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Posts posted by tunaFish

  1. Tuna, I'm picking up your sarcasm. But, as M'Ave said, the fire service (nor the police service, nor any other unified "paramilitary" organization with a clearly designed chain of command) is a democracy.

    So OK fine, the flag can stay. What about the next exception? What if there were a member of that department who was of perhaps Iranian or Iraqi or Afghani or Paki decent and wanted to celebrate his or her heritage by displaying that country's flag on the front of the locker? Now the department has to rule in favor of that flag otherwise it could open itself up to litigation for being discriminative. And so it goes that since they made one exception, they may very well have to make others, which could ultimately lead to the failure of the original directive and department policy that nothing shall be displayed on the front of a member's locker.

    That's why everything means everything. Department Chiefs and Commissioners seldom make rules for the sake of making them; there's generally an underlying reason for the creation of such a directive, and in this case, it was that the department in question wanted to control what was being affixed to their property.

    Sarcasm? Not at all. I didn't think I was being sarcastic, and that was not my intent.

    I was an educator for many, many years, following many directives that I didn't personally agree with, but had to follow as well as rules and regulations that passed on to my students.

    I just posted the article as an informative piece of literature. I also understand that the decision to let the ff keep the flag will open up a can of worms.

    So, please don't feel I was being sarcastic. :unsure:

  2. Wow, what a debate I stirred up here :mellow: After carefully reading all that was submitted, it seems that everything, means everything. It also seems given what's been written here, that amble time was given for clarification as to what "everything / nothing" meant. Evidently, no member of the firehouse questioned anything about the directive. Even if that were the case, it still meant, "nothing." No, it was not about the flag, it was anything displayed.

    So, zero tolerance means, zero tolerance. I guess that's it :o


    WOW...READ post #12, The Flag Decal stays on the locker!

    God Bless America! :):D

  3. Except the issue is not about the display of the flag; it's about a member not following a department directive. He does not own that locker, and therefore has no right to affix anything to the outside. It would be a whole other issue if perhaps the locker belonged to him in that he brought it into the fire house, but such is not the case here. Quite honestly, if he had some nudie picture posted and not a flag, none of us would probably be having this discussion; but since it's a flag, it's very easy to have judgments clouded and a lack of sight into the real issue of the guy not complying with a directive to remove EVERYTHING from the front of the locker.

    Wow, what a debate I stirred up here :mellow: After carefully reading all that was submitted, it seems that everything, means everything. It also seems given what's been written here, that amble time was given for clarification as to what "everything / nothing" meant. Evidently, no member of the firehouse questioned anything about the directive. Even if that were the case, it still meant, "nothing." No, it was not about the flag, it was anything displayed.

    So, zero tolerance means, zero tolerance. I guess that's it :o


  4. This is my first post on this site. I am the senior member of Rescue1 in Yonkers FD. I would like to take this moment to THANK EVERYONE for there thoughts and prays during this tragic time here at the YFD. There are so many departments to thank for all there efforts, that I would be here all nite. But One I have to thank would be the Big guys south of us, FDNY. I was called by a friend from Rescue3 that morning, and the snowball effect started. From visting our members and there families at Jacobi Hosp with food and support. This was not a one shot deal. It went on ever day that those guys were at Jacobi. And to the FDNY training division that assisted us with the funeral detail. They are the Biggest and the Best and I hope that none of us will have to call on them again. Thanks Again POPS

    From what I've read and heard...I am not a member of any of the services, but I am sure there is a BIG thank you for all in Westchester and from ALL over the U.S. & Canada, that helped out or showed their respect for a most tragic event.

    Hat's off again to ALL! A unique group of memebers for sure!


  5. Fireman Suspended Over US Flag Decal

    (Oct. 17) -- A Pennsylvania firefighter who put an American flag sticker on the front of his locker has been suspended without pay for refusing to take the Old Glory decal down.

    James Krapf, along with nearly a dozen other Chester, Pa. firefighters, were ordered to remove personal items from the outside of their lockers -- a violation of department policy, MyFoxPhilly.com reported.

    Krapf refused to do so and the department suspended him Thursday. So far, he's the only one on forced leave.

    "I shouldn't have to remove the flag of the country I believe in. I love my country," Krapf told the Fox affiliate.

    The department directed firefighters to keep the outside of their lockers undecorated after some employees took offense to a racially-motivated cartoon posted last summer.

    Department officials told The Philadelphia Inquirer that banning any decor from lockers was the only way to prevent fighting among employees.

    "The directive says 'everything,' " Capt. John Barbato, vice president of the department's union, told the newspaper. "I never would've thought the American flag would be included in that."

    For the full story, visit MyFoxPhilly.com.com and The Philadelphia Inquirer.

    2009 AOL LLC. All Rights Reserved.

    2009-10-17 16:24:08

  6. Wow, so now we are blaming the Police, the Judges, and everyone else for idiots that drive drunk? What happened on the Taconic was horrible, it is nobody's fault but the person driving!!

    Right, it's no one's fault but the person driving....so, no one is blaming anyone. Make the laws tougher!! Then, these people might, just might, think twice. Up the fines, throw them in jail. Hit them where it hurts.

    Like another post on here, he is being hit with additional charges...GOOD! Just think, because he was driving drunk. No one was hurt, killed etc. That's the way it should be...just because they are driving drunk!

  7. :( What a shame. Living in Mt. Vernon several years ago, I often stopped at Pete's for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

    I remember his dad sitting on a stool by the cash register smiling at everyone coming and going. He was a pleasant person and it was sad when he passed on.

    The food and prices were the best. If his son still owns it, he continued his dad's legacy for a long time. I guess it's time for him now to have a break.

