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Posts posted by tunaFish

  1. well said, although Christians don't use rosary beads, that's the Catholics :rolleyes:

    Okay, I lived most of my childhood in the Bronx. I lived next to a private house which there were Orthodox Jews and a school for the children.

    I myself have never seen or heard of a Tefillin. I can see how it would raise eyebrows in an airport terminal.

    I can't imagine having personnel of airlines being trained in all religious cultures and to know what to look for. I don't think this is being insensitive. Perhaps, the members of the young man's community ( rabbi) should have spoken to the religious group in light of everything that is going on and let them know what could happen while wearing this in public, mostly in air travel. This way, people would be better informed and perhaps the young man could have told the person at the ticket counter, what he was wearing and why and word would have been passed along.

    While no one should be prevented from saying their prayers in a public place, perhaps this all could have been avoided.

    On another note, concerning Rosary beads, MANY religions use Prayer beads, such as Muslims, Anglicans, Hindus and people of Buddhism or Judaism faiths. Re:http://www.newsfinder.org/site/more/prayer_beads/

    Just a tid bit of info.

  2. 64FFMJK YOU HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD BRO! The problem again comes back to parental responsibility, regardless of what grade these students are in, you cant honestly expect a child to constantly think ahead about how their actions will impact their lives or to say hey thats not a good idea, or somethings not right here maybe i should say something to someone. PARENTAL RESPONSIBILITY!! It is up to the parents to THINK FOR the children. That after all is the point of PARENTING, to raise a Well rounded and productive member of society. I understand that they have many outside influences, like TV, and Music, not to mention that celebrities send the completely wrong message. However, again it all comes back to good parenting, i watched and listened to the same tv shows as the "trouble makers" in my school did, i listened to eminem talk about killing people and commiting suicide, however my parents made it abundantly clear that they were not the norm in society and 90% probably more, but 90% for arguments sake of what you see and hear is just for show, and not actually something they did or want you to do.

    Regardless, there is a responsibility on the parents end to guide their children in the right direction and make it clear to them that unlike in tv and music, when you kill someone, you dont get out of jail when the song or episode is over.

    I really do wonder where the parents are and what is going throught some of their heads.

    V85 makes a goood point also, the ones who do have the foresight to think and decide to stay home are the ones who were never a threat to anyone to begin with.


  3. I'm all for the American resources helping with the rescue effort, BUT dont we have enough problems on American soil like the price of Diesel and housing and dont forget bailing out the Auto industry "cause that worked?". What has Hati done here in this country what provide wicker baskets. Put the shoe on the other foot, What would they do for America??. Dont wait for your bailout systems cause spending One Hundred million is more important helping ANOTHER COUNTRY AND NOT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AGAIN.



    OMG, Whoa..."Glad to be an American, where at least I know I'm free..." Read the lyrics. Sheeesh

  4. There's also Doctors without boarders. My wife and I know 2 who have been in Haiti for some time now. Close to a year each. We did get a message that they were OK, most of their equipment was destroyed as well as most medication etc. they had there.


    I read on the internet about Doctors Without Borders. It did mention most of their stuff was destroyed. They're expecting back up's with tents to do surgery, treat patients, have medical supplies and water there.

    Great we have these kinds of people to help out. We( the U.S.)also have several ships going there as well and should arrive tomorrow.

    Let's not forget these people and of course their families over here! :(


  5. First off, do you have a cable modem already? If not, Cablevision will have to install one so you have the internet access. From there you have the option to build a wireless network with a router (Linksys and Netgear are good manufacturers) from Staples, BestBuy, CompUSA or somewhere similar?

    Yeah we have the cable modem downstairs. That computer has had Optonline for a couple of years. I am upstairs and want to put my AOL dialup, on the antique shelf. It takes forever to do anything.

    Thanks for your help. Greatly appreciated!!!!!!!!

  6. You will definitely need a router to connect multiple computers to the cable modem.

    It can be hardwired, where you physically connect a CAT5 ethernet cable to your computer from the router, or you can go wireless. The difficulty of running a cable will make your choices easier. Direct wired is best. You will need a RJ45 ethernet network connector in your computer, unless it already does.

    Ethernet adapter: http://www.staples.c...DP1804:CL141707

    Turn everything off, and Install the router, connect all cables, Restart the cablemodem and wait until all lights are steady then power up the router. After the router stabilizes then turn on your computers.

    To connect wirelessly you will need a wireless router and a suitable wireless adapter on your computer, most newer laptops already have the adapter built-in.

    USB Adapter: http://www.staples.c...8?cmArea=SEARCH

    Router: http://www.staples.c...6?cmArea=SEARCH

    If you want faster wireless speeds upgrade to a wireless N adapter.

  7. Okay, I need someone who knows about this sort of thing. I have cablevision in my house ( several hookups.)

    I let someone in the house have Optonline, no phone...just the normal cableservice, they hooked up the wire etc, that cablevision gave them.

    I am on another level and want to get the same thing instead of dialup. I was told I could get my own router and some how or another hook it up so I can get high speed internet access. Question...What exactly do I buy and where from(radio shack?) and...how do I begin to hook this up? I was told a wireless router, but can we still be on the different computers at the same time? Again, we are not using their phone service, just the cable t.v. end of it. Anyone know what to do?????

    Thanks :-)

  8. That's very kind of you! It's nice to also note, that while many of the service people on board were in their twenties, many had asked to be stationed aboard the ship (is stationed the right word?) because they are(were) from N.Y.

    I wish you well in a very nice tribute that you have undertaken.

    Good luck. :rolleyes :)

  9. This should be a GOOD TIME!

    The EMTBravo Staff hopes to see some new faces.

