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Posts posted by OLDGUY19

  1. I have noticed that with the adding of mattedales and large diameter hose. We had more of this happen. When we pulled all our hose from the back. I remember only dropping hose once and that was after forgetting to tye the 3" gated wye and hydrate wrench with the hose lighter to the crosse rail. I have seen 5" hose being lifted by air flow getting under the hose at highway speed when the hose was not packed right. adding hosebed covers and not overpacking the mattedales ie [100'/200'] have stopped this.

  2. AS much as I Hate to say it,This is a Career VS Volunteer issue. when you have a combined dept or add career staff there will never ever be respect, on both side of the fence.There is no trust between the two systems. I have seen it first hand working in the Greenwich Fire Dept for over twenty years.Career staff want Four firefigters on a rig to operate safely in a timely manner.And what is wrong with that.And the Volunteers want to still help their community and there is nothing wrong with that. If it is run in a organized manner.Anybody saying any different is only fooling themself's and trying to fool the community in which they serve.The Ego's only care about themselfs not the firefigther who has to turn the corner with the knob or cut the roof or the public who they are swore to protect.These power struggles only make things harder for all party's. Maybe Belltown Fire was right keep them separated and everybody do their jobs to the best they can.Everbody shoud read Goldfedner[ ie:THE SECRET LIST]take on staffing it is what we all should be trying to do any way.Sorry to say it but we will never ever agree.

  3. Haveing worked for 7 career and 6 volunteer chiefs in my time in the fire service. I can say maybe 21 is a little young just for a maturity level. but I have worked for some the biggest idiots you could ever believe and age has nothing to do with it.If it wasn't for the line officer's and the guy's on the floor to hold together the day to day the whole place would fall apart. The ages ranged from mid twenty's to as old as early seventy's only one or two were good the rest should have been fired or let go in my twenty+ years. But we all know what politics does to the fire service.

  4. Sounds like ax grinding to me. The paid vs volunteer issue will never go a way. It has been that way for over 30 years of my career (10 as volunteer 20 as career) and will be that way untill I am long gone sorry to say. The Combo Dept.are like Oil and vinagar some times they mix well and sometimes the don't. And when left alone the just seperate. There is no easy answer for this,when everbody has their own opinion which is our rights. I do know over my 30 years that 4 is better than 2 on one piece of apparatus. It is just SAFER for everyone evolved volunteer or paid.It is about personal safety and should not be about personal opinion. Lets try not to beat this to death or make it personal. Thank You All OLDGUY19

  5. why is everyone making mountain out of a mold hill? If Seth does not what profane language then so be it. When you signed up for this site you agreed to it's terms and conditions. There is no room for salty lanuage in any posting. Why we are still tring to debate this?

    Because pentax2839, we are firefighters. We are not normal. You could go to any firehouse in the country spend a little time there and hear the same thing over and over again. We are good at beating a dead horse because we just get to revive it and do it all over again. We just love to push the envelope. We should act as if the EMTBRAVO Admin are Chiefs these are their S.O.P.'s or S.O.G's. We know if you freelance, people get hurt. It is the will of the Admid to do it JUST DO IT. THANK YOU ALL.

  6. This place I would say is ballon frame it is allso a railroad flat. common center hall common stair well apartments run front to back. with out seeing the other sides it is a an assumtion.which we alll know makes an a$$ out of me :blink: . As Chief Dunn would say know your bluilding types