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Posts posted by nyemt131411

  1. So, i'e read thru the siren thread going on - LOTS of different opinion and reason, all legit. My question is, what about lights? I've been browsing all the recent parade photo's ((Thanks to all for those!)), and it seems that there is no rhyme or reason to it. some parades no, some yes, and I belive it was the Mamaroneck pix where some were both on and off. Sorry - parade rules are not my thing, so if anybody can clue me in....

    Personally, i'm for alot of lights - makes for good fun. Sirens - cool within reason, but if a rig had to break the line for a run (or whatever)...well let's just say it's like that Honda sitting in the WalMart parking lot with the alarm going off - do you really take notice, or just keep going by....

    (NOTE: As for "the street", you can never have enough. I've come up behind people at times where, if I had the sun attached to the grill, they still wouldn't see us!!)

  2. Just FYI that is a Clark County FD rig not a LVFD rig, their trucks are amostly all red now, used to be white.  Clark County has always ran yellow and with a blue stripe scheme for quite some time now.  Just a helpful FYI :)

    i know, i know...i actually meant Las Vegas a in location. I figured if I said Clark County, nobody would know where the hell i was! good catch though.....so your color knowledge expands way out to the wild wild west, huh??

    Thanks again for your message....service is tomorrow - that should be fun...... :(

  3. I posted this before in the other topic about flags on trucks thread.


    This is the link to the American Legion about the Flad Code.  Though we love to display it prrodly in many depictions, we have to remember the rules.  Other countries have the same code for thier flags as well and should be followed.

    Though this would be good for the topic to have the link here as well.


    If it's a mattter of pissing some people off by flying a flag on the back of MY truck, well then i guess i wont do it. FYI - last July 4th i had a couple flying on the sides om my old truck - came out of the grocery - - gone. I'm sure stealing a flag is against the rules somewhere too, huh?

    SORRY I had to run out so quick on my thought yesterday...my brother( in law) was in the ICU

    yesterday and I had to go meet my family - he passed away last night....

    god bless and stay safe


  4. Just checked out the "Flag rules". I never knew there were SO many rules regarding the flag. I try and stick to the usual ones everybody knows (directions, flying, dropping), but there are some we all "break". I coach my son's football team - i put flag decals on the back of all the helmets. (just like the NFL....nobody yells at them, do they? :huh:

    Everybody has (and is welcome to) their own opinion, if you will, regarding flags and their use. I personally think the flying of large flags on the back of rigs is a huge display of patriotism, but yes, sucure the hell out of it so it's not attached to MY windsheild wipers later! :D I know this has been said alot before, but i couldn't agree more - unfortunately, 9/11 brought out alot of the "bandwagon patriots, just cuz it looked cool. (I AM NOT QUESTIONING ANYONE"S PATRIOTISM BYTHAT, just to be clear). The flag should be flying Memorial day, July 4th, a Thursday afternoon in October, whatever...it shouldn't matter.

    Sorry -something just came up - I gotta jam.....later

  5. I clocked a bike at 152 MPH the other day, Taconic N/B in Yorktown. Fastest I've ever seen it read...

    Was this near 202?

    Going North as you pass 202, near the N/B ramp used to be real dangerous to merge on ...is it still that way? That would suck coming over that hill and............

    That is one dangerous road to begin with without adding some nut job to the plan!

  6. Some seek to save old Mahopac firehouse



    (Original publication: June 9, 2006)

    just a few thoughts on this. . . .

    MAHOPAC — Some residents want to preserve the soon-to-be-razed Mahopac firehouse at Croton Falls Road and Route 6 for community use, possibly by senior citizens.

    The 1950s-era, two-story brick building is a recognizable landmark. . . .An eagle on an weather vane still spins atop the roof. First off - i hope this is getting saved - that and the ring in front are two things that i'm sure alot of people relate to that building.

    Mahopac resident Jerry Ravnitzky said it might make sense to use the money set aside for demolition to remodel the structure. Doing this for a living I can say - it take alot less to demo a building, than it wouild to renovate and repair 50+ years of wear and tear (NOT to say MFD hasn't kept up the building - just a construction viewpoint!)

    After considering renovations to the firehouse, fire commissioners determined that a new headquarters was needed to house the taller vehicles that do not fit inside any of the current four bays.. . . They also said that relocating the firehouse to the site's rear portion would open up crucial space needed to maneuver 47-foot firetrucks, which might preclude leaving the original building where it is.

