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Posts posted by trauma74

  1. As told to me by a Village of Monroe Police Officer who was on scene.............................One of the Monroe EMS Line Officers was enroute in

    (unit# 414-F) the fly car to a confirmed cardiac call when he struck a patch of "Black Ice" causing the vehicle to go out of control and rollover. The Police Officer told me that the vehicle had sustained a lot of damage from the rollover that it would probably be considered "totalled" by the Monroe EMS insurance carrier.

    I do not know the level of coverage that Monroe EMS has for their vehicles, but I would guess to say that they have coverage for full replacement of a totalled vehicle. However, I have not spoken to anyone of Monroe EMS to confirm or deny if they are going to replace the Fly Car with another one.

    If you speak with one of their officers or members of their Board, they may be able to provide further insight on the status of the current vehicle and the possibilty of a replacement vehicle.

    The main thing here is that the Line Officer who was operating the vehicle did not suffer any serious injuries. He was taken to Arden Hill Hospital by Mobile Life Support Services and after a brief exam, was discharged. As with any injury, you always "feel it in the morning" or are "hurting the next day".

  2. I feel compelled to post on this topic.........On Christmas (hmmm, lets see.....a Christian Holiday...people who hate they attack us)a Terrorist from the Middle East or Africa or wherever he was from, was trying to cause an explosion on a passenger jet. There was over 300 passengers and if this guy was successful, the plane would have crashed and, more than likely, everyone on board would have been killed. What is worse than a terrorist attack on Christmas? This type of attack would cause pain and misery for the citizens of our Country. THANK GOD that this failed. Maybe cause it was Christmas, there was some type of "intervention", maybe on the "Divine" level, that prevented this attack from happening.

    As President Obama stated, there was a systemic failure and thats what led to this guy to be able to get on a plane bound for the USA. I just find it ridiculous that after 8 years since 9/11 that our govenment still has not put the proper screening equipment in service at every single international airport in the County. Why hasnt this been done yet??

    Now, on the other hand, the US Government is very tight lipped about the attacks that were directed at the USA since 9/11, but were stopped before they were about to take place.

    I have some "inside" info from a friend of mine who is a Special Agent with US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and while he cannot provide me with Classified info, he has stated to me that there has been numerous attempts of terrorism since 9/11 and that all of these attempts have been thwarted, thanks to the work of the of multiple federal agencies.

  3. What is the main channel frequency that you entered in as a conventional channel??

    Also, the only way to really monitor the system is with a two-way radio that does PassPort scanning. However, this is the problem.......the radio serial number or ID# has to be entered into the system in order for your radio to function on the network. The PassPort system that is being used by Mobile Life and Hudson Valley Paramedics/Regional EMS is owned and maintained by Goosetown Communications out of Rockland County. They are very strict with their system and if you are not part of one of the agencies that use their system, you are SOL. Each radio on their system is paid for by these agencies. They will not put a radio on their network for free.

    The coverage on this system is awesome. If you look at this website and click system coverage or overall coverage you can see most of the area coverage by this system. They also cover Delaware County NY. They put a tower up in the area of the Town of Walton. This is because the NYC DEP Police Department covers 2 of the largest NYC water supplies in that area and they use the PassPort system. This lets them communicate all the way back to NYC from all the way upstate

  4. As far as I see it, any FF who dies from sickness related to 9/11 is a casualty from 9/11 itself. So the "343" number really isnt the number anymore. Does anyone know the real number of FF deaths from 9/11. I hope that his family is compensated properly by the FDNY and the city/state/federal government agencies. RIP SIR!!!!!

  5. You can when you have the same salesman for both companies sell you the rig !!


    RESCUE 1 is a division on PL Custom. Just like PL can build an ambulance on any chassis i.e. Ford, Chevy, Dodge, International, Freightliner.........RESCUE 1 can build on any chassis.

    I am not a big Sutphen fan after having one of there engines at my FD that was the biggest piece of **** ever made. Glad to see that its only their cab and chassis that is being used for this build. The RESCUE 1 part of the rescue will be of nice quality since RESCUE 1 is one of the best out there as far as I am concerned.


  6. My VAC has a FORD E-450 4 door 8ft bed with a cap and an extendo-bed for a first response vehicle and two tow our Spec Ops Trailer and our MCI trailer. We decided to not get the diesel cause of the extra cost (additional $6000 for the motor & tranny). So far its holding well. One thing that we did add cause of all of GD deal around here was a grill guard. Also helps god forbid we get into a front end collision.

  7. Not to doubt anyone on here, but I did a lot of research of these trucks before purchasing 2 of them for my VAC. Aside from being a little more of a bumpy ride, they are easy to drive with minimal training. My VAC only does about 1000 calls per year, but we expect to get 15-20 years our of them as opposed to our FORD (Fix Of Repair Daily) which we only get about 10 years out of.

  8. I know that ambulances on Medium Duty chassis are a lot more $$ than on a pickup truck chassis, however, they would last a lot longer in NYC cause they are made to take a beaten. Even with an extended cab which I know International & Freightliner both make, the turning radius is a heck of a lot less! We have 2 2008 Horton/Internationals and they can turn in a lot tighter radius than our 2000 PL Custom/Ford E-450 bus.

  9. I know that many of you will disagree with me or tell me I am wrong or out of line, but my personal feeling is that it you not a paid Chief, then I think your payment is unlimited personal use of the Chiefs car you are assigned. Please do not FLAME me for this. As far as the PD I mentioned, that I have different opinions about.

  10. I am not trying to start any trouble or anything, BUT I know of a PD in Orange County that lets anyone with a take home car have unlimited personal mileage...............and these guys are paid, a pretty high salary. They are not volunteers like the L.I.N.Y. FD Chiefs. These people include the Chief, Deputy Chief, Admin LT, Operations LT, Det Sgt and CSI.

    I know of trips to Yankee Games, famous restaurants in NYC, 2nd jobs etc.

  11. Just curious if anyone knows the average starting salaries of EMTs,Paramedics & Communications Staff/Dispatchers for the commercial EMS agencies that provide services in Westchester County? Empress, TransCare, Westchester EMS & any other service that I may have left out. Also, what about VACs/municipal EMS agencies that have their own dispatchers?

    Just trying to get an idea for comparison to what services in other areas pay. Thanks in advance for the info.

  12. I just happened to be checking on upcoming EMS conferences for 2010 and to my surprise, I found this..................

    To my disbelief, Vital Signs 2010 will be held in NYC. Someone correct me if I am wrong, but I think this is the first time ever that Vital Signs will be held in NYC. On top of that, it is actually being held during the summer, which I believe is another first.

    I have said it many times in the past that they should have it in NYC or somewhere in the suburbs of NYC. I am thinking that attendance at VS2010 will probably reach a new record. When you consider all of the EMS providers just in NYC alone, then you add everyone from Orange, Sullivan, Dutchess, Ulster, Westchester, Nassau & Suffolk. Those of us from these areas will have the advantage of being able to go to VS just for the day if we don't want to or don't have the funds to stay at the Hotel. Hopefully, there will be ample parking available for us who are going to drive into NYC. Taking the train or the bus may be a good option.

    Anyone know or want to speculate if FDNY EMS, any of the hospitals/hospital based EMS agencies or any of the large commercial EMS services in or around NYC will be sponsoring or be heavily involved in the planning and activities for the conference?

    We know that there are some great EMS teachers/instructors that come from NYC & the Hudson Valley Region. Hopefully many of them will be there to put on some top-notch sessions for us.

    I am guessing we might see a large presence of ambulance manufacturers/dealers and various medical supply companies looking to possibly debut some of the newest technologies for us.