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Everything posted by CFD320

  1. So is there any attack line other than the crosslays?
  2. just wondering how you will keep the voting fair?
  3. "I was in there doin it" Unrealistic, Yes. Much better flick, Yes.
  4. You just summed up politics in four sentences. I neglected to say American Capitalism not text book capitalism: An economic system in which the means of production and distribution are privately or corporately owned and development is proportionate to the accumulation and reinvestment (paying people off) of profits gained (soft money) in a free market (only exists in a utopia). I'm not saying its right, just that it is most likely the case.
  5. The gym idea is great, and firefighter fitness should not be overlooked. The problem with the idea is that if you have a centralized gym is, (assume Valhalla) if you go with a buddy from the FD, you just took 2 firefighters out of you district. If the FD has space for a fitness room, with some research, a very well equipped fitness room can be purchased for under $5,000. My company used to pay for a fitness club membership for active members, when the cost exceeded $400 a year per member we bought our own equipment. FD's all over the place spend 5k on much more frivolous things than a fitness room that lasts forever.
  6. I would bet my bottom dollar that there are some UFA official(s) in Morning Pride's pocket (thats capitalism, a concept the economy of this country was built on). This is a huge contract, if Globe and Lion want an invite to the party they better buck up.....or shut up.
  7. My deepest condolences.......... A sad day for the family, Washington Engine, and the Croton Fire Department.
  8. CHRIS I thought you chimed in because you are used to wearing the blue helmet while riding the short bus.
  9. My grandfather is retired from Hartsdale, can I borrow that some time to get rid of my pesky cable filter?? (Just kidding)
  10. I carry 25' of 8mm rope, 2 aluminum snap lock carabineers, and 15' of tubular webbing. Used for multiple purposes including bailout, and extending coverage off of a main search line etc. The whole package is very light and not bulky. Fits in the front right pocket of my turnout coat and weighs maybe a pound. I also have a gemtor harness buy rarely wear it. As for the incident in the Bronx, I was told by an FDNY firefighter 1 guy had enough time to come out on a rope, but his anchor point (some sort of cable or wire) gave way 10 feet below the window. I was lead to believe that all the R3 guys carry bailout ropes and wear gemtor harness'.
  11. I thing 7 days is standard unless it is ordered by congress to be longer. eg. When Regan died the flag at the white house flew at half mast for 30 days. Bunting is the same deal.
  12. 1237 "Check and advise K"
  13. I have used Mozilla Firefox for a couple of months now (after my ie want bat$hit from spywear). Very few popups and it seems to be immune to spywear.
  14. Buffing is the only way to keep your skills sharp......Disclaimer: I do not condone the art of buffing. DMA is the Pablo Picasso of buffing, he is the man-child of R-585 (Da Vinci) and 119-2 (Van-Gogh). When you learn from the originators of the art, you are bound to be an unstoppable force. Anyone who knows these guys will see the humor in this. To all others, my apologies……..
  15. IS CO referring to his brother in-law and Dave fighting over the nozzle, while they are buffing together??
  16. First, make sure every member of your team can search a 10x12 room with furnature in it, without missing closets, identifying windows and not missing the dummy. In total darkness, with no light, in a minuet. Sounds very easy but most can't do it.........
  17. I have to be careful with pics of her. Other apparatus get very self conscious when compared to her. Pics of 118 is hardcore buff p***, some guys will never be able to look at their trucks the same way.
  18. Guys, make another avtar for god sakes. #-o
  19. 1509 calls 223,483 sets of tones lol...... Damn, I wish we had that many runs
  20. Not sure somthing to do with b52 Bomer I think, I have a freind who works there I will ask.
  21. E52/L52 in the Bronx recently went to "Double Trouble"
  22. Yes, 118 has headsets for engineer, officer, and pump panel. No intercom abilities though.
  23. As an officer, it seems to me giving assignments to individual crew member’s enroute to incidents would be easier. I have never used an intercom system, since my engine is not equipped with one. I think the design of the cab makes a big difference when deciding if an intercom would be beneficial.
  24. Don't you guys know Dave is a firefighting Ninja? I have family down there dave if you need an adress I got you covered.