    "When you save a building, you have to maintain it," she said. "I wish they were putting up a smaller new building. This one is overbuilt like much of Mahopac. But I think keeping the old one would add an additional expense that most of us can't take on." I'm sure it's not "overbuilt". new buildings have new technology, new needs, new designs, and most of all, more new space to put the rigs that god forbid, may come to her rescue someday. Everything changes - some good, some bad. New firehouses - almost requirement these days, since many have been around for a long, long time. Look at Ossining's new house - I practically grew up in the old one, and I'mpretty sure i'm right to say that was long overdue for an upgrade. I bet the "new" Rescue 14 was pretty tight in the old house.....

    Again, just my humble opinion on all - No disrespect intended to ANYONE! :D

  7. nyemt you just summed up my point.

    I am not saying the bikers are right for riding the lines but what sick individual would purposely block a 400- 700 lb, 2 wheeled, non protected vehicle from going thru??????

    ...i agree notice i said "others block them"! I've cleaned up enough bike accidents in my time... :( on the breakdown lane part - yes i would block a CAR, because out here if there is the slightest traffic, everybody thinks that turns into a traffic lane.........right up until they get up to the cos sitting on the shoulder in front of them!! :lol::lol::D

  8. If i've ever noticed anything.. The motorcycle accidents i have worked have all been dumba** bikers speeding or driving intoxicated not to mention all the jerkoffs that have weaved between myself and another car and have almost crashed!!!

    Well, here in the capital of "no turn signals", i probably see one or two a week, that, in traffic, just fly down the lines, between the lanes. Usually if they are seen coming, someone will block them back. you gotta be out of your mind to run down the lines like that......road kill comes to mind. Hopefully, i hope i don't see the day where one is flying thru the air past me...

  9. :blink:

    Are you using Limewire for your music? If so delete it imediatly. People put viruses behind songs that are popular.

    had limewire on my pc - (this is thinkpad) - Before I had to sweep the entire computer clean, and reload EVERYTHING from scratch, i found over 800 :o:o viruses, or programs running things in the background that I couldn't normally see, that attached itself to every damn thing. Not bashing limewire, cuz it is cool, but definitely not worth the hassle. Everybody i asked, including the repair person i brought in - first question - where does your music come from?

    just my 2c.......

    btw, any other good music sites recommended? B):D

  10. Hudson Valley Firemen's Association

    June 15, 2006 – June 17, 2006

    Six Flags Great Escape Lodge & Indoor Waterpark

    1172 Rte 9





    2006 Hudson Valley Volunteer Firemen's Convention & parade.

    Wednesday June 14th, 2006

    1:00 PM Board of Directors Meeting

    Thursday June 15th, 2006

    8:00 AM Registration Opens

    9:00 AM Convention Opens Meeting

    10:00 AM Auxiliary Meeting Starts

    12:00 PM Lunch

    1:00 PM Convention 2nd Session Meeting

    5:00 PM Red Vest Outing at Elks Lodge

                Blue Vest Outing at VFW Post 6196

    Friday June 16th, 2006

    8:00 AM Registration Opens

    9:00 AM Convention 3rd Session Meeting

    1:00 PM Convention Meeting Ends

    5:00 PM Forming of Mardi Gras Parade

    7:00 PM Mardi Gras Parade Starts

    8:00 PM Live Music at The Elks Lodge

    Saturday June 17th, 2006

    11:00 AM Forming of Dress Parade

    1:00 PM Dress Parade Starts

    6:00 PM Great Escape Opens

    7:00 PM Live Music Till 10:00 PM

    9:30 PM Fireworks

    10:00 PM Awarding of Trophies

    anybody on here a "blue vest"?? my dad was - got one of his plaques on the wall behind me. Used to have alot of fun with it! ((Royal Order of the Nut Busters is actually on the patch!))

  11. I happened to be in Nevada for the show last year. I only had the exhibit pass, although one of the lectures was open - Brunaci (sp?) and the Phoenix on-deck principal. I was underwhelmed with the exhibits (maybe because the exhibit hall is so damn big). Personally, I'm in no hurry to go back. I'd prefer Lake George.  :P

    Of course your mileage may vary  :D

    I might be able to break away from work to check it out, considering it's about 3 miles from my office! that worked out good, huh?----entrance costs, requirements, anyone?

  12. Ethanol pumps are starting to pop up all over Vegas lately. Not to sound like a bone head, but what is the deal with it. It's a little cheaper, but it's only 85 octane where i've seen it. Is this good, considering it's only about 8-10 cents cheaper than 89? Then again, 10 cents a gallon in a thirsty new Ram wouldn't be a bad thing......