    Okay, while I am not poking fun.. I just find it interesting on the locaton of the restaurant. The Deli is White Plains, One service station is Eastview,the other White Plains. The restaurant is in Elmsford, the pizza place is in White Plains. The bank is in White Plains.

    I am trying to find out where I am...

    All kidding aside, I couldn't go, but hey, who says you can't be in two places at one time?

    Happy holidays! :D

  10. Well, for a plain Jane like me, I am retired and have a Boost Mobile pay as you go.

    I've never had any problems with the phone or service. No contract, no bills, just "pay as you go." I've used it out of state as far as six hours away, with no problems. Nothing fancy, no whistles or bells, but good to travel with and easy to re-up for more time.

    Of course, I am just an old tuna, in a sea of big fish LOL.

  11. If any of you go hunting...you know that the hunting licenses have gone up as well. To raise revenue. Senior citizen licenses are now for ages 70 and older. A senior is not a senior unless they are 70 years old to go hunting in NY. All of the hunting requirements, prices have changed as well.

    Are there a lot of seniors age 70 who go hunting?

    I think this license plate thingy is still being thought about. Anybody for getting a bicycle? OMG :blink:

  12. Governor backs off new license plate plan

    November 15, 2009

    ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — The rallying cry of "no new plates" has apparently reached the ears of New York’s top elected officials.

    Gov. David Paterson said on Sunday that he would drop support of a plan to require vehicle owners to pay for new license plates if state legislators work with him to find other ways to generate revenue.

    The license plate plan announced last week had been expected to raise $129 by requiring vehicle owners to pay $25 to buy new plates starting next year.

    The idea was immediately met with scorn by New Yorkers across the state.

    Thousands signed an online petition at http://www.nonewplates.com to protest the plan.

    Democratic and Republican leaders of the Assembly say they will work to repeal the measure passed in April.

    Many media reports say many things. I think it's gonna be a squash!

    They are soooo very ugly...Like the ones back in the '50's...many, many moons ago LOL.

  13. The injectable form of the H1N1 is the inert form. The spray is the live virus vaccine.

    I have received both and as always everything is fine. Rarely will you get a reaction or some minor flu symptoms with the injectable form because it is a non-live form of the virus to assist with immunity.

    I have gotten the flu shot every year for 18 years now and have not gotten the flu in that time span. Prior to that I gotten several times as a resistant teenager. I bet many of you took up the opportunity when coming into our business to get the Hepatitis B vaccine and you will get exposed to the flu tons more times then Hep B. Have a dog? You take them yearly for vaccines...they do just fine as well.

    Standard precautions are always a must and will assist with several types of illnesses, however remember that influenza is highly virulent and for those of us with direct patient care (and germ magnent kids) that the vaccine offers an additional level of protection for you. The point is I don't want to get sick and have to stay home. I know what I'm doing to protect myself from getting any of the flu types...however not everyone is taking the same precautions and actions I am and I am not putting my health in their hands. I also have young children to go home to that I do not want to risk getting ill either.

    Get the vaccine....its better to have it and takes 2 seconds. Every wonder why we have not ever had a pandemic like that of the early 1900's? The vaccines you got as a kid have more risks for bigger problems and (most) of you seem to have turned out fine. You don't have measles, mumps, rubella, smallpox, polio, diptheria, pertusses and tetnus. I have also in my military travels received the anthrax, typhoid (live virus vaccine and you do get symptoms) and plague.

    Its always a personal choice, but one I believe is important and highly recommend to my family and co-workers. I also had my children vaccinated with both and they are fine and did so nearly 2 months ago.

    Thanks so much for the information.

    Now, if I could only find somewhere that is giving the regular flu shot. The Board of Health cancelled many of the places, including two senior centers in Mt. Pleasant. Sheesh <_<

  14. Hey anybody see the lohud article about Joe Girardi, he wins the game, then stops to help at an accident...real stand up guy!

    Yeah, one good guy. I understand the woman was in the opposite direction than what he was going, and he crossed over the lanes of traffic to go to her aid. A true HERO! Way to go YANKEES! :)

  15. I can't believe that I have actually read what you said. To compare the explorer program to a program like the Hitler Youth is jaw-dropping, ignorant, and factually inaccurate. First off 1984 by George Orwell is FICTION.... DO NOT ATTEMPT TO COMPARE FACTS TO FICTION!!! You are apparently educated enough to make an argument but not enough to support it with facts!

    Second, our country has a distinguished history of young people, who if they believe that a certain profession is what they want to do in life, participate in programs that give them an insight of that profession. This can be seen in the 4H club and last I checked, Farmers were not considered terrifying.

    I hope that as your education progresses, you will read books that will show you both sides of the fence. This includes history, politics and yes law enforcement.

    That being said, congrats to the WCPD explorers and for that matter all explorers that may or may not pursue a career in the law enforcement field. I personally thank you for your interest and I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.

    Good for you! for answering that post!! That was a very disturbing post to say the least. :unsure:

  16. Sounds to me like the Hitler Youth, 1984 by George Orwell and Khmer Rouge procreated and this is the result. If you are telling me that a 15 year old in an explorer program can be part of an enforcement detail that is insane. That sort of activity by a minor is that of a police state and brutal dictators. These programs have existed before, in the examples I have listed above and look how all of those examples turned out. This is terrifying to me, plain and simple.

    You are essentially having children (minors) identify and inform on their elders and parents for the benefit of the state. Something that has been tried in my examples of communist, fascist, dictatorial and ignorant governments listed above. The fact that my country allows this makes me question the direction this country is heading and its ultra right-wing, big brother constituency.

    Sheesh, what a post :-(