. Thank You fjp326 for your donation of Not Available . It is much appreciated. We look forward to maintaining and improving the forums with your donation. Seth G., Founder & CEO EMTBravo On behalf of the entire EMTBravo community. Why Donate? One of the biggest problems facing new and established communities is a source of funding, to provide domain registration, hosting costs, IP.Board license subscription, etc... If you enjoy visiting EMTBravo.net Forums, all donations made are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use maintaining and building a better community for you! Remember any donation made is always appreciated, any amount will help EMTBravo.net Forums continue to provide the best possible experience for you.
  14. Members, We are proud to announce our newest staff members: efdcapt115: efdcapt115 will take a new "Mentor" position, and work with individual members as needed, one on one, through PM and phone calls. He will not be a Moderator, but someone to guide and help our members. In addition, he will also work with me and the team on developing new ideas for the site, to help it grow in popularity, and to provide an ever increasing data base of knowledge and information. George has an excellent way with our members, and he is full of great ideas for the site. George has served as a career firefighter in the Eastchester Fire District, where he attained the rank of Captain and worked for numerous years. He also has written several succesful grants for the department. He is now retired due to an illness. FDNY 10-75: Some of you may have noticed that Eli (FDNY 10-75) has been added as a Moderator. He actually has been a Moderator since we consolidated the EMTBravo Upstate forums into this board. He had been serving in an advisory position and should have been marked as a moderator. Eli is extremly knowledgable and well known throughout the "Enthusiast" community, and he is the photographer and webmaster behind http://www.10-75.net. He works as a dispatcher for a PD and as a Medic. He will primarily be responsible for the "Apparatus Coming Soon" category, as well as verifying our Upstate Incident Alerts and Upstate forum, amongst helping out wherever else needed. We thank and welcome these creative minds to our team! Seth Granville on behalf of the entire EMTBravo team
  15. Thank You PabloGem for your donation of 50.00 USD. It is much appreciated. We look forward to maintaining and improving the forums with your donation. Seth G., Founder & CEO EMTBravo On behalf of the entire EMTBravo community. Why Donate? One of the biggest problems facing new and established communities is a source of funding, to provide domain registration, hosting costs, IP.Board license subscription, etc... If you enjoy visiting EMTBravo.net Forums, all donations made are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use maintaining and building a better community for you! Remember any donation made is always appreciated, any amount will help EMTBravo.net Forums continue to provide the best possible experience for you.
  16. Members, FDNY 10-75 came to us with an idea. He asked if we could create a forum where we could post upcoming new deiveries, the specifications, and the status. So, like Inicident Alert, the topic title and information MUST conform to the template, which will auto-load. The post should be updated as neccesary (i.e. "Delivered"). Please make sure your information is correct, and you are a knowledgable source (not "I heard" or "I think"). Here's an example of what a post should look like: Topic Title: (Upcoming Delivery) Albany FD New Engine Post: State: New York County: Albany County City/Town/Municipality/Dept: Albany Fire Department Unit designation/identifier: Engines 4 & 11 Chassis & Body (or Aerial) Manufacturer and model: Spartan/Crimson Star Pump size, tank size (water/foam), aerial type & length: 1500/500/30F (A) Estimated delivery date: Sept 2011 Notes: FDNY 10-75 will be in charge of this section, and can be contacted via PM if you have any questions, corrections, etc.
  17. GUIDELINES ON POSTING PHOTOS ON EMTBRAVO: NOTE: When it says "contact a staff member" in these guidelines, please use our Contact system ALL photos MUST, MUST be originally yours. This means they must come from your camera. Please state in the thread that you took the photos and they are property of you. (In certain situations, you can post others photos, but with express consent from the original photographer. If you post photos that are not yours and you take credit as if they are your photos, you are subject to suspension or ban from this forum. If the photos aren't yours, but you've obtained permission to post them, please express that in your post, including the original photographer. Post photos at your own risk. EMTBravo is NOT liable if the photos are "lifted" or used in another manner. However, if you need assistance in tracking down or taking action against a copyright infringement violator, please contact Email EMTBravo Please make sure you are allowed to take and post the photo , and/or use your best discretion when gaining access to take photos . We cannot authorize,endorse,and/or support any actions taken to gain photos. This site CANNOT be used as a vehicle to obtain such. In otherwords, you CANNOT act as a representative of this site in any means. ALL newly created threads in the photo section MUST start with and contain photos!! No request for photos, etc. If you have questions or concerns about photos posted, please contact a staff member. If you have any technical questions regarding the uploading of photos, or troubelshooting, please contact a staff member. If you'd like help or advice on taking or improving your photos feel free to use the Emergency Services Photography forum.
  18. Thank You secondtime for your donation of 10.00 USD. It is much appreciated. We look forward to maintaining and improving the forums with your donation. Seth G., Founder & CEO EMTBravo On behalf of the entire EMTBravo community. Why Donate? One of the biggest problems facing new and established communities is a source of funding, to provide domain registration, hosting costs, IP.Board license subscription, etc... If you enjoy visiting EMTBravo.net Forums, all donations made are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use maintaining and building a better community for you! Remember any donation made is always appreciated, any amount will help EMTBravo.net Forums continue to provide the best possible experience for you.
