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Posts posted by EMTbravo

  1. Part I:

    A $10,000 grant has been made available to a department in Westchester who makes the best case for the need.

    What would YOU purchase to improve your department's suppresion or rescue operations and WHY?

    Part II:

    If there is enough entries in this thread, we will "award" the fictional grant to one member based on membership input in a yet-to-be determined way. Again, this is fictional, no real money exists, lol.

  2. EMTBravo.com, with the logistical support and idea of EMTBravo Network Members, has decided to conduct a 2003 run survey of Westchester Fire and EMS Departments. Several members have expressed their interest in this, and we thought it would be a informative feature.


    Any Chiefs, or their designees, may submit their department's information to EMTBravo@EMTBravo.com. We are asking that only Chiefs or their designees (Dept Officers,Record Keeper,etc) submit information so that we can reflect only the most accurate,truthful, and quality information.

  3. 2004 Westchester And Area Parade Season

    Post what you've got about the upcoming parade season

    Parade:(Name Of Parade)

    Date:(Date Of Parade)

    Location/Route/Parking:(Locations, Route Start, Through,End)

    Step-Off Time:(Time Parade Starts)

    Best Photo Location:(Best Place To Take Apparatus Photos)

    Other Information:(Best Place To View, Carnival, Other Information That May Be Helpful,Directions,etc)

    Contact Information/Website:(email, parade information website)

  4. Scenario Submitted By:x635

    You've just been appointed Training Officer for your department. Your smaller department provides Fire, Rescue, And EMS services, and does approx 300 fire and 500 EMS calls a year. Your Chief has complete confidence in you and given you the go-ahead for anything you might feel is neccasary, and you have unlimited funding thanks to a special grant. The former TO was never around,and when he was didnt do much, and many members of your department are new, or older and have gotten lazy or bored and non complacent. What would your primary intial goals be as it relates to improving training and boosting enthusiasm for operations as a TO for your FF's?

    (Note: Still Looking For More Scenario Submissions. Anybody Wishing To Contribute, See The WWYD Writers Wanted Thread)

  5. This thread was created in result of a good post by the member below regarding an IA. The original post, which this thread is based on, was deleted, since negative critiquing/"armchair quarterbacking" of incidents is prohibited in the IA forum, and since the member did not mean to come across as he did. FYI, the comment was not bad,just voiced an opinion regarding the alarm level, which, for the reason described below, I deemed inappropriate. Feel free to discuss the issue of armchair quarterbacking on this thread.

  6. From where we left off and the members responses so far......

    ( I know this is extremly obscure, but anythings possible nowadays)

    Although he is elderly, he states he is 70, appears in quite good physical shape and you have learned he runs and lifts weights daily. He is a prominent lawyer who you now reconize, especially since he has succesfully sued your FD for negligence.

    As you go to physically remove him, he pulls out a Glock 9mm pistol. He says you were given the oppurtunity to leave, but didn't. He orders you to stay still, and when you accidentally make a sudden move, he fires off a warning shot. He orders you to remove your airpacks and radios and drop them out the window on the other side of the room, opposite where the bucket is. It is now just you and the rookie on the truck, since the other FF with you had to leave due to a turnout gear problem. Your contemplating attacking him with the pack as your weapon, but you can tell you will be shot if you do approach him. He states he is doing this because firefighters coudln't save his wife from a fire several years ago, and its "eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, payback".He says that he wasnt going to keep you intially, but changed his mind when you stayed to "harrass" him. He states he doesn't want to shoot you if he doesnt have to, because you need to know what his wife went through. The room is filling slowly with smoke. What do you do? Are you stuck, or can you think of a movie-star move? Or can you think of firefighter survival skills or other things you are taught that can save you...and him?

  7. Scenario submitted/developed by:x635

    You're the Paramedic Lt. of a Paramedic truck company. You are responding to a structure fire, report of 1 subject entrapped. Upon arrival, you notice an older three story wood balloon frame Victorian-type structure with fire showing from the left side of the structure. As you exit the vehicle, you are approached by a hysterical female screaming that her elderly father is still inside, probably in his bedroom, on the right side of the structure up the stairs. She states everybody else (her, her daughter, and her son) got out through the front door and her husband is at work. As you and two firefighters approach the front door, you noticed it is locked. You force entry to the structure, and start your primary search. You notice fire on your left on the first floor, go up the stairs, and go towards your right, As you enter the last bedroom at the end of the hall, you see an elderly male sitting in a chair, looking relaxed. As you say, “Sir. Lets get you out of here” and put your hand on his arm to help guide him out, he sternly tells you to “get the heck off of me, I'm not going anywhere!!” and pushes you away. You try persuading him to comply with you and go, but he still refuses and is becoming increasingly hostile with you. The room is starting to fill quickly with smoke and you know the fire is close behind. Your truck operator has just positioned the bucket of your truck outside the window after hearing you’re “found” call and seeing you open the window. As a paramedic, you do a quick assessment and find him mentally competent and showing no signs of medical distress. You hear the Engine Lt. over the radio report the fire is in the walls “big time” and request additional lines stretched. What do you do?

