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Posts posted by COMMANDCHIEF

  1. Most people have listed the equipment that the agency will provide to you for making it an emergency vehicle. The thing you should really be pushing them for instead of lights and siren is to cover the insurance. Because just as stated above. ANY reason that the insurance industry can think of for NOT paying out yoiur claim, they will do.

    Trauma74; That is an EXTREAMLY large list of equipment you are required to carry to get the Emergcney response Vehicle status. Do you write that whole thing off on your taxes? because I would make every effort. I think you could show it's pretty much exclusive for EMS use.

    Hatzolah has members with all kinds of vehicles registered as an "ambulance" running around. I woudln't try to be the first test case of being non-Hotzolah and register it as an ambulance. But apparetly you can do it somehow.

  2. UPS destroys the body of the truck once it has outlived it's service life. Like the pre post stated. The bodies of the trucks will have several hundred thousand miles on them. The engines and transmissions are changed out as needed.

    The Atlanta bomb truck story was news to me. I had done a marketing report years back in college, and they made it souid like they didn't want that style stuck associated with anything but UPS. So that's why they canned them when they were done.

  3. The ARMY was good enough when they were putting money in his pocket and all he had to do is take long walks in the woods and camping out all night. But the minute he is going to be used for what we have paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to train him for he finds "moral issues". He needs to get thrown through the wood chipper along with the rags in "sand land."

    Enough said.

  4. You would think common sense would dictate that one would stay back. There is no reason to pull all 3 Chiefs out. Even if you have a Deputy available. It's just poor management. It's the same thing as sending an engine fully staffed, and then have 5 more people show up at the alarm in their cars. Who's watching the store at that point? no one.

    I would have no problem sending additional manpower if required. Just as long as I have enough staffing back in my own quarters to handle jobs in my own district.

  5. Now here's another question in regard to this: How many of these departments that have "class requirements" for officers actually "enforce" them? It's one thing to have it written down. But it's another thing to see them enforced. Has anyone else seen this "done"?