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Posts posted by jloftus

  1. I'll try to be as accurate as possible;

    Right now we have three issues with the rig

    Broken Chassis bolts

    tip of stick about 4 feet down has crack

    return line of hyd. system is twisted causing heating problems in system. Been replaced a couple of times.

    We need them to take this rig ASAP

    And for Seagrave It appears no warranty issue???????

    Thanks and Happy Holidays to you and your family

  2. unsure.gif

    I'm reaching out here for help on a issue that needs addressing:

    If anyone has any juice with Excelsior please read carefully:

    We have been using on the line a 1972 Mack 75ft. Tower for some 14 months now and our 1998 ( I think ) 100ft. Seagrave has been sitting around collecting dust,since a turntable seal let loose in Oct. of 2005 at the training center.

    Now lets compare: 1972

    Nixon was President

    Gas Prices - low of 40.4 cents per gallon

    Bob Newhart Show #1

    Number 5 on the hit charts: candyman: Sammy Davis Jr. ( R.I.P)

    I was 14 years old ( God I'm old )

    We need this rig back in service as winter is coming and for our Safety.

    The people of Mt. Vernon deserve better and no fault by the adminastration this issue needs resolve.

    I ask if anybody out there doing this job is using a 1972 rig on the line anywhere in N.Y. state.

    I ask that you guys give Excelsior a call and help us get this needed rig back in service.



  3. Guys your right on target

    I just love this job and all I have the honor of working with.

    When I air out a topic its because one day I dont want read how we lost 4 guys.

    I hope that one day we can figure out how to address these issues.

    I beleave this forum is a place to start. you have such a powerfull tool here so you must realize why I would use it as such.

    But I also dont want to be a distraction for other topics.

    Thanks again for all your good work

  4. Once again New Rochelle is thinking of their future and the safety of their firefighters. I applaud Doc for taking this fine Dept. another step forward, also thank them for their constant MA in the city of Mt. Vernon.

    I hope at some point they realize that this manpower increase is gonna benefit Mt. Vernon, as our dept. has decided this fed money does not work for us.

    They would have to increase the city charter number and they just can't do it, as that would be a responsible move. And why should you, we have New Rochelle at our disposal.

  5. Hey scott whats up??

    Your Dad did his awsome job like always, he just loves this job , as old as he is. ( Dont tell him I said that or he'll light the dorm up again)

    Trust me on that

    Guys on second floor had to exit stage left, or butts woulda been burned. out windows they went.

    We just keep getting lucky that no one gets hurt bad , with the deal we gotta work with.

    Take care

  6. the origanal call was for a investagation of smoke for engine 4 then filled out assingment.

    I gotta ask the board here , is mount vernon being blocked out ,cause Ive been trying to post and have gotten blown out numerous times??

    I was called in because of my past post and they were taken to the law dept. with the city, should this be true I would like to know.

    I could be all wrong on this but I dont put anything past the city because of their lets not make noise attitude, this way everything is okay.

  7. Rangel is without a doubt the biggest disgrace in Congress.

    If you listen to him long enough anybody with a clue knows his agenda.

    Charlie has no respect for the office of the President, one can make a point and still show some respect for another person , chuckles doesnt have a clue.

    And best of all, he represents the district I work, big ,big disgrace.

  8. Seth

    Being successful is hard work and I thank you for your efforts, I'm not sure what this is all about but I can tell you the guys from FDMV got your back.

    We have a real platform to get our message out on and have it read by both Voly's and Pro's, and both have given us positive feedback, so we couldnt have done this without this site.

    Get healthy, and do what is best for you, but I thank you for providing us with a real site that covers many and important issues.


  9. sad.gif

    Today I learned I had used some of Ned's pic's for the FDMV tribute video, first I did that video on the fly and wasnt thinking.

    I have used this great resource here as a tool to get out our message at work and help better our job and having this site is a awsome way of communicating with others that can help.

    That said : I apoligize to Ned and EMTbravo as well as all members and you can trust I wont make this mistake again.

    I hope others read this post and understand that this is about the great work these guys do everyday for us and should not be abused, its not about the copyright its about respect.


    Not to bright


  10. New Rochelle should be commened for there realistic and progressive thinking, the biggest problem with these jobs is just getting to the floor without your nozzle team being wipe out by the climb. ( up the stairway ).

    Add searches , venting a real problem with high rise , and accountabilty.

    I noticed Mount Vernon was not mentioned which makes sense since were going backwards with a " when and if it happens attitude " .

    2006 and a 1960's attitude:

    New Rochelle is becoming a department that is growing with there infrastructure and the needs of there members. Safety.

    I wish them well.

  11. biggrin.gif

    Scott how are ya??

    I met you a couple a times when you came up so I know who you are.

    More important your dad is a first class ( old school ) firefighter and i was lucky enough to be a probie working for him some time ago. Todays guys dont understand the bottom line is in the building.

    Thanks for dropping a line and yes 1 truck in service for 2 days and today we caught a job ( small ) on Wildwood. Attic job.

    New Rochelle in sta 3 before 4 th. engine on scene. I dont understand how long other cities will keep this cover for Mt. Vernon up but lucky them.