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Posts posted by EMTbravo

  1. Please note the new "Quick Reply" box at the bottom of the thread screen.

    This allows users to easily and quicky reply to topics without having to hit "Post Reply" and wait for the post reply screen. However, it does not give you all the additional features of a regular Reply box, such as text formatting,emoticons,poll,etc.

  2. These are some of the more important rules of this forum. The moderators have been asked to observe for this. Members should interact respectively,pleasantly, and contructively with one another, and if they cannot do so, they should not post on this board. We ask that if anybody tries and incite you, ignore it until it can be deleted or dealt with.  


    Please read below.  

    No Profanity.  

    No Bickering. I do not provide this board for that purpose.  

    No "flaming" of other members to incite or perpetuate a conflict or argument. ANY personal or departmental attacks or name calling will not be tolerated. If you don't like an agency or person, this WILL NOT be the board to take up those issues. Period.  

    There are going to be topics and discussions that will have heated debates. Please think before you post and re-read what you type before you post it. Keep your comments limited to the debate at hand and not make this a personal issue between you and another reader. There is tremendous diversity in age, race, gender, language, location and more here and there will be a lot of varying opinions on different subjects. We're all human beings and we we're all drawn to this site because we have a common bond  

  3. Dear EMTBravo.com Members and Visitors:

    Today marks the one year anniversary of EMTBravo.com. What started as my personal site to share my photos and news with my friends has evolved and grown (with everybody’ support) into something tremendously beyond my wildest belief.

    Recently, and unexpectedly, we lost of our files (Note we still have backups of ALL of the pictures). Despite this major, major setback and loss of hundreds of hours of work on my part, we will rebuild . This time around, we will be using new software (once I purchase it), possibly a new web host, and procedures that allow me to back up my data on a regular basis. We also will use this opportunity to try some new ways of doing things, and a revised focus, so as always suggestions and feedback is always welcome. .

    Here’s the part that’s tough for me. During the month of January, I will be completing the final part of my internship for school, riding 12 hours shifts 7 days a week with a busy EMS agency for 2 ½ weeks. At the end of January, providing I successfully pass the internship and the finals, I will be graduating. During the first week of February, I will be taking my state exams for another class. Hence, this will be a busy time for me and I need to focus on this in order to successfully move on to the next step in my career and complete what I have worked so hard for over the past year (Also, I need my career to finance this site, lol) This site is extremely time consuming to produce and manage, and I ask for your patience during this period.

    So, what does this all mean? During January and February, expect EMTBravo.com to be dormant (No/Few Updates). EMTBravo Network will still be up and running with the help of the moderators, however new member registrations will take a few-several days to process. We encourage you to contribute to these forums and respect the rules. Also, replies to emails to me (EMTBravo@optonline.net or my AOL address) will be delayed. (The @EMTBravo.com address is suffering from issues, so we ask that you not use that for the time being)

    Just a reminder, this is a community site. I just orchestrate it.

    Thanks again to all of you who continue to make this site such a success!

    Happy New Year!!

    -EMTBravo :D


    P.S. I really appreciate everybody’s support!! I look forward to building a better EMTBravo.com in 2004. I truly hope you will all be here when I get back, lol.

    P.S.S- To all the members who submitted content since the crash, it will be posted when updates resume.We ask you use discretion when submitting content until January 20th as to not overload my mailbox. Thanks.

  4. Official EMTBravo.com Update 12/30/03 1402hrs

    First, Thanks to everybody for your support. It really means alot, and if it wasnt for the support, I probaly wouldn't be redoing the page.

    Please note the new address of EMTBravo.com


    Don't forget to update your bookmarks. Also, please pass this along to anybody you know visits the site.

    Later this evening, I plan on posting some of the recent pictures back up.

    Many times last night I awoke hoping this was a bad dream.

    All files from EMTBravo.com are gone permenetly, or at least it looks that way now.

    However, I believe everything happens for a reason. This will allow me to build a better EMTBravo.com, one that is easier to organize (my subdirectories, that is) and I have also implemented a backup plan.

    Stay tuned to this thread for further updates. Thanks again for your support. It may take some time, but we'll get it going again!!

    (Note First 3 1/2 weeks of January will be a slow time for updates, as I will be otherwise occupied)


    ****EDIT TO ADD*****

    I apologize to everybody who submitted content. I do still have all the photos, and will work to try and get them all posted back up.

  5. On 12/29/03, 2 days shy of the 1 year annivesary of EMTBravo.com, while trying to upgrade the bandwith of the site with the host, a software conflict on their end deleted the ENTIRE EMTBravo.com website. I have an email out to them at this time, and hopefully they can retrieve the contents of the site.

    If they cannot, EMTBravo.com will have to be rebuilt, from scratch. We do have a backup of some of the site, but all the files would have to be re-uploaded.

    If that is to be the case, EMTBravo.com will (slowly) relaunch at an unknown date.

    After countlessof hours spent working on the website, I am obviously very upset about this. Being as the next 3 1/2 weeks I will not have much time for the site, I do not know when it could be relaunched, although every effort will be made to expedite such.

    I will keep you advised on this thread, and I ask you to refrain from calling, emailing, or IM'ing me about the status of the site as it will only stress me out more.

    I really hope you all will stick with me through this.


    :D :x


  6. North White Plains has Patrol 1 with a 1939 Ward Lafrance which is now our antique.  The origainal bill of sale says .....with "Patrol Body" and our 1985 GMC light rescue until the county changed to NFPA apparatus designations.  I will try to gte some pics...


    Stay safe and keep you head down.

    Photo of the 1939 Ward is now posted at EMTBravo.com. Photo courtesy of msm32. :lol:

  7. Constructive Vs. Bashing:

    Bashing: "Department X's ladder sucks" "We Hate Them" "He is an idiot" etc etc

    Constructive-" I dont like department X's Ladder because..........I feel that................" " I wouldve done this differently, this is how"

    Humor is acceptable when done with care and discretion.


    "I" represents you.

    "we" represents a group

    Just some things to keep in mind.

  8. I feel that comment was humourus, and I got a laugh from it. I don't think (or hope not, at least) anybody would judge anyone based on what apparatus they like. If anybody feels that this board will be taken to a more personal level, (which I hope it won't), you are welcome to change your username to something more stealthy,EMAIL me for further details. In addition, you also have the option of being steath when posting.

    Additionally, just a reminder. Some discussions will get heated. Bashing of anybody or any department WILL NOT be tolerated here. The option always exists to shut down or limit posting on this board if that becomes a problem, so I ask the members and moderators to make sure this does not happen so everyone can continue to enjoy these boards.

    You are always welcome to stand up for what you believe in. Post your OPINIONS, jus as long as its done so CONSTRUCTIVELY.

    Also, Membership is completly voluntary. Anybody wishing to participate does so at their own risk (and benefit).

    Thank you.