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Posts posted by chris

  1. I had that happen once Capt., the Judge opened a compartent door for the 62 Mack I was driving... when he closed it, I stopped the engine, pulled the brake and got out to check that the door was closed.... He yelled at me to get back in the drivers seat, which I informed him that I was responsible for this rig, and I was making sure the door was properly closed....

    Judges seem to never be to personal kinda like they are better than everyone.

  2. The funniest thing about this is I believe that firemen's parades (No women in the fire service back then) were made to show off their equipment and how prepared for firefighting they were. Today an apparatus that is ready for fire duty probably won't place well in a parade.

    This is true good point, back in the day the judges actually opened cabinets and looked inside but not so much anymore.

  3. I think the paint job on the old one is better.... Very nice fire engine, good luck with it.... Right now Croton is looking into a new Tanker, if someone from Millbrook is on here, can you possible send me the Specs.... and maybe a drawing ? any and all information is very usefull...

    I would love to stop by some day and CHECK it out !!! Road Trip Chris and R585 ???

    Maybe rabbit just maybe

  4. If the rig rolls anywhere your PPE should be on the rig, when company's go to parades you can't have your PPE on the rig or you will not win a trophy you might think judges could overlook this but no, not allowed. Also I have always thought parades were more for kids than anyone, and if you blow the horn or the siren like the kids want, you lose again. (unless it is your parade and you aren't being judged). So trophy's ruin it for the kids, sad huh. I do understand most concepts of the parade thing, just not my first choice.

  5. The audio of the incident is just as bad as the video (and by bad I mean hard to listen to and even harder to watch the actions - painful) , at one point the commander looks to be dancing at the would be command post. There is no accountability from command to the divisions or even a question as to progress or not. I could of missed something but is this their first day on the job. There seemed to be no continuity or unified command. Someone needed to take control of the operation in the C/D corner, first a civilian then one of our own and the only one who looked like he gave a s*** was the firefighter who fell to the ground from the window and yes he looked exhausted because he was the only one doing anything worth a dam... The more I see the video and the audio the worse it is to stomach.

  6. This is all to serious of a topic, and I am affraid as a proud vollie, that the paid fellows are correct with the exception that not every Dept. or company within a dept. is having problems, but some are more social than firematic and it is a sad and needs to stop - join the elks club or a yacht club to drink and party not a FIREHOUSE those days are over . I see and hear and have witnessed company's do more for a parade than pre-plans , training , rig checks and so on. When someone says something to them, you are a bad guy, or your trying to be a real firefighter or trying to be like the big cities. I would like to say that the people in my company and Dept. are not against taking classes at the different training centers or in house training just some of them. I think it is sad that we can't take parades and turn them into training or atleast the money put towards the parades to buy new equiptment , or the chiefs friends getting new gear without proving themselves to the Dept. and earning the stuff for once, like the good old days. This topic is great on so many levels but will fall on deaf ears like most of the problems. ( without going out on a limb I would have to say that paid and vollie Dept's alike all share the same problems just to different degree's and angles).

    Remember585 and helicopper like this

  7. I love to see a pair of vise grips used for garage door control and then use a hook to pull the power cord just at the end of the door in the ceiling.

    Also where you see the power wires entering the house, by code their has to be a means of disconnect within 10 feet of that point weather a main panel or a fused disconnect and in most cases the rest of the utility's are right near that, gas and water. But not always.

  8. As a firefighter that would be a horrible feeling not being able to help due to a malfunctioning piece of equipment and I can't imagine what the people thought, that were watching near by. It looks like they are blaming the hydrant not draining as the cause of the freezing, is this correct ? we have a torch on our engine in case a cap is frozen on a hydrant, but luckily haven't needed it yet.

  9. Let opinions , 2 cents and any other criticism ride. If you need to start a new section where people with differences in opinions can bust each others chops than do that, nothing wrong with good clean fun. You win some and you lose some. If the photos get picked on, than they do, we can all learn from this, one way or another. People should see things at face value some things in life just are what they are.

  10. We (Croton) try to get to the scene even if it is non emergency mode to do the paperwork and also to familiarize yourself with your district's. We try to get to every scene even if it is one rig or even a chief . When you are called it is your responsibility to do an investigation and if you don't shame on you. Getting cancelled should not be an option , being cancelled by the police is bad also. It is a much bigger deal than people think..