  19. Thank You Anonymous for your donation of Not Available . It is much appreciated. We look forward to maintaining and improving the forums with your donation. Seth G., Founder & CEO EMTBravo On behalf of the entire EMTBravo community. Why Donate? One of the biggest problems facing new and established communities is a source of funding, to provide domain registration, hosting costs, IP.Board license subscription, etc... If you enjoy visiting EMTBravo.net Forums, all donations made are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use maintaining and building a better community for you! Remember any donation made is always appreciated, any amount will help EMTBravo.net Forums continue to provide the best possible experience for you.
  20. Thank You e92l44 for your donation of Not Available . It is much appreciated. We look forward to maintaining and improving the forums with your donation. Seth G., Founder & CEO EMTBravo On behalf of the entire EMTBravo community. Why Donate? One of the biggest problems facing new and established communities is a source of funding, to provide domain registration, hosting costs, IP.Board license subscription, etc... If you enjoy visiting EMTBravo.net Forums, all donations made are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use maintaining and building a better community for you! Remember any donation made is always appreciated, any amount will help EMTBravo.net Forums continue to provide the best possible experience for you.
  21. Thank You firedude for your donation of Not Available . It is much appreciated. We look forward to maintaining and improving the forums with your donation. Seth G., Founder & CEO EMTBravo On behalf of the entire EMTBravo community. Why Donate? One of the biggest problems facing new and established communities is a source of funding, to provide domain registration, hosting costs, IP.Board license subscription, etc... If you enjoy visiting EMTBravo.net Forums, all donations made are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use maintaining and building a better community for you! Remember any donation made is always appreciated, any amount will help EMTBravo.net Forums continue to provide the best possible experience for you.
  22. Thank You Anonymous for your donation of Not Available . It is much appreciated. We look forward to maintaining and improving the forums with your donation. Seth G., Founder & CEO EMTBravo On behalf of the entire EMTBravo community. Why Donate? One of the biggest problems facing new and established communities is a source of funding, to provide domain registration, hosting costs, IP.Board license subscription, etc... If you enjoy visiting EMTBravo.net Forums, all donations made are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use maintaining and building a better community for you! Remember any donation made is always appreciated, any amount will help EMTBravo.net Forums continue to provide the best possible experience for you.
  23. Thank You turk182 for your donation of Not Available . It is much appreciated. We look forward to maintaining and improving the forums with your donation. Seth G., Founder & CEO EMTBravo On behalf of the entire EMTBravo community. Why Donate? One of the biggest problems facing new and established communities is a source of funding, to provide domain registration, hosting costs, IP.Board license subscription, etc... If you enjoy visiting EMTBravo.net Forums, all donations made are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use maintaining and building a better community for you! Remember any donation made is always appreciated, any amount will help EMTBravo.net Forums continue to provide the best possible experience for you.
  24. Thank You Anonymous for your donation of Not Available . It is much appreciated. We look forward to maintaining and improving the forums with your donation. Seth G., Founder & CEO EMTBravo On behalf of the entire EMTBravo community. Why Donate? One of the biggest problems facing new and established communities is a source of funding, to provide domain registration, hosting costs, IP.Board license subscription, etc... If you enjoy visiting EMTBravo.net Forums, all donations made are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use maintaining and building a better community for you! Remember any donation made is always appreciated, any amount will help EMTBravo.net Forums continue to provide the best possible experience for you.
  25. Members- At 00:01 hrs on January 1st, 2011 (tonight), EMTBravo.COM , the site that spawned these forums, and is now the portal to this site, EMTBravo.com was launched. EMTBravo.com went live at midnight on January 1st, 2003,as a very small personal site for me to share my photos and information that people used to tell and send me. The site's name was based on my AOL username, and I can not recollect how I came up with the screen name "EMTBravo", as I came up with it in the mid to late 90's. Although I pondered changing the name a few times, EMTBravo has become a brand name, of sorts. From the very point it was launched, the site- thanks to an awesome and incredible membership, and the support of many- this site has grown to where it is today. I like to describe it as a "snowball effect". I'd like to thank everybody for all their support with their site, I really do enjoy providing it for all of you, and can't believe it's been 8 years already....where does the time go? From our amazing, hard working staff, to our members who generously donate, and advertisers who help fund us, to the members who share and contribute on this forum.....I thank you again for making EMTBravo.COM what it is today. TO SEE HOW THE EMTBRAVO.COM MAIN PAGE EVOLVED ALONG THE WAY, CLICK HERE TO VISIT THE INTERNET ARCHIVE "WAYBACK MACHINE: http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.emtbravo.com -Seth G. Executive Director The EMTBravo Group *Note: This forum was launched as an addition to EMTBravo.com on November 14th, 2003, and recently celebrated it's 7th year online.