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Posts posted by jloftus

  1. :rolleyes:

    Local 107 of Mt. Vernon will be putting up a new and interactive site for members and all who wish to visit.

    If anyone is willing to give up some pics we dont have, we'll take them.

    We hope you guys come by and visit, and I'm sure you'll let me know what is needed, go for it.

    Thank You EMTBravo for us being able to get the word out. This is why this sit is so good.


    This site should be up in a day or two, it will grow as time goes on.



  2. I attended some of the Westchester 2000 meetings and after carefull thought all I could think of is the fighting over who's gonna be the big Chief.

    It seemed to me that no city in the end would be willing to go all the way with it. And Yonkers was there ONLY to help so they werent going with the program so I knew this is not going to fly.

    Sad but true the FD is always gonna be a red-headed step child.

    Were still using a Mutual Aid system set up in the 40's , most cant communicate. And we dont even drill together, but yet ask for instant help on a constant bases.

  3. smile.gif

    Mount Vernon is thinking about holding a tournament in May at Hannas Resort in the catskills. We go there every year and have a great time and ya cant beat the price.

    Normally 1-nite

    unlimited golf on day one w/ cart

    18- the second

    Full dinner and breakfest

    Last years price 145.00 a player

    If we can get a couple of Departments to send there best 4 players we can raise money for the burn center or another cause. Or just have a great time and tell lies.

    I know its early but if the response is there, then work will need to be done, like format, reservations of how many and such.

    Let me know what you think.

    Thanks Jim

  4. I cant even think why this topic should go anywhere,

    1: we all have a right to make a living

    2: do we know the circumstances that the OT is availble

    3: Manning most likely has a play in this

    4: No professional firefighter makes enough for what this job takes.

    5: when we get killed tell the family how well off they were. mad.gif

    Remember 343 Always

  5. The one thing missing is proper manning, when you can act as a company there's better accountabilty, one's task is more focused , and less free-lansing, a term I dislike as its easy to blame a guy for drifting but any number of dept's force this on you because manning is below safe levels and your task can change quickly becasue of a lack of. CFR for all dept's should be a given, but to really reduce LODD look first at what you start with each day.

    Happy New Year to all and be safe.

  6. Tough subject, we all want to provide for our famalies, I think as long as your on site and not takiing away from others its okay.

    Almost like volys vs paid , are they taking jobs we can fill , most of the time I dont think so.

    Gonna be both sides of the fence on this one, everybody right, everybody wrong. Important point is , is a American doing the job.

  7. Ladder 1 Seagrave tower 2006 in service

    Ladder 2 seagrave 100' rearmount 1998 not in service

    Ladder 3 E-one 100 rearmount 1989 not in service

    Ladder 4 Mack Tower 1980 listed as 72 my error in service

    And yes this is a safety issue and the union stand has been ( none ),

    it appears until someone gets hurt then all will have something to say:

    Union : We tried to tell them

    City : We couldnt afford to fix it

    Members: I just do what they tell us

    and so forth, thats what will be said.

    Ladder 2 lost a turntable seale in Oct. of 2005 at the training center, after fixing the seal a number of other problems were found including the fact it failed the test.

    Tip crack about 4 feet down stick

    Chassis bolts broken

    Hyd line twisted heating system

    These are the current issues with Ladder2 waiting to get repaired.

  8. Well last week I appealed to you guys on helping us get our Seagrave rearmount fixed. It seems my post pointed to Excelsior as the problem, only in they cant get that truck in as there as he's loaded with work. We understand that, but this Mack Tower is going on a wing and a prayer. Our other rear mount just came back from Nichlos and as soon as it was set up , Bang hydrolic fluid all over the place, so now we cant use that thing , so the new Tower cant go to sta 1 and give the Mack a rest.

    Meanwhile our seagrave is sitting around , rusting away at sta 3, we know the city is the problem but at this point all we care about is getting ladder 2 fixed.

    Its not only Mt. Vernon's problem but that Mack is going on MA, to other cities and that should concern others. Might seem like a old song but if you were us you would try anything. Having an I dont care approach is easy, getting things done is not, were tired of being second class as we have some of the best firefighters around ( no offense to others ) and working like this is crazy.

    Tell someone who cares.

    Happy Holidays

  9. smile.gif

    No problem , done deal

    The importance of this topic is what matters and I should not have taken anything personel.

    I thank you for your support and wish all a Happy Holiday.

    As for the board jumping in , they realize the passion of the post and let it take care of itself and I thank them as well.