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Posts posted by tunaFish

  1. two words "Man Tears"

    it was the best episode i have ever seen. For ones it seem like a family got it that REALLY deserved it.


    Every family that gets to be on Extreme makeover Really Deserves it. It is a long and complicated process. They check everything out from W2's on. Check out the application that is involved. You can fill out one for yourself and don't have to be nominated by anyone. Nothing in this world comes easy. Its just that theirs came a little faster... :D

  2.   I was into scanners a few years back.  It was a Radio Shack handheld and was really nice.  Of course I am just a listener.

    I order to have one in your car, don't you have to be "authorized" meaning, being in the "field: of medics, firefighters etc?  I was told years ago, you couldn't carry them around in your car.  Has this changed??  Thanks.  I'd appreciate knowing.


    Buy a scanner is not as easy as it was say 10 to 20 years ago since there are so many features.

    There are several brands that ar really good but I would stick with Uniden line over Radio Shack though both are good.

    Now you have to decide if you want a base, a mobile / bas or a hand held unit.  Base are bulky, base / mobiles are good and can be temporarily or permenantly mounted in a car and brought inside, handhelds you can use any where.

    Now what do you listen to?????  Just low band, high band UHF?  do you listen to 800, milcom, air frequencies, marine frequencies, railroad?  What about trucking systems and APCO 25 digital systems???  Choices, choices choices!!!!  First decide what your area has for current frequencies and also plan for the future as well.  Conventional scanners have 10 to 12 bands. 

    When you start getting into the trunking scanners the price goes way up. As well as the new 700 MHZ band.

    There are plenty of scanner and radio websites out there to read up on some stuff that do not get technical.  Even go to SCANNINGUSA.COM whihc is a monthly publication for some ideas.

  3. I enjoy a nice bagel in the morning....and I have my favorite spots...

    New York Bagel in Kisco (not a plug for jybeho's parental unit...the bagels ARE good)

    Somers Hot Bagel

    H&H Bagel in NYC.

    Anybody got any other good places to round up a bagel in the AM?

  4. I enjoy a nice bagel in the morning....and I have my favorite spots...

    New York Bagel in Kisco (not a plug for jybeho's parental unit...the bagels ARE good)

    Somers Hot Bagel

    H&H Bagel in NYC.

    Anybody got any other good places to round up a bagel in the AM?

  5. It is sad when someone so young dies in a manner such as this. Nobody in the press bothers to ask where the parents were. As is becoming more and more common in this "Don't blame me", "Sue everyone" society. Hush money will probably, and unfortunately have to be paid by the county to compensate the family.

    As for my feelings about the press, I think I have vented my thoughts on News 12, especially after a fatal third alarm I took in a number of years ago in the Bronx, or for the funeral of FF Lynch of 32 Truck in '02. Most of them know very little, or don't care to learn about what goes on at a fire/emergency scene, and they rarely do their homework when it comes to unit numbers or names of departments. True enough if it bleeds it leads, but at least know what you're talking about before you get in front of that camera.

    Bottom line, give your kids a hug and a kiss today and keep an eye on them.

  6. Don't be so quick to place the blame on the mother not being there. The ride allows people to go on based on height. Yeah thats no indicator of maturity or the ability to be left alone, but most people assume that thier kid will be safe on a ride. The Old Mill is a "tunnel of love" style ride. A mother that doesn't go on the ride would not be able to see thier child when they are on the ride. <br>What I wonder tho is why did it take the mother 20 minutes to realize that thier kid was missing?

    Problem of course is that the blame will fall on the park and lawsuits will fly, and in the end, regardless of outcome, the park will suffer some sort of damage either to reputation and/or to wallet.

    As with last year's incident, it will probably come to light that the kid was doing something they shouldn't have, most likely stood up when he should not have, or tried to get out of the ride. Common sense would dictate that you don't standup or try to get out of the ride while it's in motion, even if it is a slow ride. Unfortunatly it seems like kids aren't raised with much common sense these days.