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  1. okcomputer liked a post in a topic by ONEEYEDMIC in Appalled at a local restaurant's comments about 9/11 and the Freedom Tower   
    When I first read this thread I posted it too my facebook page and I am almost positive it got back to the owner in a rather quick fashion. I happen to know the owner and quite a few bartenders there as well. As a matter of fact, I was there not too long ago and they DTRT if you know what I mean. If you don't like what was said, don't go back there. I am sure they won't miss your business! I am sure we all may have known people that died on 9/11 so grow some thicker skin!
  2. okcomputer liked a post in a topic by gpeifer in Appalled at a local restaurant's comments about 9/11 and the Freedom Tower   
    I don't know if staging a public assault on an establishment that serves alcohol is the best representation of police and firefighters right now. Was what he said in very poor taste, absolutely, but it is his constitutional right, the same constitution that we refer to to protect our rights.
    The Journal News and News12 will twist this story to make us look bad.. I can see the headline now "Police and Firefighters Boycotting Local Water Hole, Where Will They Get Drunk Now".
    Go elsewhere....there are dozens of other great places to hang out.
  3. okcomputer liked a post in a topic by JFLYNN in Appalled at a local restaurant's comments about 9/11 and the Freedom Tower   
    You were appalled??? Really?? I would suggest you QTIP, as it's just not worth it over an offhand remark that some guy made, and who knows what he really meant?
    And if you still insist on having hurt feelings, brother, might I suggest you at least be "pissed off" or some other feeling more befitting our fine profession...leave being "appaled" to the country club set...
    Actually, come to think of it...you didn't tell him or the bar manager you were 'appalled"..did you? If so, maybe that is why they couldn't take you seriously? ...Just sayin'...
  4. okcomputer liked a post in a topic by JohnnyOV in Appalled at a local restaurant's comments about 9/11 and the Freedom Tower   
    Last night, guys from the local FD and FD's around the county/city, went out to Finnegans Bar and Grill in Yorktown to play a game of Trivia. For those who don't know, the restaurant patrons form teams and answer questions that the bar tender has come up with for a chance to win a some prizes.
    Last night, a question in the "Daily news" category was "What was the number of Police that NYC will deploy to the Freedom tower when it is finally constructed? A) 250 500 or c)700"
    As soon as the question was asked, the bar tender, under his breath, but loud enough for us to hear stated "Either way, its going to make a pretty big airport." That got our attention, but rather then making a scene, we let it slide.
    As soon as the answers were given out about 10 minutes later for that round, the bar tender over the mic states "The correct answer is C)700. Can't wait for our taxes to go up over this and not one of those cops will be stopping a plane.'
    At that note, we closed our tabs, some guys gave the bartender a little piece of our mind and we all left. This afternoon, one the guys went back to talk to the manager, and she basically blew him off, and was completely rude about the whole situation, siding with her bartender.
    Take what you want from it, but I just felt the need to share this disturbing news with guys who may have been there for 9/11 and might frequent this place... I know they have lost my buisness for good.