  8. (I picked this question up off another forum. It was asked to the person presenting the question during a promotional examination)

    You're first due to a 2 story house fire, reports of 2 trapped. You're second and third due engines are delayed due to just checking back from a call on the other side of town. While enroute, your engine strikes another vehicle. At this point you are less than a mile from the fire. You have not yet checked the occupants of the other vehicle to determine injury. Describe all actions from the start of the accident.

  9. This was a forum update emailed to all members of the forum 2/19/04

    EMTBravo Network Members-

    (Have you visited the EMTBravo Network Forum Lately?)

    Just an update of some important things:


    Never Visited Since Registering?

    Because of the problem below, we reconize some members may have never recieved a confirmation email and therefore never have logged on. We'd like to take this oppurtunity to invite you to log in, read through the great information posted so far, and feel free to join in and share with others or start your own discussion!  If you have forgotten your password, simply click on the "Forgot My Password" link in the login screen. If you need help logging in, email EMTBravo



    Email System Update

    Due to a flaw in the forum email system, AOL (and some other ISP's) reconize all email generated by our board as "bulk mail" and blocks it. Several members of the forum were not recieving confirmation and other emails generated by the forum.  This is a known flaw of the software, and it is being dealt with on their end.

    To deal with this, we have manually extracted all email addy's so we can broadcast messages and get them to everybody, starting with this message.



    Please abide by the rules of the forum. All posts that do not are subject to modification or deletion.  The "Reminder Of Important Rules" thread is the most important to read. (We're working on a clearer, easier to read set of rules)

    When posting, make sure to check the topic you are presenting does not already exist, and also make sure to post in the appropriate forum for your topic.


    "phpBB Critical Error-Could Not Connect To Database"

    When you see this message while trying to access the forums, it is an issue with our server at our web hosting company. This message means the server is extremly busy or down for some other reason (Like maitenance) When you see this message, please note that it is beyond our control and the site should be restored shortly.Check back.  

    Photo Submission Note

    (This message relayed from the EMTBravo.com staff)

    All Photos should be submitted to EMTBravo@aol.com at this time.  

    Please remember to include your EMTBravo Site ID when posting

    (EMTBravo Photo Submission Guidelines For Further Info)

    We are currently accepting recent incidents and new deliveries/spy shots. Other photos will begin to be accepted in March/April '04


    Username changes

    Anybody wishing to change their username for a valid reason please contact EMTBravo


    Thanks for your time, and Thanks For Your Contributions To The EMTBravo Network! :-)

    -EMTBravo Network Forum Team

    (If you wish to unsubscribe from this list, please email EMTBravo@aol.com)

    (Response to emails to the EMTBravo Administrator may be delayed)


    © 2003-2004 EMTBravo Network

    An Affiliate Of EMTBravo.com All Rights Reserved  

    No Content Or Posts From The Forum May Be Used

    Elswhere Without Consent From The Administrator  

    Any views or opinions presented in this forum

    do not necessarily represent those of EMTBravo.com  

  10. Please try to substantiate your thoughts with comments more than one line long, especially those comments that are known to brew. The Seagrave vs. KME battle has been fought here before, and it's not neccasry or productive to rehash it. There's another thread on KME's if you'd like to voice your opinion on those. The issue with Seagraves, as well as the benefits, have been discussed on this thread, and if you'd like further information, please read through the old posts. This thread, "New Apparatus", is off topic and long, so it is going to be locked. When hearing or inquiring of a department that is going to be recieiving or has recieved a new apparatus, please check to make sure that thread does not exist, and if it does not, create a new thread to share the information about the delivery.

    Thank you.

  11. If you encounter a duplicate thread, please:

    Duplicate thread is a new thread created of a topic currently or recently being disussed.

    1. Post a reply stating "Further discussion, (insert link to the thread)

    2. Then, LOCK the duplicate topic, using the "Lock" function of your MCP.

    If you encounter a thread placed in the incorrect forum:

    1. Please move that thread to the appropriate forum, using the "Move" function of your MCP. (You may leave a shadow topic in the original forum)

    If you note a user repeatedly creating duplicate or improperly placed threads, please PM me.

    Thanks again :D

    BTW, feel free to discuss anything moderator-wise or ideas/solutions on this forum. Also, any questions or comments on above procedure, post on this thread if you can, if not PM me.