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Everything posted by okcomputer

  1. I didn't know missiles could drive. You definitely learn something new everyday. Skynet is becoming advanced faster than I originally thought.
  2. At least they are not hybrids. Plus it may be a few too many cars but many of the roads up there are not as wide and have more twists and turns, so safety probably came into mind when authorizing those purchases. I wouldn't get hung up on the gas prices, I'd rather pay for the gas then have those guys risk their lives in a hybrid or waste mine and their money with the crappy "flex fuel" alternative.
  3. Reminds me of the NYPD ESU Trucks, that you don't see all that much anymore.
  4. Westchester departments would have responded the same and would have done fine. I find it funny that leo's responding to this thread have been very critical of westchester ff departments. I could post in the Leo threads within emtbravo and list all the negatives but I don't because it's unprofessional and I'm not a cop and butting in makes no sense, so please show some courtesy and respect. When I applied to become a VFF in Westchester no one especiqlly the instructors teaching Fire 1 in Valhalla ever said anything like 30 volunteer FF = 1 Career FF. Whether you are career or volunteer FF, when arriving on scene we are striving for the same goals.
  5. Text book job? I will still disagree with that. Yes the former Governor of CT is at fault, there is no doubt about it. However the rate raising on both the MNR (note: none of the mnr ct stops had their fares raised) and the subway and bus lines don't add up. It is a shame that there are no longer any train construction companies in the US, or closer than Japan. 7+ years with numerous fare increases is too long of a time for new trains especially when the need for the to be replaced should have come up in the early 1990's. Just out of curiosity where did you find out all that info? I'd be interested in reading it. /rant I will say that the MTA PD K-9 Officers have been doing an outstanding job. I work right next to GCT and those officers are diligent and I hope they receive the credit they deserve.
  6. I don't want to instigate anything or come off as being rude, but I am pretty sure from day one that The Henry Family, the lawyers representing the Henry Family and the media have been implying that race was an issue, and the fault wasn't or possibly couldn't fall on DJ Henry. Even in the civil suit race will be a factor, lets face it, if its not white leo's on white crime or black leo's on black or hispanic leo's on hispanic crime, its going to end up having a racial undertone. It is sad, and pathetic. I didn't vote for Obama but I will say that ever since he has been in office Al Sharpton has been pretty damn quiet which is very very nice. He can no longer say that the white man is keeping the minority man down. For all we know maybe he was going to a job interview at PACE.
  7. I know the backstory with Connecticut. But I really don't feel or believe Metro North did the best they could. But they have raised the fares. It's a corrupt company in general IMHO. For many reasons.
  8. Wait News12 is considered part of the media? I thought it was just a above budget public access news station. - JK But yes it is great when the truth comes out.
  9. I'm a monthly commuter and I don't mean to cone off as rude but it is PATHETIC in regards to how long it has taken MTA MNR to get these trains operational, and it's pathetic that this past winter we the commuter had to deal with a raise in fares, and less trains. In the opinion of this commuter the upper echelon should be let go and have to commute during peak hours on the trains and should have to pay the on board fare everyday. Also one train? Shows exactly how many layers of retardation are within the MTA.
  10. Funny that News12 still continues their rampant yellow journalism spree not even updating viewers or readers of any updates on the officers injured. One less drunk driver to worry about. I hope the other students don't get off either, they interfered and deserve a harsh punishment. Does anyone have any updates on the officers injured in this drunk driving incident?
  11. Looks like both the ladder and tower ladder of PCFD and Engine 36 of the TMFD who was the FAST Team which was called to assist?
  12. Thank you. I will make sure to do my part in being constructive and informative. Thank you again for the warm welcome!!
  13. Thank you. My apologies for the sarcasm.
  14. Oneeye I don't think you had to say sorry I didn't get the memo that everyone was moving on. From my experience on forums the best way to reiterate that an issue like this is settled is to have the original poster or a moderator lock the thread. On a side note, how were the other trivia questions and what types of prizes can be won?
  15. having the blue light means that you have to obey all traffic signals and posted speed limits. I am actually surprised that Connecticut allows blue lights, I thought that NY State was the only state that allowed volunteer fireman to have blue lights in their car. For the most part also, Connecticut State troopers lights flash blue, so the person speeding away obviously thought that the volunteer fireman following him was a cop in an unmarked/undercover police car. I feel very sorry/badly for the volunteer FF involved in the accident, but there comes a time when getting the license play and description of the car would have sufficed, he didn't have to put himself in harms way just to catch up to the car. What would he have done once he caught up to him? Try and push him off the road? The outcome was sad, but the person hurt in the accident should have used better situational awareness and less tunnel vision in this case. Plus what is up with the 14 million dollar settlement? Sounds like the law firm are full of ambulance chasers. Side question - was the dispatcher reprimanded?
  16. Yes the bartender made a completely idiotic comment, but are you really that surprised when someone makes a complete fool at themselves while trying to be funny? I attended a very liberal college in Massachusetts, and after 9/11, you should have heard the crazy hippy liberal crap I had to put up with, it got to a point where I didn't answer because no matter what, the blame was put on everyone else except the muslim extremists. Obviously he [the bartender] was speaking his mind, and he did it in a not so smart kind of way, but is it really that big of a deal to boycott the restaurant because of one a-hole? I say keep going to the place and don't tip that particular bartender forever, give the money to the waitresses instead they work harder than most bartenders anyways.