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Posts posted by houlidsa

  1. Not sure if its still available, but I do know they wanted to sell it with the contents.

    New Hartford NY, upstate. 1993 CHEVROLET SUBURBAN



    MILEAGE 19,000





    PAGE Bill Freiberger.

  2. Doc22 I'm very fimilar with the 5 Star its a great unit. But its not the most user friendly especially for the fire service where stuff isn't being used everyday and considering all the newer units out there. The squelling with no page, I can't say that I've had that occure before but that maybe related to the batteries. Those units still run off of NiMH batteries they tend to form memories and need to be replaced about every 2 years. I suggest going to www.msanet.com go to the portable instruments, then to the Five Star Alarm, and then to the literature. You will find the user manual here, I suggest printing one out and reading along as you set the date. If you have any continued problems call (877) MSA-FIRE they have specialists that will walk you through the instrument.

  3. I have a voli background and I am in a FD's hiring process. When I get on I will not feel better about the guy next to me just because he's a voli. The guy who lived in a town of all 1 & 2 stories homes does not have the same experience level as the guy from an urban combo fd. I feel that basing it on standardized methods is the only way to do that. Such as certain college degrees, certain nation training, or military. This shows that they can accomplish and comprehend. In FL you need to on your owe go out and get certified and then go through a FD's training. That has to dramatically cut down on wash outs and those pursuing a civil service job. I just don't feel that someone's membership should entitle them to anything. Earning and doing should. I do not feel that I have any right to be specific on what military should/shouldn't be accepted. I respect all our service people and anyone that serves weither combat or support has done something for our nation as a whole.

  4. For anyone that has been appointed to FDNY within the last few years or anyone with very creditable information. Does anyone know how much lead time is received prior to the academy class starting? My one buddy said he had only a few days notice. Is less than a week standard? Don't want to show my cards at work too early yet I don't want to burn bridges if I don't get on the next class.

  5. here my walking junk box:

    Coat pockets:

    folding Smith & wesson clipped to pocket opening

    latex gloves (stuffed into one)

    TFT ResQRench (window punch, gas shutoff, spanner wrench, O2 wrench & seat belt cutter all in one)

    extrication gloves

    Survivor Light on outside of coat

    Pant pockets:


    10' continous loop of 1" webbing (stored in a doughnut roll in a latex glove)*



    multihead screwdriver

    wire cutters

    shove knife

    35' bail out rope


    garrity light

    seat belt cutter


    *I learned this storage tip at FDIC, it keeps the webbing dry, compact and easy to deploy I suggest trying it

    **our right pockets on our pants are split bellow pocket (kevlar lined) so it make storing a combination of items easy and accessable, check it out next time you spec gear, a good spec makes 10# of shite fit in a 5# bag nicely

    I'm surprised no one has said EMT shears

  6. As per the guys that say they used the MSAs the reason they look bright is because you haven't used them inside yet. The MSAs automatically dim with 16 light intensities. Plus you could just leave them set to intermitten use if that is an issue with you. My guys have never had an issue the LEDs. They wish that we didn't make them change the batteries at the clock change per SOP but waiting til they die would just make them change one here and one there at every truck check.

  7. The only true leather helmet out there are the Cairns series and Cairns no longer manufacture "fitted" ones like back in the day when a FF could stop by the Clifton facility and get sized for one. All leathers come with a ratchet liner. They offer two sizes presently Medium (6 1/2 - 7 1/2) & Large (7 5/8 - 8). I would try www.kazafire.com those guys still have leathers on the shelf from before the huge leather price increase back in July so you should be able to get a good price. If you are dead set on getting a fitted one try Donald Power (617) 924-7176 he repairs leathers and sells refurbs. Best of luck.

  8. Your statement is not completely correct. A helmet can not have factory installed Bourkes and be NFPA compliant. There are some floating around out there that have the label but the oops was realised so they stopped labelling them that ways. Here is the reason why: NFPA drip test the helmet goes under the burners, the eye protection can melt but cannot drip below the brim, the bourkes are mounted below the brim hence the helmet fails by default. Next year bourkes are slated to become an "accessory" so they will be exempt. To be NFPA compliant at the moment for eye protection and have bourkes a helmet would need to be purchased with "permanent" mounted goggles and then have the bourkes installed after market. A helmet that is not NFPA compliant can not become NFPA compliant but Cairns will provide you with a letter stating that it meets criteria of a NFPA compliant helmet.

  9. Chimney Flares are no longer available, however check at a mom & pop's hardware store they may have some covered in dust on a shelf. Orion who manufacture Standard Fusees sold the chimney flare business to Rutland Supply a bunch of years ago and the factory burnt down. The last I knew they had no plans on manufacturing them again. I suggest taking a look at the Task Force Tips Chimnet Snuffer. www.tft.com It has treated us well over the last few years. Best of luck.

  10. CPFD91206 actually brings something new to the discussion that has been avoided but constantly spoken about: THL vs. TPP. Total Heat Loss vs. Thermal Protective Performance. Or what makes your gear breathable and what makes it perform in high temp. These two characters are diametrically opposed, thats why the guy sweating his @ss off all summer is nice and snug on a day like today. The heavier or higher TPP garment will breath less, take more heat, and feel heavier. While the THL garment will not take the heat but it will feel really good in warmer climates because it lets your body heat escape. The breatherable liner materials aren't to off set the shell they are to work as a system and based on the systems' configuration you can see if it fits your needs. A high fire load dept should be basing their system including shell selection differently from a dept with no fire load at all.

