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Posts posted by SHFD781

  1. I was looking at the photographs of the different FDNY apparatus on and I was wondering what is the difference between a Battalion and a Division? All the different trucks looked exactly the same, so that can't be the difference.

    Also is there a difference between a Maxi Water Unit and a Satellite? Once again they looked exactly the same.

  2. The Newstimes in Danbury reports "a fully loaded gasoline tanker overturned on Rt 7, killing the driver, damaging a bridge over the Norwalk River and sending a fireball an estimated 600 feet into the air." The accident happened near the intersection of Rt 7 and Simpaug Turnpike. The truck was traveling north on Rt 7, it swerved to avoid another vehicle and flipped on its side. The burning gasoline set trees and telephone poles on fire. The burning gasoline started flowing down the river setting the shoreline trees and brush on fire up to 75 feet down river. The bridge was severely damaged due to the intense heat as well as numerous poles were destroyed. Unknown how long the road will be closed for. From the picture on the front page of the Newstimes it looks like six pumpers (unknown which companies they are from), and Ridgefield Ambulance.