stephen morea

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Posts posted by stephen morea

  1. To anyone from west point or even knows the answer to my question, I was up in west point today helping my dad deliver bread to the commissary across from the W.P.F.D station 2 and saw an empty green hummer just sittin in the fire house parking lot. I didn't think much of it untilI saw the same type of vehicle at station 3. Does anybody know how many of these hummers they run? I know they have 2 hummers with skids in the back of them but how many empty ones do they have that is the question? Any info. will be GREATLY apprieciated, thank you for your time, steve.

  2. so in other words banksville fire is kind of like plattekill fire. plattekill runs half district in ulster and half in the town of newburgh, but they are still their own entity. they get funding from both counties and who ever lives in their fire taxing district their tax dollars go to the plattekill fire district. and I guess that is similar to the way banksville is set up except with 2 states instead of 2 counties.

  3. Does anyone know what the rhinebeck fire department runs as far as engines, ladder trucks, ambulances, boats, brush trucks, antiques and chiefs vehicles go? Any info. will be greatly apprieciated, thanks, steve. I tried to go on their website but it does seem to be a little outdated and I know they got a few new apparatus so I am trying to get an update on what they have.

  4. Why shoudln't tankers have lights and sirens, they are emergency vehicles. In a rural area 4000 gals. are vital and should be able to tell vehicles it is coming up on to get the out of the way. If a driver is not smart enough to figure out what he is driving and what he can and cannot do with it he should not be a driver, plain and simple.

  5. Does anyone know if elmsfords new U-86 is on the way, here or what? Im courious to know because I have not herd anything about it in a while and the original thread was closed regarding this topic so I had to start a new thread (sorry to anyone I angered by doing that). on a side note we just bought a new brush truck with that same ford F-550 chasis with the V-8 powerjoke. Just kidding I like fords (just not the diesel engines they put in them, nothing like a 7.3L)

  6. For the Greenville members on here I have 2 questions. First, is the department keeping R-29 after the new squad 15 goes into service? I have heard a couple of rumors that it was staying and some that it was going to be sold. Second is, did the department replace 2154, the 1999 Chevy Tahoe chiefs vehicle that was sold not to long ago or are you guys down to 2 cars? Thank you for your time, any info is appreciated, Steve.

  7. what do you want to know about it? PM me if I dont get everything. it is a 2007 seagrave it has a 1500 GPM pump 2500 gallon tank I dont know if it has foam or not I think a 10 or 8 man cab. if you want to know more my father works with someone who is in cornwall so I can get good accurate info.

  8. So the cataract hose company will own it, thats cool my fire company bought back our 1964 mack B model pumper back in 1996 from a farmer that had it out in westtown NY and have since had it restored and all fixed up (except the pump, but were workin' on it). I know TR54 had the same feeling my fire company had, we were all happy to see one of OUR trucks roll back into town never to leave again, to be ours forever.