  11. What ever you do don't do sign gold I think that stuff looks terrible. As per the comment about the gold leaf on a vinyl that maybe a sign gold or it maybe the covering that some gold leaf artists are using to protect their work. I however have seen a few murals that were painted on a clear film, applied, details hand added once on the rig and another clear film put over it for protection.

  12. There is a price difference between natural & black pbi materials and yes it does have to do with the dying. Especially since Pbi matrix came around the Pbi natural was out for awhile befor Pbi Matrix in black came out because it was so hard to dye. You won't see the price difference with any of the other materials (nomex, advance, fusion) because they all have to be dyed. Please refer to the old conversation, there is alot of good stuff talked about.

  13. When I bought my leather boots they were the same way. They were tight on the top of my foot and made the pop sound when I tried to take my foot out. If they are so tight that they hurt get rid of them but if they aren't that tight it will just take 6-8 good wearings for them to stretch naturally. But also you didn't mention what make or model because some boots like the Haix Fire Hunters & the Black Diamond 0975 are both designed with a heel lock system so they will always be tough to get off.

  14. My fire company is in dier need of a new station and we are looking to hire a grant writer with experience and a background of getting bricks & mortar funds for FDs. Fund raising just isn't cutting it. If anyone knows of anyone, please post some info. Again we are looking to hire a professional grant writer with a know track record. I'm posting this right now because we had a run and due to the rains up here it was found that more of our bay ceiling has come down! Thanks in advance, houlidsa

  15. West Haven also use to have a bunkie program, and my old roomates use to ride as firefighters there once or twice a week. The only draw back of being a bunkie is that you won't experience college, so if you want to do both do what my old roomates did. WHFD even put them through Firefighter 1, this was back when guys were still just taking essentials in NYS. There are also alot of great intern oppurtunities in the greater New Haven area. I'm going to be in New Haven/West Haven hitting it hard thursday & friday, I'll stop by UNH and get some updates on the ride along & bunkie thing and ask a few of the brothers how things have changed at the school class & activity wise.

  16. sorry about that, i know it was Anna something I still remember that when i looked at it the two things that impressed me most 1. that they had collective bargaining as a class and 2. they had like 4 times more females than males.

  17. GFD538 A/C are you kidding me? my alumni donations go towards A/C in the dorms, damn in sheffield you use not be about to control your own apt's temp and the heat use to be on in the summer before they fixed that. Like I personally believe, its what you make of it but thats any school. Back in the day the tours would just stop by and alot of the rooms were still wrecked from the night before and we use to have a post we would put up that said "thank you for leaving your daughters" and no one ever stopped us, I guess thats the new image, take an unscheduled day trip I'll hook you up with some guys to give you a tour

  18. I'm a graduate from UNH, and when I was looking the only other NY north was in MA. I think it was Santa Anna or something. Anyways I must say that UNH has grown tremendously since I left. They have added additional fire science labs and are planning big things for the educational side. Since 2002 they have added 3 new dorms, so alot of the living facilities are modern. I'm not sure if GFD538 would agree but when I went there it was a suitcase college where everyone left on the weekends and I know UNH's social side is a little down with recent crackdowns at other New Haven regional universities. I suggest you make the trip up there its not very far, if you call them the school will give a tour and set you up for an overnight stay but if want I can put you in touch with alot of guys I still know there so you can see the other side and don't worry when you first arrive in West Haven you'll get use to living in the ghetto.

  19. I totally agree with RichC. In order the gear items I upgraded is 1. Old N5A, was allowed to wear so it was a waste of money 2. H-Back style suspenders, great investment 3. Leather boots, an even better investment 4. better gloves 5. N6A leather, more emotionally pleasing than pratical. My leather boots are definantlt the most pratical and worth while purchase I've made but my leather is still the most fullfilling purchase and I trust it with my life thats why I protect what little brains God gave me with it

  20. the pros & cons are: 1010 pros - light weight, seperatable impact cap, great thermal protection, good impact protect (1000 is better though), no absorption, low maintence, inexpensive 1010 cons - wide brim, can ride a little high even after being adjusted correctly, over all height is high; Cairns leathers pro - the best impact protection available the leather acts like a catcher's mit from falling objects like slate tiles thats why they're huge in new england, good strength in leather cons - will absorb chemicals, heavy, need constant up keep, expensive

    I wear a N6A Sam Houston leather w/ bourkes & ESS detachable goggles, I also own a 1010 w/ full faceshield & an old N5A no brain bucket and I am issued a 660C metro w/ full faceshield. I have worn them all, i theory the 660C is the best of the bunch weight, size and design but I love my leather and am will to take care of it so it takes care of me not ruin it just to look cool

  21. I have used the following tools in my time: Hurst, Holmatro, Amkus, Lukas & Phoenix. I think thats everyone but TNT. I personally think the new Holmatro stuff is the cat's tail but thats not the reasoning for this post its a question to other Hurst users. My FD has Hurst and we recently go a new O cutter and the tool gets extremely hot, I mean hot enough to burn bare skin. Has anyone else had this happen. The dealer we deal with out of NJ sent us a letter saying that it is not an issue and Hurst is aware of it. Any input??