    Sorry to see it go. Little by little, all the good places are closing down.

    Good luck to his son, in all he does!

  8. Reading the LoHud discussion board a writer claiming to be a friend of the woman's husband stated that early reports from NYSP and the ME are that the woman may have been postictal (post seizure) and disorientated when she got on the Taconic. He eluded to the fact that she had a history of seizures in his posting. If this in fact was true it would explain alot, not realizing she was passing numerous cars buzzing past her in the opposite direction I am sure blowing horns and flashing headlights.

    Yeah, that's what I posted right before your post. Seems logical...I hope the boy in the hospital is okay. What a terrible thing.

  9. Did this accident not occur north of the 117 exit ramp. I passed the scene at aprox 3:30 pm and both of the other vehicles appeared well north of the exit ramp itself, basically between the exit ramp and the entrance ramp area. While this seemed the most logical answer that she entered at Rt 117 it does not seem plausable but I guess the NYSP AI team has their work cut out for them. Also it seems their are reports of northbound drivers, north of 117 claiming they dodged this woman driving south in the northbound lanes at a "high rate of speed and unaware of being on the wrong side of the road". If this is the case maybe the exit at Pleasantville Rd is more plausable. If you look on google earth it is a single exit ramp.

    Perhaps an illness, heart, seizure etc. Maybe not aware or even conscious. Time will tell. I feel so bad. What a horrible thing for ALL involved.

  10. You are not wrong, I agree with you. There is only an entrance to the Taconic N there at that screwy intersection. No S/B entrance, which can be frustrating and misleading for a confused driver looking to go south, home to LI.

    I can't surmise what happened in this tragedy, but perhaps she mistakenly went the wrong way on the NB exit ramp, looking to go SB.

    Yep, that's the way it looks...A witness on 12 said he saw her coming, she never swerved, or tried to avoid uncoming traffic. It will come out in due time. Prayers to ALL!!!

  11. There is no S/B entrance to the Taconic off of Bedford Road, which is a little confusing. Also, if you do a streetview with the above address, even the Google van was subjected to major sunglare.

    I was listening to 60 Control when this job was being toned out, and it gave me goosebumps.

    God bless the families of the folks involved, and of course the responders. The Hawthorne FF that was on TV was clearly shaken.

    If you re-read the post that you responded to, he said that the entrance to go NORTH on the TSP from 117 AND the exit ramp...are at the same traffic light. I think it might be easier to understand, if in fact this is what happened, that perhaps the woman went DOWN the exit ramp that was for cars coming off the TSP. There was no mention of a s/b entrance ramp.

    Correct me if I am wrong.

  12. Eight fatalities is correct. Perhaps the most horrific accident I have ever seen.

    OMG, this is so unreal and tragic.

    How does one travel at 2:00p.m. in the afternoon on a 3 lane highway and not see :( they are going in the wrong direction? This is just not to be believed. So many innocent lives and those children. Its hearbreaking.

    God bless all of you that were out there doing your jobs. You are special people.

  13. I go to school in Vermont so no matter how bad it of a winter its going to be it is still going to be balls cold everyday from Late October to Early Match and snow almost everyday and still manage to spend at least two weeks were it is -22 degrees F when you wake up and fall asleep.

    For all you suckers in this area during the winter you get school cancelled because it snowed a few inches and now the principle and superintendent dont feel like digging themselves out just remember a bad winter in the Hudson Valley is like a cool spring in the North Country.

    If it going to be as bad as they say it is then all that means is more time on the mountain boading or skiing and less time outside with your nose hairs freezing....

    With just a few hot days in July, just starting, I'm ready for some cold stuff. Summer is not my thing. Easier to warm up then to run the AC.

  14. Im looking for a walk behind with a bag.......anyone know someone or selling in let me know, thanx


    Check Craigs List. There is one on there free, but it looks so antiqued, that I don't think it would cut one blade of grass, LOL.

    Seriously, have been able to get several free itmes from Criags List. Check it out! :rolleyes:

  15. Insurance companies make me sick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get well Frankie

    Well, the article states that it was the aunt's dog and the situation has caused a rift in the family as well.

    Wouldn't the homeowner's insurance cover this? What ever "this" is. Sadly, the medical bills will be astronomical and maybe, some of the doctor's etc. could donate their services?

    My dog, was attacked while on a leash, on private property, by three pit bulls last month. Thank God, we were able to keep two at bay, while the one that went for his throat, got it's eye teeth caught in my dog's choker collar.

    Sorry, Pits to the pitbulls....The owner paid for the vet bills.

    Hope this poor boy recovers nicely. :mellow:

  16. Passing by Rosehill Shopping center, Thornwood at 10:30 p.m. Monday evening....some activity going on.

    Just wondering, as most of the stores were closed at the time. There was an ambulance etc. with a pretty empty lot.

    Just curious, being a resident. :(

  17. Cutting everywhere you look. The healthcare system, schools being cut of aid by $300.000.00 in some places. Jobs in education being cut as a result, lay-off's, they claim, but will not re-hire those let go, but rather have the jobs eliminated.

    Looking to up the retirement age so people won't won't live long enough to collect any benefits of any kind.

    It gets better & better. Try waiting to collect a NYS pension or cash in on one. The volume of requests are so high, it could take 4 to 6 months to get your money.

    The beat goes on..... :angry:

  18. I also heard Sen Byrd passed out seems like they were at the same table as the new VP and John Kerry

    I heard that he was upset by Kennedy going into a seizure. He went to his office after. That sen. is, I think, 92 years old. Bless him for continuing the job at this age.

    Mondale and 2 senators were there, the VP was at the table with the president. :o